literature review

literature review

literature review


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A rp.crrophoron tric nertod h4 bM cPollcd bv lo*ph d d. (4) for d€imitaiion of<br />

totd@ Th€ preg.llol vs u.d ! amplding t€!nr' Th. 8.6's law wa obev€d in rmge<br />

upto 10 !g n L dold .broddce it (e = 47t5)<br />

Kuang Lu et al (5) rcPon€d th€ daemin.tio. of copper i' Et€r usng<br />

sodiundiedyldnhiocdbomar. a, conPlexing agd The ablorption sdima Ms no1ed at 540<br />

on and dold absorltivily ws obtained 5490 nol ' cm<br />

tuchdd et al (6) havc r.pofted<br />

complqes with r-niroso-2- ..Phthol<br />

spccrrophomclnc deiminaiion of @b* 0r)<br />

solrcnr enBction nethod Dsing chlorofom<br />

SodtoDhotonclnc detmit.tion of bitmulh 6 cohplcr.s with edium<br />

dietliyldilhioabdaL ls reponcd by K L Chcng d.l {?) Th. mdinun aberPtion oflh'<br />

@npl*s in cdbo. Ltnchloridc.t l?0.n.<br />

Aub.ey d al (!) h.vc cPoned sinulrarco$ spetoPhotm.lric deEminarion ofirc' ([)<br />

and rotut ircn s @mplq6 with I, lcph.B.throlin. bv elv.ft.turction met'@d The irc([)<br />

6mpls 's . r€ddish o.dgc wirh tbeQtion mditun at 5 12 nt4 while irc'(Dl) omPlq B<br />

a<br />

*ith ab$Ation n4inun .r 196 nn. an Inirnr8 @ncdrranon for interfde@ 6v 22<br />

'€llow<br />

@tbs dd 14 dions wd d$ r.Poned<br />

Fadhil el tr (9) !.!oncd . sh.ft. for th. €pd.rion and detdtion of nmganese<br />

rchnaiun, thenium, tutn niun and holrbd.num on lh. uht. nicroscale A nunbr or<br />

connnatory Esrs for th6e el.n.nts on this sc.l. have ba.n invesdgar'd ud the '€$lts *ere<br />

tirsi er al. (lO) .epoft.l th. systemic studv of lh. extractron of l2 metals wid elutions<br />

of (s-hydroxyqui.olin€) in chlorofoft. The ctulction connd of rclal onoa6 ed sLlilnv<br />

anstdis ofmet l compl.x.s hav. c.lol.t.d<br />


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