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TABLE OF CONTENTSEmergency Procedures............................................................................................................ 2Safety Regulations................................................................................................................... 4Safety Quiz............................................................................................................................... 7Policy on Plagiarism................................................................................................................ 9Student Contract...................................................................................................................... 12Marking Scheme and Outline................................................................................................. 13EXPERIMENTSExperiment 1: Solid – Liquid Phase Diagram ............................................................... 15Experiment 2: Determination of K a Using the Conductance Method ........................... 21Experiment 3: The Iodine Clock ....................................................................................... 29Experiment 4: Thermodynamic Functions of a Galvanic Cell ....................................... 37Experiment 5: Adsorption from solution ........................................................................... 43EMERGENCY PROCEDURES

Campus Police 4444Fire Department 911 or pull wall alarmAmbulance Dispatch 911Medical Office 7002Poison Control 9-800-268-9017First Aid Kits Rooms 172-2, 175, and 274-2Eye Baths are in each hallway, 173-3 (Lab E), 173-6 (Lab F)Safety Showers are in each laboratoryEMERGENCY PROCEDURESDiscovery of a Fire1. Shout, “Fire”. Turn off all equipment. Close the windows and doors as youleave the room.2. Activate the nearest fire alarm.3. Evacuate the building via the nearest exit. Do NOT use elevators.4. Report the fire to Campus Police.2

1. Advise students to remain calm and to stay away from the fire.2. Do not attempt to fight fires that cannot be easily handled.3. If you put out a fire with a fire extinguisher, NEVER WALK AWAY. Back away and standby in case the fire ignites.Sounding of Evacuation Alarm1. It is MANDATORY for University buildings to be evacuated during any fire alarm.2. Place all flammable materials into safety cabinets.3. Shut off all heat sources including lit Bunsen burners.4. Close all doors and windows.5. Ensure any handicapped persons are given assistance.6. Evacuate the building quickly by walking out the nearest exit. DO NOT use the elevators.(If smoke is encountered in a stairwell or corridor, use an alternate route.)7. The Building Fire Plan Managers and Fire Wardens (Orange Vests) will assume lead rolesin building evacuation and direct you the Assembly Area.8. DO NOT re-enter the building until the Fire Department or Campus Police authorize it.3

SAFETY REGULATIONSSafety is a matter of the greatest importance to everyone in the Department. The principaldanger is fire, but others (toxic fumes, sharp objects, etc.) are also of concern. GraduateStudents have a double responsibility of concern as laboratory workers and teaching assistants.Most safety procedures derive from common sense. The basic rule of safety is “If you areunsure of the consequences of an action, DON’T DO IT!” The following sets outregulations, which apply in teaching laboratories. Strict adherence to these is a MUST.Defaulters may be excluded from the lab and course.One of the most common accidents to occur in the laboratory is a chemical spill. Any chemicalspilled on yourself or on your clothing must be washed off with LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER.The incident MUST be reported to the TA. If acid is spilled on floors or laboratory benches, it mustbe neutralized immediately (solid sodium bicarbonate) and then cleaned up with water after thegeneration of all gas (carbon dioxide) ceases. Obtain the assistance of the TA.The following rules are strictly enforced:Cell phones or any other electronic device are not permitted during scheduledlaboratory time. If a student is observed using any electronic device, the devicewill be confiscated until the laboratory session has been concluded.“Turn it off orturn it over!” Safety glasses must be worn at all times in the laboratory. Students refusing to wearsafety glasses (or shatterproof spectacles) will be refused permission to perform theexperiment. Never wear contact lenses in the laboratory.10. It is mandatory that a laboratory coat be worn in the laboratory.# Laboratory work is only permitted on assigned laboratory periods in the assignedlaboratory room and in the presence of a TA. Unauthorized experimental workconducted outside of stipulated laboratory hours is prohibited and forbidden bydepartmental regulations on grounds of safety. Severe disciplinary action will be takenagainst anyone attempting unauthorized experiments in the laboratory.# Only those people directly involved in the laboratory experiment are allowed in thelaboratory. Visitors are not permitted to enter the laboratory.# Smoking, eating, and drinking are not permitted in the laboratory.# Extraneous items (coats, books, etc.) should remain in the area designated for coatsand schoolbags. These items are not permitted at the workbenches.# No open-toed shoes or sandals may be worn. Students not wearing the proper footwearwill not be permitted to enter the laboratory and perform the scheduled experiment.# Long hair is a fire hazard and must be tied back at all times.# Perform all reactions with toxic or poisonous reagents in the fume hood.4

