3DViewOfSkin.pd f - Pivot Point International

3DViewOfSkin.pd f - Pivot Point International

3DViewOfSkin.pd f - Pivot Point International


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Four Phases of learning3-D VIEW OF THE SKIN1 2 3 4TITLE: 3-D View of the SkinSTRATEGY: Transfer PhasePURPOSE: Validating LearningFORMAT: Learner-CenteredSUGGESTED TIME:APPLICABLE TOPICS:MATERIALS:ARRANGEMENT:10 MinutesThe Study of SkinListed BelowSmall GroupsThe 3-D View of the Skin increases learner retention by involving all five senses. This activity allowsthe learners to build the layers of the skin in a jar using a variety of food products to depict each layer.When all the layers are combined, the result is a party mix that can be shared.MaterialsClear wide-mouth jarKix® cerealM&Ms®Straight pretzelsSunflower seeds (no shell)White raisinsCorn Chex® cerealClear plastic wrapProcedure (Remember to add a layer of clear plastic wrap to separate each item)In the jar, begin by placing the Kix® cereal at the bottom to represent the subcutaneous layer or fattylayer located below the dermis which acts as a shock absorber, protecting the bones. This layer helpssupport delicate structures such as blood vessels and nerve endings.On top of the Kix® add a layer of M&Ms® to represent the stratum germinativum, the lowest level of theepidermis. The cells that produce melanosomes, pigment granules that contain melanin and give theskin color, are located in this layer.Pretzels are used to represent the next layer which is the stratum spinosum. This layer includes cells thathave absorbed melanin to distribute pigmentation to other cells and have become irregularly shaped tohave a spiny appearance.continued© 2008 <strong>Pivot</strong> <strong>Point</strong> <strong>International</strong>, Inc. CREATIVE CONCEPTS FOR THEORY

Four Phases of learning3-D VIEW OF THE SKIN1 2 3 4After the stratum spinosum comes the stratum granulosum, which will be represented with sunflowerseeds. This layer gets its name from the irregularly shaped granules which are on their way to thesurface of the skin to replace cells that are shed from the stratum corneum.White raisins represent the next more flattened, transparent layer of skin called the stratumlucidum. This layer is only located on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet and containsno hair follicles.The uppermost layer of the skin is the stratum corneum. This layer, sometimes called the horny layer,is the toughest layer of the epidermis and protects against moisture, light, and infection. This layer isrepresented with Corn Chex®.If planning to have students eat this in the classroom, provide disposable gloves for the food handlersto use as they build this 3-D model.Stratum corneum - Corn Chex® Cereal – uppermost,toughest layer of epidermis that provides protectionStratum LUCIDUM - White Raisins – on the palms ofhands and soles of feet; contains no hair folliclesStratum GRANULOSUM - Sunflower Seeds – granulesthat will replace shedded cells of the stratum corneumStratum spinosum - Pretzles – distributepigmentation; have a spiny appearanceStratum germinativum - M&Ms® – contain cellsthat give the skin colorsubcutaneous layer - Kix® Cereal – fatty layerbelow the dermis; acts as a shock absorber© 2008 <strong>Pivot</strong> <strong>Point</strong> <strong>International</strong>, Inc. CREATIVE CONCEPTS FOR THEORY

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