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G I lAPTiirt j

Cbapter-3<br />


Sw.ral spdropnobm.lric mdlDd. for $e det€rdddon bicsignifiqnt tr@ nelals in<br />

Eter dd othr mafix* 4. t.pon.d into 1h. lite.fitre Mon of thse involvc fic Ds of a<br />

sunabl. o!8!nic ligand bound wirh the d.ral ion of i.t.r6t ed tbq sP.crophoton.tric<br />

d.tminadon. Son€ of inponat publistioN .clcvaht to lhe Present @.k da<br />

$'msi4d herc ir dis Cha!t.r.<br />

HV. Meet et al (l) have rcpon€d ! speci.ophoton.ltic deremination oab€rvlliun as<br />

conplex.s wnh sulfoslicycylde Tie absoQtion nuiftun was ll7 m. Th. proedure wa<br />

d6ig..d to .c@modac thc mge ofo.oolt to 0 23 % berylliun in aluninuh ltlcif€M@ by<br />

fi€ $lfoelicycylar€ @nplq B eliminar€d by @nplsing rh. bllt oaaluninum<br />

vith ,Vrv,jY,{,1dEki}Garboxyndhyl}€thylen€dhnin€. Coppr dd'non, panioldly rhe<br />

latter, dust not be prent in more tbm kac. Mounrs The int.rf.rmces ofilon wB eliminaled<br />

by eMion wnh (2, hh 2- chloroelhyl) eln.r.<br />

Anorhcr n thod has b.en reponed by C. L. Luk d al (2) fo! spccrophoromerric<br />

der€mination of bqrllium as conpl€x wnh ahylenedieind.tE4€tic acid in 2oZ berylliun-<br />

copp€. rlloys Thioglyoli. w$ used to supp.Gs rhe iderf.r€rce of@ppd dd iror Aluoinun<br />

intdfcr€d but, beNe most of rne omd.rcial bsylliunaoppd alloys contain o.ry snrll<br />

anounts of this D€tali it was possible in sne inst.nces 10 ignor. tbe interfelenc. For accurat.<br />

work how.v.r, a no.. sp.cific m.tnod wa r..d.d.<br />

Alb.n e1 al. (3) .epon€d thc aFctopnotomdric d€tminadon of nick.l a<br />

complex.s witb erny'enediminetetr&c.1ic @id (equ*trcb.) Tte nickel was<br />

ompl€x.d. Exe$ nickel w6 renoved *i$ din€thylglyoxid. dd the scqu.stered njck.l is<br />


A rp.crrophoron tric nertod h4 bM cPollcd bv lo*ph d d. (4) for d€imitaiion of<br />

totd@ Th€ preg.llol vs u.d ! amplding t€!nr' Th. 8.6's law wa obev€d in rmge<br />

upto 10 !g n L dold .broddce it (e = 47t5)<br />

Kuang Lu et al (5) rcPon€d th€ daemin.tio. of copper i' Et€r usng<br />

sodiundiedyldnhiocdbomar. a, conPlexing agd The ablorption sdima Ms no1ed at 540<br />

on and dold absorltivily ws obtained 5490 nol ' cm<br />

tuchdd et al (6) havc r.pofted<br />

complqes with r-niroso-2- ..Phthol<br />

spccrrophomclnc deiminaiion of @b* 0r)<br />

solrcnr enBction nethod Dsing chlorofom<br />

SodtoDhotonclnc detmit.tion of bitmulh 6 cohplcr.s with edium<br />

dietliyldilhioabdaL ls reponcd by K L Chcng d.l {?) Th. mdinun aberPtion oflh'<br />

@npl*s in cdbo. Ltnchloridc.t l?0.n.<br />

Aub.ey d al (!) cPoned sinulrarco$ spetoPhotm.lric deEminarion ofirc' ([)<br />

and rotut ircn s @mplq6 with I, lcph.B.throlin. bv elv.ft.turction met'@d The irc([)<br />

6mpls 's . r€ddish o.dgc wirh tbeQtion mditun at 5 12 nt4 while irc'(Dl) omPlq B<br />

a<br />

*ith ab$Ation n4inun .r 196 nn. an Inirnr8 @ncdrranon for interfde@ 6v 22<br />

'€llow<br />

@tbs dd 14 dions wd d$ r.Poned<br />

Fadhil el tr (9) !.!oncd . sh.ft. for th. €pd.rion and detdtion of nmganese<br />

rchnaiun, thenium, tutn niun and holrbd.num on lh. uht. nicroscale A nunbr or<br />

connnatory Esrs for th6e el.n.nts on this sc.l. have ba.n invesdgar'd ud the '€$lts *ere<br />

tirsi er al. (lO) .epoft.l th. systemic studv of lh. extractron of l2 metals wid elutions<br />

of (s-hydroxyqui.olin€) in chlorofoft. The ctulction connd of rclal onoa6 ed sLlilnv<br />

anstdis ofmet l compl.x.s hav.<br />


Spcclrophotoneter detminalioa of abninun 6 complcx.3 wilh 5{ulfo4'<br />

diernyldi.o-2-dihydrcryuob€Eete i. thc Pt*n@ of beivlliun ws ..Poned bv T' M<br />