# Transfer harmful reagents in the fume hood to eliminate the dispersion of toxic fumesthroughout the lab. Handle all solid reagents with a spatula and wear gloves asprotection if necessary.# Never deliberately purposefully inhale (smell) or taste any chemical. The propertechnique to identify an odour is to fan across the top of the container with your hand towaft very dilute vapours towards you.# Never place your face directly over the top of a container which is being heated or pointit at a neighbour. The contents may “bump” and be violently ejected from the container.This can happen even after the heat has been removed.# Never use a Bunsen burner for ANY purpose unless instructed to do so by the TA.# Adhere to the rules when disposing glassware and reagents. Use the containerdesignated for glass when disposing broken glassware and sharp objects, such asPasteur pipets. Use ONLY the properly labelled waste containers for disposal of liquidand solid chemical waste. Never dispose of ANY chemical into the sink.# Keep working space clean and free of apparatus and/or other materials. This isparticularly important when flammable materials are in use. Wipe up spilled materialsimmediately.# If products need to be stored for the next lab period, place products and intermediates inthe labelled desiccators. Never store any chemicals in the student lockers!# Notify the TA of any accident, cut, or burn no matter how trivial it appears.Accidents and InjuriesIn the event of a fire in the laboratory, turn off all gas, and shut down the fume hoods if possiblebefore leaving the room. Do not hesitate to shout “FIRE” or sound the building alarm for anysizable fire. Close the doors and get out of the building through the nearest exit.If a student’s clothes catches on fire, lie down and roll over repeatedly to smother the flames. Donot run about, which includes running any distance for a safety shower. Use the safety shower orfire blanket if very close by.Chemical spills on bench tops, fume hoods, etc., should be cleaned up with paper towels andwashed. Treatment with an appropriate neutralising reagent, if necessary, should be based onconsultation with the TA and/or lab co-ordinator.Dangerous chemicals that come into contact with skin or clothing should be washed off, followedby prolonged washing for 5 to 10 minutes. Do not be concerned with neutralization, just wash. Ifa sizable quantity of corrosive material is on the clothes, prevent skin contact by quickly removingthe clothing.5

Two eye baths are available in the laboratory for washing out eyes. Be sure to ask for help, nomatter how slight the eye injury is.Internal contact with chemicals can occur through a cut from broken glass, or by inhalation oringestion. Wash out cuts and allow free bleeding to occur for a few minutes. The laboratory coordinator,who is trained in First Aid, can treat cuts. If shattered glass was involved, inspect forfragments still in the wound before bandaging. Move into fresh air for inhalation problems and donot exert oneself until breathing has become normal. Report at once if any chemicals may haveentered the mouth, whether or not if any chemical has been swallowed. Delay will not make anynecessary treatment less unpleasant or less necessary.Burns should be immersed in very cold water for about 5 minutes and, if necessary, dressingshould be applied afterwards.In general, remember the locations of the alarm box, showers, hoses, and extinguishers in caseof emergencies.Important:MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) for all chemicals used inthe labs can be found in a binder at the back of the lab by thebalances.Conduct, House Rules, and SafetyAnyone who does not conduct themselves responsibly in the lab (i.e., who persistently exhibitsthoughtlessness or silly behaviour) may, at the discretion of the TA, be asked to leave thelaboratory, and the professor and laboratory coordinator will be notified. Students who are askedto leave will not be able to make up the experiment nor will they be able to submit a lab report forthat experiment. A grade of zero for that experiment will result.Experiments should be completed by the stated closing hour. Experimental work conductedoutside of stipulated laboratory hours or in the absence of a TA is prohibited by departmentalregulations on grounds of safety. Students are not competent and experienced enough to judgethe hazards, or lack of them, that may permit them to overrule this decision.Good laboratory etiquette (e.g. noxious fumes contained in the hood, slippage and drippagemopped up, etc.) is expected from anyone working in the lab. Reasonably tidy bench tops andlockers are a sign of ordered activity and also make matters easier in case of water floods, benchfires, etc. Burners not in use must be turned off as their invisible flames are a distinct hazard.The University of Windsor has a Policy and Procedure on Sexual Harassment. The followingstatement is drawn from the policy:“The University of Windsor is committed to providing an environment for study, teaching, researchwork, and play for all members of the University community that is supportive of professional andpersonal development and free from sexual harassment.”6

