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*nhout dy masking or Pes.P@tion Th. derhod t6 to thc ddminaion of @bat in 'Pplied dtugs ud s!.ndard alloys Sinultan@lt de&mi.ation of n.nedc&@) and zincol) in mixture usins firn ed sdnd d.rivativ. is i@od.d bv bv Has €t al (9') dd 5 8 dihv&oxv l 4 naphrhoquinonc ws used d complding agcll Thc lind rdge wG O 2s - 5 6 !g ml t o' Badsanese in lhe presn@ of o 13 -6 s mg ml'r ofzirc The delection linns were 42 ng ml ' lor Ivln and 48 ng ml I for Zn using fte i6r d.dvativ. netbod dd 12 ng ml'' for Mn dd 36 ne 6l I for zn usi.g th. fond d€riv.tiv. nethod J,l As shoM in in h.ranr€, th€ dcLmiturio. of netal ions bv onplcxarion and so.crcDhorom.tnc s.lys's oncn inlolve l€dious ed mc4o'$n'ng elv'nt e{rrcrion nep Th€se organic solvents besides bei68 toxic ar. also exPensiv' Sdrfadants - $' lurface'acl've rdgen$. howevcr ofds a vcry€nt repl.*ment ol solvedts 6 Eported bv sevqal ruthou Surfatuts @ .or onlv non'bnc bu rl$ iNxPensivc dd involve l's rin' wh'n uscd in rhe $udy of lhc detmination of mdll ions. The ue of srfacldt3 dhancd th. sdsitivitv dd el€c1ivi1y ol the syslem by i.d4sine lhe molr absoQtivitv and cnange in ed shin of vlvelen8th, rhus lowen.g lh. d.tedion lini$ .nd niniftizing inlerf.rence oaolher dalyes K..pins i. viry th. lir..atur€ ahilabl., the prest @rk wE d6igned io invcst'gate thc sEchDhorom€rnc dd.min.tion of select.d bio{ie.i6canr i.tals Mn(tr), I

Th* mctho& haw lh. advdtage lhal they can b€ applied fo' derehin'tion of bio- significad nelals ih laboarories as well s lsbor.tori.s {hjqh re not well equipped ritn $phini@tcd ir'strun€ft like Atonic lbsorpto. sP.ctros@pv, EILC dd CC A li$ oflhe orgmic lignds s @npl.xing agdts, $rfactdls sd m€tal ioN used ii the p..sem work is shom below in fte Table 2.1. s. I 2 3 5 6 3 9. - 3.1 (li8rndt, nrs ard ionr w.d in th. pns.nr3t!dy. (A.PDC) (BPR) s odiu n dodecykul phare (sD s) Polyory.thyl€nedod€ (B j-35) Polyoxy.rhyl... e.bi6n monopalnitare ( Twd 40) Cctykimdhyldmodiuh 9olyoxyethy lene sorbnan mono- C.tyl prridiniud (CPC) Sodium dod6ykulpbaE (sDs) 7l Z^ Cu Ni co, Ni Cd, Cq C0, H9 Mr, Ni Zn, Cd, LIE Mo. e d_. Ni. Mn. Pd,Ni

*nhout dy masking or Pes.P@tion Th. derhod t6 to thc ddminaion of @bat in<br />

'Pplied<br />

dtugs ud s!.ndard alloys<br />

Sinultan@lt de&mi.ation of n.nedc&@) and zincol) in mixture usins firn ed<br />

sdnd d.rivativ. is i@od.d bv bv Has €t al (9') dd 5 8 dihv&oxv l 4<br />

naphrhoquinonc ws used d complding agcll Thc lind rdge wG O 2s - 5 6 !g ml t o'<br />

Badsanese in lhe presn@ of o 13 -6 s mg ml'r ofzirc The delection linns were 42 ng ml ' lor<br />

Ivln and 48 ng ml I for Zn using fte i6r d.dvativ. netbod dd 12 ng ml'' for Mn dd 36 ne 6l I<br />

for zn usi.g th. fond d€riv.tiv. nethod<br />

J,l<br />

As shoM in in h.ranr€, th€ dcLmiturio. of netal ions bv onplcxarion and<br />

so.crcDhorom.tnc s.lys's oncn inlolve l€dious ed mc4o'$n'ng elv'nt e{rrcrion nep<br />

Th€se organic solvents besides bei68 toxic ar. also exPensiv' Sdrfadants - $' lurface'acl've<br />

rdgen$. howevcr ofds a vcry€nt repl.*ment ol solvedts 6 Eported bv sevqal<br />

ruthou Surfatuts @ .or onlv non'bnc bu rl$ iNxPensivc dd involve l's rin' wh'n uscd<br />

in rhe $udy of lhc detmination of mdll ions. The ue of srfacldt3 dhancd th. sdsitivitv<br />

dd el€c1ivi1y ol the syslem by i.d4sine lhe molr absoQtivitv and cnange in ed shin of<br />

vlvelen8th, rhus lowen.g lh. d.tedion lini$ .nd niniftizing inlerf.rence oaolher dalyes<br />

K..pins i. viry th. lir..atur€ ahilabl., the prest @rk wE d6igned io invcst'gate thc<br />

sEchDhorom€rnc dd.min.tion of select.d bio{ie.i6canr i.tals Mn(tr), I

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