Ilorcn@ et d (n). Ar pE 4.? the re€cfl fom.d bdeh pink in . ralion I : I ligdd to aluninun<br />

h6 ! nold $!.rptivity (€ = a I' lo') ar 540 nm Molt i dfdi.g ftclds @ b. nasked with<br />

EDTA or fedocymide, sltilc gEs anou s of iopuritie mv be c6ov.d bv a 6pid trii$oclyldi..<br />

extdctio. ton 8 M hydtochlo.ic eid.<br />

T. Kba ct .1. (12) have .€pott€d the s@sation of i€chriium lion rh.nium bv liquid _<br />

liqui.l erLaclion wlh pobrsiun xanthale. Thc m.thod depnbed a siftPl. ud npid ne$od for<br />

quaftit !v. Fpdtion of ichn€riun fton .h.niun fd oth€r .l.m.nts bv extdclo' wilh<br />

xmthare ard Epon.d $c fado6 aff€ring rhe .Kdct'on<br />

C rohbndt .1 al. (13) have rcponed rhc ap€.trophotom€tdc dd.miiadon ol xdnate in<br />

elutio.s lt wB bas.d on rhe fomaiion .nd en6crion merhod of coPP€(D enlh3te The<br />

coefiicienl of vdiation it I O% al 40 ppm l.vel and 3 4 % at 4 ppm l€vcl and the losd lini of<br />

D.tmi.alion oft_e (Cr, r, F., Ma Co) in iDnd nilk bv aromic $so.ption<br />

sp*romdry, ndhn a.tivarion!i5 ud ooEr n tho& b rcponed bv Robefi M 6 al. (16).<br />

A conD{ien bd*d th. daily int }6 of bebi6 .nd th. Motlv a4cept d Rame'dcd<br />

Di.u'y Atlowde (RDA) w shoM giving rh.h th. alpsa@ of belrd tutritio"l qulirv<br />

Khatee6thullan .t d (rD .€pon.d rh. impondc. of zitc and ciromiufr in SroDnd war"<br />

aeailable in tbe wells ofPannal bv rlonic aberption sp€drcnetry' ln dnnking v4!'c nac'<br />

mdal zinc vri€d fton O 02 to O 2 ppt\ while ioxic chronium obtai.ed froh 0 29 to r 65 pPn<br />

Yusuf er al. (18) have reported lhe el€ncnk i. hufta. healtb and .uiririon bv.tomic<br />

absorpiion spefio.elry Nomal requhement of lh. .s*ntial a.d ftce selals (Cr, Fe, Co Cu,<br />

Ni, Mo, fld Zn) has n€ntioned.<br />

Usiog a mielld media i.c.<br />

r.Pon€d th. ddmina,lion of t.c<br />

lpehphoromefy. The nethod is<br />

tp.crophorometic detmin.tion<br />

su.Acbq ediun dodcyl slphate gmif ei al (r9)<br />

s dirhi2on. @mtlcx by flow inj6tio. an lysh wnh<br />

rcpor|d to havc rvml ad@lags ov.r the noml<br />

(nuhawe et ,r 00) h.v. r.pon.d rh. sg.crrcphoron.tric detedinarion 6f copp.t(tr)<br />

sd nickel(Il) 6 coftplex.s vnh tetad€ntar€ schiffbs. by solv€ eatradion ndhod<br />

Hdif et al (2r) r€poned rhe niccllar ud mioro€nuhiot systems as singl+Phde<br />

extractiod nedia aor lhe detemiiatioi of zinc. Th. surfadant SDS md cosurfaclanl ethdol wa<br />

SD€lrcDhotonet.ic dd.min{io. of sir dithioctbdate @dplex6 at lrg ld.l by<br />

co.vding tb.n in to s.leriln dithiocarblm.t. compl.rcs md $lvdt qtradioi n.ihod it<br />

E9od.d by Ashok er al (22)<br />

Anw& , .t al. (23) cponcd th. dcicmimtion of zitc by tlohjc aberyioi Ad.ospy<br />

$ing mix.d slmt rst€h.<br />


L S Esrve er al. (24) have rcponed th. fonnatio. rares dd proronaiion cof,stdrs of uo<br />

dy.s in micelld m€dia of sodiun dod*yl sulphal.<br />

Hdns d al (2t h!v. Eported rnc ion s.padtion of odium otr) 4d pall.diun (tr)<br />

wnh anionic surfEta s Thc spmrion ofPlati.un naals basad on dilferences in tb. kinetic<br />

propenies of the chloro-complcxes of lbodiud (Iu) dd palladium (1I) md platinun (lv)<br />