SAFETY QUIZPlease take a few moments to answer these questions.1. Where is the location of the fire alarm pull?___________________________________________________________________________2. How many fire extinguishers are in the lab? Where is its/their location(s)?___________________________________________________________________________3. Where is the nearest eyewash?___________________________________________________________________________4. Where is the safety shower in the lab?___________________________________________________________________________5. Where is the fire blanket in the lab?___________________________________________________________________________Circle the correct answer to each question.6. What type of footwear is required in the lab?(a) Dress shoes(b) Sandals(c) Shoes that cover toes and protect feet from spills7. The main routes of exposure to chemicals are:(a) Eyes, nose, mouth and ears (b) Inhalation, ingestion and skin/eye contact(c) Through open-toed shoes8. The known hazards related to chemicals used in the lab are found in:(a) PCM - Poison Control Manual (b) MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheets(c) Chemical Safety Data Sheets9. What should be done if a chemical gets in your eye?(a) Rinse your eyes with water from the eyewash fountain for at least 15 minutes(b) Rinse under the safety shower for 5 minutes(c) Nothing, unless the chemical causes discomfort10. Why should contact lenses never be worn in the lab?(a) They could inadvertently fall out of the eye(b) They are too hard to find if they fall out(c) Chemical vapour could react with or become trapped between the eye and the lens7

11. Why should you wear goggles in the lab even if you personally are not working with anychemicals?(a) Discomfort is a part of science (b) They make you look smart(c) Someone at another workstation may be working with chemicals and splash you12. Broken glass and sharp objects must be disposed of:(a) In the trash can (b) In the yellow glass container at the back of the lab(c) In the back of someone else’s locker when they are not looking13. What precautions are needed with long hair and beards?(a) Must be shampooed (b) No long hair and beards allowed in the lab(c) Keep long hair tied back and away from flames and chemicals14. To dispose of waste chemicals:(a) Pour them down the sink & flush with lots of water(b) Hide them in the back of your locker(c) Put them in the designated waste containers provided15. When heating with a burner or hot plate in the lab, NEVER:(a) Put hot glass on a cold counter top (b) Leave it unattended(c) Heat a closed container(d) a, b and c19. If you spill a small amount of chemical on your skin or clothing you should:(a) Evacuate the lab immediately(b) Take a shower when you get home(c) Flush with water for 5 minutes and notify your TA immediately20. If a large chemical spill occurs on your skin or clothing you should:(a) Remove the clothing, rinse under the safety shower and notify your TA(b) Run madly about the lab until it dries (c) Call 91121. You must report any form of personal injury incurred in the lab to your TA.(a) True (b) False22. The person ultimately responsible for your safety in the lab is:(a) The safety committee (b) Your lab partner (c) Your TA (d) Yourself8

POLICY ON PLAGIARISMBelow are the guidelines that outline the policy on plagiarism for the University of Windsor. TA’swill address this issue with students during the first week of the laboratories and discuss theoutcomes that are of a result of plagiarism.THE COPYING OF WEB PAGES IS CONSIDEREDPLAGIARISM AND IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.ACADEMIC INFORMATIONUndergraduate Degree Regulations2.4.22 POLICY ON PLAGIARISMPlagiarism is defined as: "The act of appropriating the literary composition of another, orparts of passages of his or her writing, or the ideas or language of the same, and passingthem off as the products of one's own mind." (Black's Law Dictionary).It is expected that all students will be evaluated and graded on their individual merit andall work submitted for evaluation should clearly indicate that it is the student's own contribution.Students often have to use the ideas of others as expressed in written or published workin preparing essays, papers, reports, theses and publications. It is imperative that both thedata and ideas obtained from any and all published or unpublished material be properlyacknowledged and their sources disclosed. Failure to follow this practice constitutesplagiarism and is considered to be a serious offence. Thus, anyone who knowingly orrecklessly uses the work of another person and creates an impression that it is his or herown, is guilty of plagiarism.Plagiarism also includes submitting one's own essay, paper, or thesis on more than oneoccasion. Accordingly, it is expected that a thesis, essay, paper or a report has not beenand is not concurrently being submitted for credit for any other course. In exceptionalcircumstances and with the prior agreement of the instructor, a student may use researchcompleted for one course as part of his or her written work for a second course.A confirmed incident of plagiarism will result in a sanction ranging from a verbal warning,to a loss of credit in the course, to expulsion.Source: 2004/2006 Undergraduate Academic Calendar, Paragraph 2.4.22For additional information on this topic, please visit the University of Windsor’s websitededicated to student integrity at http://www.uwindsor.ca/aio9

