literature review

literature review

literature review


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tbe simultanmus det.minalion ofzirconiun and cl[oiiun Thc nctlod has ben scc'stullv<br />

aDrlied ro ln€ demimtio. of somc rcal emples of znco.ium / chrcmium brode<br />

Ndnder el al. (90) r.Don.d specibpholodciric detmin.tion of coppe(tr) 6Ft dd<br />

se@nd derivarive speciosaPy s @mplcxca Pith r'(2'Pvtidvte!2 naphrhol (rAN) The<br />

nolu absorption coefficient ard Slndell's sennivilv ofPAN-Cu (U) @mplqes at 555 m is<br />

5 2. \ '0" mol 'cmr and I 22 ng cmi r.sp.ctidv Th. ddcdion hnr oicdu' r 4 o ng nJ<br />

Md Bee' s ,* q!' obey.d ih the tug. ofo.os _ aoo lrgmlr Copp.r @nr.nt ofr number of<br />

@m€rcially aEilable al@holic b.v@g6, biologicaland $eddd allov sampl6 was repoded<br />

Sp.chphoiometnc dd.rminsrion ofbcrylliun s comPl.xes vith 1, 4 dihvdrorv-9 lG<br />

d u()s.done in mrells m.dia ofTnton X'loO thtougn the denv.riv' spdrophorcmerP n<br />

reDorle{tbyHrlnsjanetat(tr)TheBqtlawwsob.v.dinraD8.of3.60-360nsm'the<br />

mold aleo'ivirv ud Srd.ll'i s.Niliviry w.E I 6s IOa molr cmr and o 54 ng cm: Grh<br />

deredion linir o 2l ng ml l<br />

A ndhod hd ber d.vcloDcd bY M. 1.6 d at (92) dcrmitation of non ad<br />

'or<br />

rurhdiun by en tdiv. sent dcriEtive sp.ctophotometry s @npld's vith 4 T dipn'nvl I<br />

I O oh@thrcline in rh. presnc. of.rhyl.n.glv@L Tn * conPl.x6 hw€ ben fomed al pII 4 0<br />

- 6 o npon hainA 4 9dC fo.60 min Rlthdirm and iron w* dd€min'd in lhe atg6 6 - 9 6<br />

dd 16 - i 2so ng Bl retpe.riv.ly h lhe pr.eoc. ofo.G doth.r' ft' ddeion [mns w food<br />

io be 2.9 .g /ml of rulncniun a.d 4.9 .g /d of non Th. m.rhod was applied to fi'<br />

demination of bolh s.lytes in syntbalic m'nuE<br />

cobali ws d.t.min.d spcrroPhomerncauv bv Ht Bhajan 't al (93) wirh l-tnrosez_<br />

naphlhol ws used .s .onpl.xinS lg.nt in nic.lld r.di' of Tnro' X 100 ?hobmefic<br />

Ddan t€s viz. rhd! nold absarion @.ffic.nt &d daltlical s'dilivitv ofrhe conpld's<br />

wde420 m. I 18 x 101nof' cn' 6d 2.Ot ng ml-' csp.ctiv€lv Th.Ber'3 lawwa obeved in<br />

lh.6ge ofo2o ro lo,rghl' .! pH 18, wtn d.t.d'on limn lb3 ng nn A sdd'E<br />

dd.mination of cobdlt in pr.s.nce of copp.(lD or ircn(Itr) usins dri€liv€ sp€c1rcscopv<br />


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