M L.rdo €t rt (25) haE.€ron€d lhe specEopnobmefic dctmjndion ofoPper (tr)<br />

reeting wnn \ N dindhyl-p-ph.nyl.h.diahii. (DPD) od N, N'dinethylanilin. (DA) usine<br />

so lv.nt .*raclion mclhod.<br />

Spcrophorom.tric d.tmi.arion of NiiD md zi(ll)<br />

hydroxylph€nylF2-ner@ptopope.oic acid in aquos 0.1 a.d<br />

solutions was reponed by I L. Belt@etal (2?)<br />

Pala.ivelu d al (2t) h.v€ repoaed<br />

$ Aslt Extdion w6 ffi.d our usi.g<br />

nm The ndhod v6 succ*stully appli.d<br />

l0<br />

rh. speclrophotodcuic dctemination of aBcnic (ltr)<br />

b.M.n. dd .berpnon mdinun wa noted at 515<br />

to pl. maierial niSh p6ry of i.on. alloys od in<br />

Khuhawdet,l (29) have rcpone4 dc fomation and HPLC s.pmtion ofcopptr([) ed<br />

nicLel(U) a @mpl.x* wirh (acetyl piv.lyl nerhd.) erhylc.cdiini.e Copper(U). nickel(trI<br />

palladilm(U) dd oxola..dium(rq chdaB on lltled pbas.liPLC colum (250 x 4 mm) and<br />

elur.d with a binaw mi*uE of netnanol and watcr or netba.ol, &.tonitril€ and var€r.<br />

M Fal@n et al (30) cponed th. sp*torodnorim.dc dd.minaion oi ,ncor) 6<br />

@iplcrca vith 3-{p{obcnc$lphon hido) qlinoline Thc d.t.minorion mg. w$ 8 - 550 ng<br />

M&ia et al. (31) h!v. lepoded tb. spctrophorosct ic ddcmination of molybdenun<br />

(vI) in nicell{ media of h€nd*yl pyridinium chbnde Tnc Bcis l.w s obcycd in the

&se of 2 - l5O ng n rwith . del.c6on linit of l 3 ng r''. The mcthod M applied on $il<br />

M. P. sM.1al (32) hav. rcporr.d rh. sp.crrophoton.rric d€t@inadon ofcopp'(tr)<br />

.ickel(u) ed !s @rplcx6 with eduo dierhyldithi@dbadat in nicell& nedit of<br />

h.xdeykinernyl mnonjun s.lts (CTA3, CrAC, CTAoH). The mole absorlrivities of<br />

Co(tr), Ni{II) ed Cu(U) {cre 6o&d 22.5 x 103,32.7 i loj and 12.? x lol mof'cnr:'<br />

rcspecrively, wnh detecdon limits 6.2, rt.9 dd.lo 6 ng nlrresp€drY.ry<br />

Edtu.odo d al (43) rcpon.d lnc pr@@nrtEtioo and el*tive 6etal ioi detcrunadon<br />

orNi(ID, Cu(lll Co0l), Mn(Il) .nd zn(ll) 6 @mplex€s with PAN usins Trnon X-100 as a<br />


M. !, El-sh.lEt .t al. (3r) have cponed, tl. spcct ophotonetric detelmination of silver<br />

ed gold 6 @mpl.x6 with 5-(2,4nihydMy bazylidene) rhoddine in hic.lld media of cetyl<br />

dm.htrl mnonium bromid. The hole aberptivitia we mLd of 7 I I x l0' ad 8 45 x l0'<br />

nol r cnr at 54? &d 553 nh for Ag ud Au I€ Beeis law w ob.ycd i. in<br />

lmge of O ll - I 8l |l8 @ r of Ag 6d O ol - 2 24 ug cmi of gold wirh O.O0l5 dd 0.OO2l pg<br />

Tohru et 6.1. (40) har reponed the q.rracrion of bydropnilic pror.ins by rhc u* of<br />

surfacta.t-nedialed phase s.psado. (cloud poi oaracrioi) wnh afrnity lieands<br />

Cadnium $ @nplex of z-pyridine diDo.nino@b.%.€ in fi. prcsmcc of Tnlo. X-<br /> niell& ncdi4 is dd.mincd aod r€poned by yu-oi dat.(4r) Tt hol& absorptivity<br />

B I 92 t lo'nol_t cm ' at 530 m Th. m.rhod ws appti.d ro rap Bdq dd also wasrMt r<br />

HlLc der@in.,tion of mal.rhion b.*d on @ppe{lD 6 ohptdes wirh<br />

dimahyldithiophosphat. @DI?) by Knuhav&.r d (,12). Tbecatibndontug€of24-240!g<br />

ml I for DDTP ed wnh derccdon tinir of 2.4 - 4.8 ng DDTP p.r i.jecrion<br />

B.tiil et !t. (43) have lepo,l€d the sp{rophotomelnc<br />

conplexes of melhylene blue in miceur nedia of CTAB Lin@<br />

r.por.err to be 0.6 -<br />

6 4 micro nold / L.<br />

detdhidarioi oa Se(tv) s<br />

Mge of detetuinarion was<br />

Khuhawr d at (44) hav. rcpon.d rhe lorDarion and ch.oma.ogaphic dq.ftinarion of<br />

copp.4l) pallidilhG) dd bismurh(rtr) B compt*€s ofdinelhytdirhiophosphatc (DDI") rn.<br />

indirftt HPLC wirh licrosorb Si, *ith derdion ar ]25 nm Tte tiD€r @g. i! 2a _ r 20 uc / 2 nl<br />

wah dd.clion limit of2 3 Ag/2 mt.<br />

Spdrcphoonctric dermin.rion oa coppd(U) 6 onpl.x6 wilh polr{a ytein.-Co-<br />

(8-dinoqu'nolyltzo) bdytidqe altyreincl (?A_F pe) by llui_Mjn M. .t al. (rsl<br />