SENATE BY-LAW 31UNIVERSITY POLICY IN RESPECT TO JUDICIAL PROCEDURESARTICLE I. SANCTIONS AND DEFINITIONSProscriptions StatedUniversity discipline is limited to student misconduct which adversely affects the Universitycommunity's pursuit of its educational objectives. Students are expected to conductthemselves in a manner compatible with the objectives and purposes of the University ofWindsor. Any student at the University of Windsor whose conduct is improper in that itexhibits a lack of integrity touching upon the educational objectives and requirements ofthe University must be disciplined appropriately in the interest of safeguarding andupholding these standards.It is desirable to define and identify further the standards demanded of each student at theUniversity of Windsor in the interest of educational integrity. Enumerated below areillustrations of improper conduct which would lead to an inference of lack of integrity. Theseare illustrative only and shall not be taken as in any way limiting the generality of the highstandards of conduct required by the objectives and purposes of the University of Windsor.Examples of misconduct for which students are subject to university discipline are definedas follows:1. Dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, impersonation at an examination, orknowingly furnishing false information to the University.2. Forgery, alteration, or use of University documents, records, or instruments ofidentification with intent to defraud.3. Intentional obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration,disciplinary proceedings, or other University activities, including public servicefunctions, and other authorized activities on University premises.4. Malicious abuse of any person on University premises or at University sponsoredor University supervised functions or malicious conduct which threatens, endangersor harasses any such person.5. Theft from or deliberate damage to University premises or theft of or deliberatedamage to property of a member of the University community on Universitypremises.6. Failure to comply with directions of members of the University administration or ofthe teaching staff acting in the proper performance of their particular duties.10

7. Violation of published University regulations, including regulations relating to entryand use of University facilities.8. Violation of published rules governing University residence halls.9. Deliberate alteration or misappropriation of computer records, data, software, etc.of the University or member of the University community.10. Breach or misuse of the Code of Computing Practice for the University of WindsorComputer Centre user.Sanctions Defined1. Admonition. Notice to the student, orally or in writing, that s/he has violatedstudent rules and that continuation or repetition of the conduct found wrongful,within a period of time stated in the warning, may be cause for more severedisciplinary action.2. Censure. Written reprimand for violation of a specified regulation, including thepossibility of more severe disciplinary sanction in the event of conviction for theviolation of any University regulation within a period of time stated in the letter ofreprimand.3. Disciplinary Probation. Exclusion from participation in privileges or extracurricularUniversity activities as set forth in the notice of disciplinary probation for a specifiedperiod of time.4. Restitution. Reimbursement for damage or misappropriation of property.Reimbursement may take the form of appropriate service to repair or otherwisecompensate for damages.5. Suspension. Exclusion from classes and other privileges or activities as set forthin the notice of suspension for a definite period of time.6. Expulsion. Termination of student status for an indefinite period. The conditionsof readmission, if any is permitted, shall be stated in the order of expulsion.7. Exclusion from Campus. Denial of access to the campus for an indefinite periodfor non-academic misconduct. The conditions for removing this ban, if any, shall beincluded in the exclusion order.Source: http://athena.uwindsor.ca/units/senate/senate.nsf/Bylaws?OpenView11

