Nov 2011 –Jan 2012 - Preview

Nov 2011 –Jan 2012 - Preview

Nov 2011 –Jan 2012 - Preview

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www.willamette.edu/arts/hfma/index.htmlNorman Lundin: Inside/OutsideHALLIE FORD MUSEUM OF ART, SALEM OR – <strong>Nov</strong> 19-Jan 22, <strong>2012</strong> This exhibition brings togethersome 30 paintings and drawings in the elegant signature style of the highly regarded artist, NormanLundin. Well-known for his subdued, often foreboding, and contemplative approach, Lundin’s interiors,still lifes and landscapes give a distinct perceptual impression of the solitary experience. The attentiongiven to immaculately renderedglass jars, tin cans and other studioobjects reflects the pensive state thatartists often deeply sink into during thecreative process. With a focus ondefining and articulating space, hisinvestigation into the characteristicsand effects of the use of light lies at thecore of Lundin’s artwork.According to Lundin, the intentionbehind his compositional elementsis to not communicate muchNorman Lundin, Still Life for A Gray Afternoon (2009), oil on canvas [Hallie FordMuseum of Art, Portland OR, <strong>Nov</strong> 19-Jan 22]emotion, but to reveal the negativespace in which each physical objectexists. In his words, “One cannot havean object without having a void” as “objects are not there to be described; they are there to explain thespace”. This summation on the treatment of atmospheric arrangements is primary in the artist’s bodyof work.Lundin is a Professor Emeritus from the University of Washington where he taught from 1964-2004. He has a long list of exhibition history and has been the recipient of numerous awards, fellowshipsand grants. His work can be found in the permanent collections of such major museums as NewYork’s Museum of Modern Art, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Fine Arts Museum of San Franciscoand the Seattle Art Museum. Allyn Cantorporate collections in Calgary, thisperiod of artistic inventiveness usheredin a rapid succession of artmovements, Abstract Expressionism,Minimalism, Pop Art, NewImage and Post-Modernism, highlightsinclude works by HenryMoore, Jules Olitski, John Chamberlain,Oscar Cahen, Toni Onley,Christian Eckart and Eric Fischl,among others; <strong>Nov</strong> 25-Dec 21Prairie Excellence: ContemporaryFine Craft in Alberta, Saskatchewanand Manitoba, unique and groundbreakingcollaborative project of theManitoba, Saskatchewan and AlbertaCraft Councils, showcases a majoroverview of new trends and directionsin applied arts, fine craft anddesign in the three prairie provinces.★ The New Gallery (TNG)Unit 212, 100 7th Ave SW✆403-233-2399www.thenewgallery.orgtues-fri 11am-5pm sat 12pm-6pm.Free admission. +15 Window, TheEpcor Centre for the Performing Arts,205 8th Ave SE. Thru <strong>Nov</strong> 12 JarodCharzewski, “Lifespan”, Charzewskiand local volunteers construct a sculpturalinstallation with second-handclothing, carefully sorted, folded andpositioned to mimic the geologicalappearance of layers of sedimentaryrock; <strong>Nov</strong> 18-Dec 17 Sean Caulfieldand Royden Mills, “Separation Point”,continue to explore themes of mutation,metamorphosis and the biological/technologicaldichotomy; Jan 5-Feb 4 Valerie LeBlanc and DanielDugas, “What We Take With Us”, twochannelvideo installation examiningwhat it is to call a place ‘home’ – andthe psychological shifts evoked by theexperience of physically repositioningoneself in the world; +15 WINDOWThru <strong>Nov</strong> 27 Shyra de Souza,“Labyrinth of the Eternal Archetype”,found decorative elements with ornateclassical forms combined to create astructure reminiscent of a baroquealtarpiece; Dec 1-Jan 29 Svava Julisson,“ etta er Esjublátt” (“This is MountEsja blue”), unique sculptural installationconstructed with various sizes andcolours of plastic cable ties, inspiredby a recent visit to Iceland.Newzones730 11th Ave SW ✆403-266-1972www.newzones.comtues-fri 10:30am-5:30pm sat 11am-5pm. Thru <strong>Nov</strong> 26 Peter Hoffer,“Plein-air (Recent Landscape)”, gesturallandscape paintings that aresealed in layers of resin pick upreflections of light and ambientimages; Rana Rochat, “New Work”,encaustic paintings aim to capture thedelicate balance between order andchaos, reason and spontaneity; Dec1-24 Deck the Walls!, salon-inspiredwall of small-to-medium-sized artworksin a wide variety of mediums;Dec 1-Jan 14 Don Pollack, “Far fromHome”, realist paintings become livingsurfaces on canvas with a serious16 PREVIEW ■ NOVEMBER/DECEMBER/JANUARY <strong>2011</strong>/12 ★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

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