C( )-PA-FPQ is warr etubtc breM condd haviry absrpdon ndimuh r. 590 m<br />


Thc 6olar absrytivily M 4.I x 10{ nol_'cf,'dd B*as law w6 obeyed ove! rlt rang.0 -I 0<br />

ug ml '<br />

Tn€ ddhod B appli.d 10 aluminun alloy md bovine liver<br />

Kiwon e! d. (rO have .@on.d ipdrepnotoncrnc d.tmination of idn(Itr) a<br />

@nplex.t with 2-pFidine @laldhydctnitGptridyl hyd@n. in fie niceUd mdia of<br />

n xrdecyltrincthyl Moniun bronid. Spdloofluorin4.ic .mission ar 420 nm upon<br />

dchation ai 300nn. Th. hw was in the range 0.2 , 145 ltg hr', with d.tdriod li6ir<br />

o 028 pe6l-'.<br />

S. Crda d.l (,47) h.v. r.poncd the nic.lld liquid chromarognphic d.tmin.rion of<br />

diretie by diuodzrion and @upling with rh€ Bdlton-Mshall @gcm Th. nicelar nobite<br />

phas6 of sdiuh dod.cyl sulphate (SDS) dd prcpeol .t ptr I s ,eponed for rhe<br />

deteminatioh, in uline sanpl.s, of rhidide in urioe after prccolumn dcrivatiation {ith sodiun<br />

ind&and N-(l-naphthyl) .thyle.cdianioc to fom colour€d m dycs ofthe diur.rics Deredion<br />

Kbuhavd.t a] (48) rcpon.d lhc€sb md lh€.nodtrriat srudi6 of soh€ SchiF<br />

bae ploynets denved fton 5, 5 nedytcoe bis{2+ydroxy &ero pboone) l, 2-elhytenediaoine<br />

(?EAen) Each polyner is cheacreriz.d by clem.ntat miqodatysis, inftared and uttlavioter<br />

spdroscopy. TlEir th€nosr.vidqry (TG) ad ditfreiriat lhmar an.tysL (DTA) hav. bccn<br />

@rded dd elded. Th. reduc€d vi$osny of rhe polymds na$.€d in taEnydrctum<br />

(THF), dimelhyl formanide (DN!F) &d dinchyt sulphoxjde (DMSO) w6 found within o 202 _<br />

0 50 d|l g.<br />

Innadlada er at. (a9) Epon.d thc fo.nurion of dy. induccd<br />

aggregr.s non bir&y srfadet is p.oFsrd for fie detem,narbn<br />

dtunium sraactl t5 .t rtc s nol t.El.<br />

Reenr applicarions of high psfo@nce liquid chJonabgFphy !o lh. dalysis of h.t,l<br />

conprcxcs, sy.thcsis. @c1io.s e r.poncd by p w&g et .l (50). chectdiadon<br />

complebtior ard r.rdrion of th6. @npouds 6 cloncd ia rhe ln@rue sinqe t 994<br />


Kluhaws et d. (51) have rcponed iba ckomatog.phic det mimno! ofbisn h(m),<br />

copps(tr) ud palladiun(Io using dim.tbyl dithiophosphonc acid as conpl€xing reagenr i.<br />

re6. phas.. YMC ODC .lured vnh i dtue of ac.tonit ilc manmol qta (70: 20: l0<br />

v!/v) 9ih a noy 6rc 0.6 r /nio rnd d€rddon.t 295 m. Lind c.libadon B. obtain€d<br />

wnn 2s - 125 Ag aliqnotof@h n.tal vnn d.t.crion lini$ of0.4 08ng/i.j€clio.<br />

Mabd.t.l (s2) nave i.po'ted rhc HPLC der.minarion of cadniun, non, Iqd and<br />

mddryuring 2-@tylplridiie-4-phenyll-rhiosdicd!&on (APPT) ddivarizing€.nr Using<br />

p.€collm dfivadzadoq dtrs. pha. HW6il ODS colunn (r !n). The conplex* w€re<br />

.lured wnh nerha.ol,ac€tonirrilc.vard cont.inin8 sodiud ac.tare bd tcrraburyl lnmonilm<br />

bronide as io. pairing ag€nts (3o:40:28 lrytr/rlrJ.<br />

Imaculada €t sl (s3) hrrc rcponed thc mix.d nicelte bded lo lh. deleminarion ofCD,<br />

Cr alkyl sulphate surfaclels<br />

xircng d d (sr) hare r.poned rhe spefopnolooctric der.mjnarion of Sb(u) / Sb(9<br />

a cohplexes witb bbnoprrogdlol red in sdium dodccytslphatc / nonytphenorypot<br />

cthoxyerh.nol mixed dicell..nedia Beer's law ws obey.d orerthe,mgeO I - 21!gml-r, Sb<br />

(IrD with nol! abso.pivjry d s38 m b.ine 4s x tornol'cm.rand d.rdion linitO04 ug<br />

qussain .r al. (s5) have leron€d rne spedrcsopic d€thi.arion ofco( ), cuor) md<br />

Ni(n) a compl.x.s of hydruin. ddivcd Schill tigand3 mix.d tigand hyd@ine d..ived<br />

$hiffbe ligan& dd fi€n md.l@nddes w.r. syntheiad, Md ch@ddiz.