STUDENT CONTRACTI, ___________________________________, have read and understood theLaboratory Safety and Plagiarism Policy sections of this manual and agree to abideby the dictates of these documents. I realize that failure to do so may result in mydismissal from the lab with no opportunity to make-up missed work. I, also, understandthe serious consequences that are to be taken if I have been caught with plagiarismand I will take full responsibility for my actions. In addition, I have successfullycompleted the Safety Quiz.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Course: 59-_________ Section: ________Date: _______________________TA’s Name: __________________________________________________________Student’s Name (please print): __________________________________________ID # ___________________ Signature ___________________________________12

MARKING SCHEME AND OUTLINEAll labs are marked out of 20.Abstract (3 marks)The abstract is a crucial part of your laboratory report. It is a clear written paragraphwhich briefly conveys the intent of the laboratory exercise, mentions the methodology utilizedduring the laboratory period, summarizes important experimental observations, findings andconclusions. The abstract length must be between 200 to 300 words.Procedure (0 marks)No marks are given for this section. You may indicate “as outlined in the 59–240 labmanual”, quoting the relevant pages. However, if there is a major deviation from experimentalprocedure or significant problem with the data arising from experimental error, you must statethese differences in this section, as these deviations could influence the marks you receive in latersections (i.e., see Results and Calculations below).Results and Calculations (Labs 1-4, 8 marks & Lab 5, 6 marks)Present your data in neatly laid out tables. Always include units and estimated errorsarising from experimental errors, instrumental readings, etc. Include a comparison of yourexperimental data with literature values where appropriate. Show a sample calculation for eachtype of calculation required, including the equation used, the numbers substituted into theequation, unit analysis and the final answer.Discussion (Labs 1-4, 7 marks & Lab 5, 9 marks)This section is meant to convey your understanding of the experiment. Discuss allimportant results, where trends and anomalies are discussed with reference to the underlyingtheory of the experiment. Important results should be compared with those found in theliterature, and reasons for differences between experimental and literature data should bediscussed. When there are several sources of possible error, indicate to what extent each mayhave affected the final results. You may also choose to include in your discussion possibleapplications of the experiment, suggested improvements or extensions to the experiment, and/oralternative methods of measurement. Answer the lab questions at the end of each experiment!Conclusions (1 mark)Write a brief statement summarizing the most important results of the experiment,including numerical final results and per cent errors (if applicable).References (1 mark)Make a list of all reference material, using the same format as the lab manual. Referencesshould appear in the order they appear in the text. References in the text should appear as superscriptedarabic numerals. For example: The boiling point of benzene is 80.1 o C. 3Reference format:1. Atkins, P.W. Physical Chemistry, 7 th Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001.13

GENERAL LABORATORY OUTLINE1. Lab attendance is compulsory.2. Laboratory reports must be turned in at the start of the next lab period. In the final week,reports must be handed in exactly one week after the completion of the lab.3. Each laboratory report is marked out of 20, and accounts for a maximum possible 3marks towards your final grade (the five laboratories have a total weight of 15 % in thiscourse).4. Laboratories which are not completed receive a grade of zero. A completed laboratoryrefers to both attendance and performance in the lab, as well as handing in a completedreport.5. If the laboratory is not completed due to illness or family tragedy, the student may presenta doctor’s note or some other documentation to the upper year lab coordinator in order tobe excused from the laboratory. In this case, the student will receive a mark on this“excused laboratory” equal to the average mark on all other laboratory reports.6. No make-up labs are offered.7. If there is any evidence of plagiarism or duplication in lab reports among lab partners,friends or other students, all parties will receive a grade of zero and be subject toacademic discipline, as per the University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar.Prelab PreparationRead your laboratory manual carefully. You must be prepared to answer questions askedby your TA about the experiment and for surprise quizzes. You must know, or have writtendown, the physical constants of the chemicals you will be using. MSDS sheets are readilyavailable for those who wish to consult them. You must also know how to prepare solutionsrelevant to your experiment (e.g. 4M HCl from concentrated HCl) before you come to the lab. Ifthere is any procedure, or equipment operation, with which you are not familiar, PLEASE ASKYOUR TA FOR HELP. This will help to prevent accidents and waste of valuable time.DISPUTES, COMPLAINTS, AND POLICYAny disputes or complaints arising from the laboratory course should, in the firstinstance, be drawn to the attention of the TA. Should his/her decision be deemed unjust,representations may be made, in turn, to the Professor instructing the course, the Head of theDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and the Dean of Students.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe current edition of this manual was prepared by Robert W. Schurko. Experiment 5was developed by Mohammad Harati. Previous editions of this manual, as well as developmentand refinement of the experiments are credited to Cory Widdifield and Robert W. Schurko.14