Ch.n-ll er al. (5?) h.v€ ..pon.d th. spcctoPhoromaric d.t€mn4don ot @bat a<br />

@npl6* wrh 2-hydrcxy b.@tdchyde-5-Dm pvndvl hvdMne A epDhon proc€dur'<br />

usidg sno'l colunn fill.d *irh Ambdlite IRC 718, in nicellar nedia lte detectioi lirut *as<br />

Spdropholom.tric ddmination of molybdenun 6 @f,plex hronopvrcgillol €d<br />

@rR) in lhe @cdld mcdia of €tyhrimedyl amnoniun bronid. (CTAB) dd or<br />

nonylphqoxypolycrhory erhmol {oP) rcpdtcd by xi@rg .1 al. (s8). TlE Bars law M<br />

obeyed in the range ofo 06 - o 8 pg witb molf lberptivity I I x 105 mol' chi and detecrion<br />

Aljali cr al (59) hav. tcponcd the sp.dophotomedc daeminaiion of gold tkooen $c<br />

lodation oapink sold elution in poly (oxy.thel6c) ieodyhnenyl .rhd krown as Trilon x-<br />

100. which .ds both $ a r.dlcing .8cnt .nd sbbiliz.r An .be+tion maximun ar 5?3 m,<br />

Bels la* w6 obey.d i. rhc rdge ofo - r5O ppm. Sddell s s.nsirrlity vs found a1 6 44 . I Oj<br />

Specl.ophotohetric dethin.tion ofan aiionic surfacranr wirh liquid-liquid .xmction is<br />

r.pond by Minon d al (601 Th. $diuo dod@ylsulph.r. (SDS) and Modani.c 6c w6<br />

absoded ono lhe wdl of . PTFE ve$el by shaking. Tne mol6 absoqrivity for SDS ws 8 5 x<br />

AM Cdcia a al. (61) havc rcpon.d th€ sp..trcphobndnc ddcmindion of iron,<br />

cobalt, nick.l rnd copper sinultaneously as complexes wirh l, 5 bi(di,2-prridyl methylen.)<br />

thi.ca6o.ohyd@ide (DPII{) wirh oulliv&i4€ c.libration.<br />

,uai ei al (62) hav. .cponcd th. det.min.tion oaz(19 6 @npl*6 with $. oxrlate<br />

Alidir Red S-z.(rv) The cdionic s$facldr cerylptridiniun chloride dd spErro8uonheric<br />

delmination % cdi.d out

Roisli er dl (63) b'v. r.poned th. sp€ctophotonelrv detdminstioo ol nick€l as<br />

@drlq6 viih l{2-ptridyleF2-ialthplbol (rA}0 bv p{vcloddtdn polvno (cDP)<br />


IBhad .t d. (69) h.w rcponed rhe spdtophotnEtnc d.tcmindion oftw @npldd of<br />

I, i-diph€nyl py@ole-4"cebox.ld.hyde2-chlorob€Myl hydr@e wilh Ie (trD, Co (Ir), N<br />

@) cu (!), zn (II) cd (tr), rig (ID, sn (II), Bi otr) &d !b (tr). Iob\ n thod stlbility @nste!<br />

IR dd sroichioh.rry ofrh. conplqB hwe b6n nudiad<br />

c.u. H. .l al. i?o) repon.d th. AAs derd$jn.tion olcoppd, nick.l and cadniuh with<br />

zinc pip.rein€dilhio@rbanat€ loaded on acdvlted cdbon by $lid-pn6e .xlracrion Tbe rang€<br />

oflinciry o -6, o - 5, o - I ug nn r wnn dde.rion linib I1.8 ng nl-'Bpcaivcly<br />

Nohut .t rl. (71) r.porr.d rn sperophorom€tric d€rmiiaiion of copp€rc) $<br />

conplexes wnh Ss,bis (2.aninophenyl) o$hte (H2L) fte absibao@ or the cu@FH2L<br />

Complexes maur€d d 504 on'. with mol& absorptivily (e = 5365) IE BF s l.w wa obcyed<br />

inrh€ranSeof 0.4 - l50pgnl'<br />

Afseh er al. (?2) hare r.poned rhc spe.rrcnuo.iEelric dereminarion of s.hnium (19<br />

by ilow injeciion Mlysis in dicell& m€dia ofSDS / Tnton X-100/ CTAB wirh reduclion of<br />

reetulln llc lin.d ane. ws in rh. ras. of5 - rOOO rg r '<br />

wirh d€lc.rion limit tng<br />

speciropholmerric der€mi.ation of ircn0D @baltol), niclct(tD aid copp'oI) ii<br />

mi€llr m.dia oaTw 30 6 @hpl*4 wnh l-rirrcs2-@plhot ..pon.d by rin!@k a at<br />

(73) Th. dere.rion riftits ofFe (rrD, co([), Ni([) dd cuG) we 0024, o 016, 0.039 dd<br />

0 021 lgnl ', rsp.sjvcly<br />

R Codony er al (7r) hwe rcponed th. spetrophoroocric delmination orzn(U) in<br />

flicell& media ofBriil5 a @npldca with t, ? dicholorG2@rhyl l-quinotinol.<br />

Mustda et al (?a) have repon d d. spGrrcphotondic d.r@in.ior of s.@iuo (m)<br />

in nicells m.dia of cer/ pyndiniun chlo.idc (cro B complex€s with chrcne @rol s The<br />

ndd.bepriviri.s of rh. complcx.s in pI] 7.5 d 505 m @ 3.6 x lO' md I 4 x t Or nol r<br />


i for wlter nedi! atd (Crc) espectlvelv Th. B4 s law ws ob'v'd in tne tuse 0 05 - 2ms<br />

Chdles e! al (76) h.v. rcpoded rh. daesination or $'f'crut @ntraton G'ng<br />

nicelld dhanced fluoBeie dd aow injcction with l 8-silino-naPhthalcn' $lPhare<br />

Itda d al. (7) have rcpod€d rh. bdcn wis and FIA dd€mitatrm of €tionic and<br />

nonionic $r&@ins Cuol)-chton1@rol s'$rf.c1dr odplqq The line& tug' for barch<br />

deleminadon ofcetvltrimclhvl amnonium b.onid. and tonio'ic $rfacrmt Mrloph'n N P l0<br />

is O - 15 Fs nfr ad 13 - 51 Fsnl' For llA d.tmioalion oflhc same sutfacldts th' linear<br />

@nc.nration rulg6 w.t. O - l l lrg tr ' and 66 _ 397 pg ml r r.spetivelv wil delccion linns<br />

o - 08 dd 38 ,rg n ' rdPectiEly.<br />

M. Q Ehen el al (?3) have.epon.d thc pr.pa6io. and chdactdiztion of prridoxide<br />

codplcx.s of MiG), c(ll), N(II), cu(!), ind Zn(tr). The @npl.x$ wer€ svnthcsized and<br />

chd&r.riz.d by eled€ni.l s.lvsb dat od d.lyzing the IR ed uV sPelF<br />

'<br />

F Zern .t al (79) r.poded rh€ da.minatio. of *hnium(\0 Tn€ *lenium<br />

conplcx.d wirh ammonium pyrollidine dithiocdbldate (ArDq d PH 1 2 md Anbcllit'<br />

xAD-8 r.siN lor fie cdrichn.nt dd detmin.d GFAAS.<br />

sodftDhob@roc dethinauon of cobdt(tr)'tcr.|(u). P.ll.dium(ll), @pp'(q,<br />

h.niumin), dd nolybd.numG) as comPl.xes with iso.nvl xa har€ in Pascnc' of<br />

surfad.nrs is reood.d bv A. K. Malik.t al (80) sodium laurrl sulphate (sls), 'tnlon x-100<br />

dd c.lyltrinelnyl nnooiun brcnide (CTAB) wete ued s srfacldts The BQrs law<br />

obcy.d in nnge for co(ll), N(tr). cu0), Pd(lI), R!(Itr) and Mo(m w I o -i5 2 0 - 17' 2 2 '<br />

lO-3o-18. I 5-7? dd l5 - 3 o penlr6pFtivitv The noLr absoAivitv is I92 ' lo' 12'<br />

roi.26 x lor. O9J x lO1, Li8 x lor md I ll x lor nol ' cn L qp€ctivelv Tb. absorpuot<br />

ndim& Sddellt snsitivity m als discusr.d Th€ sinultaDou! det@inadon of@balt dd<br />

nick.l w4 don . The mcthod w6 appli.d on th. rin.' flv a5\ oil ed allov splcs<br />


Jmaluddin a .1. h!re rertly (8D EPoned . lp.drophoroset ic detd6ination of<br />

@ppa(tr) 6 @npld6 *ith 2, s{im.rcaptdl, l,4-lnildidole (DMTD) in sliglilv a€idi€<br />

tquc@ $lutior The m€thd ob"ys Bd s ltw in th. nrg. 0 r - 2 0 mg/ol *ith a'be.ptioa<br />

mnmun 390 NL nold ab$Alivily 5.65 , lO ' mof ' cm ',<br />

Sudell s $Nuvitv m foMd<br />

lO na cnr The nerhod M .lplied o. $c Slandrd R.fc@e Materials d w€I d on $@<br />

ind$rrial @ples, envilome.tzl w.!d sadPl.s, biologi@l dd $il mpl6.<br />

Raia Bhushu et al (82) 'eponed 1h. spcdrcphotomet'ic der.mination of cobalt ([l) bv<br />

$cond derivativ€ spectoscopy as @npl.x., witb 2, 2_Diprtidyl 2-be@thidolhvd!&one<br />

(DPBH) ligand having d abrotplio. naxidun at 530 nn in woaldv acidic to alkaline media<br />

The cohplex was e*ractable inlo chlorofod, b.Den. dd 4'nerhvlpe a-2 one Chlorofom<br />

enract hs an absorDtiod ndinuh a1 504 tn iD th. pH rangc 2 0 - 9 l The nolar ab$Ativitl.s<br />

dd sef,sitivities in tbe propo*d p@edute with out dd with .xtraction de 2 50 i l0- eol cn<br />

2 35 ng cn: a.d 3 43 ' roa nol-rcnr, I 72 ' lor mof'cm' resp@tively Both methods w.r.<br />

*l.ctivc fo. 6balt none of o(hq iotu i c.fcEd ii thc @ball d.tminarion The dethod h4<br />

hdn rppli.d turthe ddmjnarion of in tr.rddd i.o. &d st6l @ples<br />

So..rmDhorondric de!.mi.ation of[) bv d.nwaive sP{fophotondry 6<br />

conDlex.s eilh 2-plridyl_:r_$lphoph€nyl mcthlnoD. 2- (5-Nnre) pFdvl hvdEore (PSPI!<br />

rcpon.d by Tsugikatus d il (83). Th. compl.x ws dpidlv ondized abov€ prl 2 ttd gav'<br />

stable cobalt OII) onplex wilh abrorption maximum at 496 nd fi€ B*is law wd obeved in<br />

the range of o 05 -l.0 lr8 ml rcn ra.d mold absorPivitv of the compl€x Ms 5.69 x lohol<br />

lcm L Th.methodwsaDpliedtothedelcmin.tionof cobalt in$eel samples<br />

Ranm a sl (s4) halc r.poned ih. det€nnination of oercury (lI) in<br />

carionic nicelld media of CTAB bv d.riv.tiv. rt c.tosoPv a conplexes wilh l_(_2_<br />

prridyluo)-2-uphihol CAI). I1t Fnsitivny and sl.civnv of nelhod *a imProved duc lo<br />

micelle ud dqi€rive spe1rospy Th. n.rhod w.s lpPli.d to m.r@ry @nlaining Pesricid's<br />

tLr Bhrjm d al. (st h,v. E?on.d th. slcclbpnoton tic det mindion of m@.v (U)<br />

d conptdes vih dirnizone in niccllr m.dir ofT.iron X-IOO bv ddizlit spccircspv Th.

mle absrptjv,ty dd sddcll's slisitivitv of O. @nPl'x at lbeflion tuinun 490 m w{'<br />

fond 3 868 i lo+ hol 5 2 ng 'crred chr'<br />

Bdesh et.l. (s6) hav€ cpoR.d ih. sp.drcpnotondic da@ination of@Dp6(tr) in<br />

micelle n€dia of T.iton X'roo s @mPl.xes with dhhizo" (diph€nv ihlocdt@one) th'<br />

Beef s law *d ob€yed in lh€ rang. ol I O x 106 - 9 0 x lO+ mol/L of Cu1 lirh detdlion lmn<br />

12 ns/ml The dold aberprion @.mci.n! sp.cific .bsoodvnv and Sodell s sdsnMtv of the<br />

complex sde 3 06 x lor Eol1 chr 0 4825 dl gr cd' and 2 l " lor Jlg cnr resp€ctivelv The<br />

(ondnbnrl rdbrl.ry 6nsdl of the I 2 coFplex was founo l ?l lo 'l molr' ar ptl l 4<br />

Derilalive mode h.v€ been cmie

tbe simultanmus det.minalion ofzirconiun and cl[oiiun Thc nctlod has ben scc'stullv<br />

aDrlied ro ln€ demimtio. of somc rcal emples of znco.ium / chrcmium brode<br />

Ndnder el al. (90) r.Don.d specibpholodciric detmin.tion of coppe(tr) 6Ft dd<br />

se@nd derivarive speciosaPy s @mplcxca Pith r'(2'Pvtidvte!2 naphrhol (rAN) The<br />

nolu absorption coefficient ard Slndell's sennivilv ofPAN-Cu (U) @mplqes at 555 m is<br />

5 2. \ '0" mol 'cmr and I 22 ng cmi r.sp.ctidv Th. ddcdion hnr oicdu' r 4 o ng nJ<br />

Md Bee' s ,* q!' obey.d ih the tug. ofo.os _ aoo lrgmlr Copp.r @nr.nt ofr number of<br />

@m€rcially aEilable al@holic b.v@g6, biologicaland $eddd allov sampl6 was repoded<br />

Sp.chphoiometnc dd.rminsrion ofbcrylliun s comPl.xes vith 1, 4 dihvdrorv-9 lG<br />

d u()s.done in mrells m.dia ofTnton X'loO thtougn the denv.riv' spdrophorcmerP n<br />

reDorle{tbyHrlnsjanetat(tr)TheBqtlawwsob.v.dinraD8.of3.60-360nsm'the<br />

mold aleo'ivirv ud Srd.ll'i s.Niliviry w.E I 6s IOa molr cmr and o 54 ng cm: Grh<br />

deredion linir o 2l ng ml l<br />

A ndhod hd ber d.vcloDcd bY M. 1.6 d at (92) dcrmitation of non ad<br />

'or<br />

rurhdiun by en tdiv. sent dcriEtive sp.ctophotometry s @npld's vith 4 T dipn'nvl I<br />

I O oh@thrcline in rh. presnc. of.rhyl.n.glv@L Tn * conPl.x6 hw€ ben fomed al pII 4 0<br />

- 6 o npon hainA 4 9dC fo.60 min Rlthdirm and iron w* dd€min'd in lhe atg6 6 - 9 6<br />

dd 16 - i 2so ng Bl h lhe pr.eoc. ofo.G doth.r' ft' ddeion [mns w food<br />

io be 2.9 .g /ml of rulncniun a.d 4.9 .g /d of non Th. m.rhod was applied to fi'<br />

demination of bolh s.lytes in syntbalic m'nuE<br />

cobali ws d.t.min.d spcrroPhomerncauv bv Ht Bhajan 't al (93) wirh l-tnrosez_<br />

naphlhol ws used .s .onpl.xinS lg.nt in nic.lld r.di' of Tnro' X 100 ?hobmefic<br />

Ddan t€s viz. rhd! nold absarion @.ffic.nt &d daltlical s'dilivitv ofrhe conpld's<br />

wde420 m. I 18 x 101nof' cn' 6d 2.Ot ng ml-' csp.ctiv€lv Th.Ber'3 lawwa obeved in<br />

lh.6ge ofo2o ro lo,rghl' .! pH 18, wtn d.t.d'on limn lb3 ng nn A sdd'E<br />

dd.mination of cobdlt in pr.s.nce of copp.(lD or ircn(Itr) usins dri€liv€ sp€c1rcscopv<br />


*nhout dy masking or Pes.P@tion Th. derhod t6 to thc ddminaion of @bat in<br />

'Pplied<br />

dtugs ud s!.ndard alloys<br />

Sinultan@lt de&mi.ation of n.nedc&@) and zincol) in mixture usins firn ed<br />

sdnd d.rivativ. is i@od.d bv bv Has €t al (9') dd 5 8 dihv&oxv l 4<br />

naphrhoquinonc ws used d complding agcll Thc lind rdge wG O 2s - 5 6 !g ml t o'<br />

Badsanese in lhe presn@ of o 13 -6 s mg ml'r ofzirc The delection linns were 42 ng ml ' lor<br />

Ivln and 48 ng ml I for Zn using fte i6r d.dvativ. netbod dd 12 ng ml'' for Mn dd 36 ne 6l I<br />

for zn usi.g th. fond d€riv.tiv. nethod<br />

J,l<br />

As shoM in in h.ranr€, th€ dcLmiturio. of netal ions bv onplcxarion and<br />

so.crcDhorom.tnc s.lys's oncn inlolve l€dious ed mc4o'$n'ng elv'nt e{rrcrion nep<br />

Th€se organic solvents besides bei68 toxic ar. also exPensiv' Sdrfadants - $' lurface'acl've<br />

rdgen$. howevcr ofds a vcry€nt repl.*ment ol solvedts 6 Eported bv sevqal<br />

ruthou Surfatuts @ .or onlv non'bnc bu rl$ iNxPensivc dd involve l's rin' wh'n uscd<br />

in rhe $udy of lhc detmination of mdll ions. The ue of srfacldt3 dhancd th. sdsitivitv<br />

dd el€c1ivi1y ol the syslem by i.d4sine lhe molr absoQtivitv and cnange in ed shin of<br />

vlvelen8th, rhus lowen.g lh. d.tedion lini$ .nd niniftizing inlerf.rence oaolher dalyes<br />

K..pins i. viry th. lir..atur€ ahilabl., the prest @rk wE d6igned io invcst'gate thc<br />

sEchDhorom€rnc dd.min.tion of select.d bio{ie.i6canr i.tals Mn(tr), I

Th* mctho& haw lh. advdtage lhal they can b€ applied fo' derehin'tion of bio-<br />

significad nelals ih laboarories as well s lsbor.tori.s {hjqh re not well equipped<br />

ritn $phini@tcd ir'strun€ft like Atonic lbsorpto. sP.ctros@pv, EILC dd CC<br />

A li$ oflhe orgmic lignds s @npl.xing agdts, $rfactdls sd m€tal ioN used ii the<br />

p..sem work is shom below in fte Table 2.1.<br />

s.<br />

I<br />

2<br />

3<br />

5<br />

6<br />

3<br />

9.<br /> - 3.1<br /> (li8rndt, nrs ard ionr w.d in th. pns.nr3t!dy.<br />

(A.PDC)<br />

(BPR)<br />

s odiu n dodecykul phare (sD s)<br />

Polyory.thyl€nedod€<br />

(B j-35)<br />

Polyoxy.rhyl... e.bi6n<br />

monopalnitare ( Twd 40)<br />

Cctykimdhyldmodiuh<br />

9olyoxyethy lene sorbnan mono-<br />

C.tyl prridiniud (CPC)<br />

Sodium dod6ykulpbaE (sDs)<br />

7l<br />

Z^<br />

Cu<br />

Ni<br />

co, Ni<br />

Cd, Cq C0, H9<br />

Mr, Ni<br />

Zn, Cd, LIE<br />

Mo. e d_. Ni. Mn.<br />


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