EXPERIMENT 1SOLID – LIQUID PHASE DIAGRAMImportant: bring a formatted 3.5” floppy diskette/USB flash drive for this laboratory – you willneed it to save your data files!IntroductionThe relation of cooling curves to phase diagrams form the basis of “thermal analysis”, animportant technique for constructing phase diagrams. In the solid-liquid phase equilibriumchosen for study here, the two components, although miscible with one another in the liquidphase, are of limited solubility in one another as solids. Thus, we can consider them as puresolids, plus a two-component liquid. Such systems exhibit an eutectic temperature at which thethree phases can coexist in equilibrium at a fixed pressure.Solid-liquid equilibria differ from liquid-vapour equilibria in that they are essentiallyindependent of pressure changes on the order of a few atmospheres, owing to the small molarvolume change associated with fusion. This is a consequence of the Clapeyron equation:dpdT ' ∆ trsH[1]T∆ trsVWe shall be concerned here with temperature-composition diagrams at p = 1 atm.If the liquid solution behaves ideally, the “solubility” of each component in the liquiddepends on temperature, according to:ln X A' ∆H AR1T A& 1 T[2]ln X B' ∆H BR1T B& 1 T[3]where:X A% X B' 1 [4]X A and X B are the mole fractions of components A and B, respectively,∆H A and ∆H B are the heats of fusion of components A and B, respectively, andT A and T B are the melting points of the pure components.Equations [1] and [2] can be represented in the following phase diagram:15

Figure 1.1The eutectic composition (X E ) and eutectic temperature (T E ) are given by the intersectionof the two liquid curves. With the aid of graph (a) in Figure 1.1, we can predict the generalnature of the cooling curves in a system of this kind. The curves in graph (b) are plots oftemperature against time obtained when liquid solutions of various compositions are allowed tocool.When a liquid consisting of pure A is cooled, the temperature falls until solid A begins toform. The temperature then remains constant until solidification is complete, where upon it fallsagain. It is said that the curve shows a thermal arrest. When a liquid having the eutecticcomposition is cooled, the behaviour is similar in that a thermal arrest is obtained.However, when a liquid of some other composition – for example, X 1 (see graph (a)) iscooled, solid A begins to form at temperature T 1 . This tends to deplete the liquid of componentA, so that its composition passes through X 2 , X 3 , ... and the temperature falls as long as solid Aalone continues to come out of solution.The abrupt change in slope, which occurs when solid A begins to form, is called a break.When the composition of the solution finally reaches X E , solid B begins to form together withsolid A and the two solids continue to separate from solution at the temperature T E until no liquidremains, and thus an arrest occurs.The binary solid-liquid phase diagram for the naphthalene-diphenylamine system will beconstructed from cooling curves. Several mixtures of different ratios of the two components willbe melted, and temperature versus time curves will be plotted as the mixtures cool. Thetemperatures at which these breaks and arrests occur are plotted as a function of composition ofthe mixtures to obtain the phase diagram.16

Materials• 1 – 600 mL beaker• 1 – 200 mL beaker• 1 – plexiglass container and lid• 1 – large test tube• 1 – medium test tube• 1 – jumbo magnetic stirrer• 1 – magnetic stirring bar• 1 – hot plate• 1 – rubber sleeve• boiling chips• Vernier with temperature probe• naphthalene (C 10 H 8 )• diphenylamine (C 12 H 11 N)ProcedureThe apparatus will be set up as shown in Figure 1.2, and time-temperature curves shouldbe measured for the mixtures outlined in Table 1.1. Follow the procedure outlined below toconstruct these curves. Instruction on the use of the Logger-Pro software will be provided byyour TA.Table 1.1Run diphenylamine (g) naphthalene (g) made by1 0 52 1 5 run (1) + 1.0 g diphenylamine3 2.5 5 run (2) + 1.5 g diphenylamine4 5 5 run (3) + 2.5 g diphenylamine5 10 5 run (4) + 5.0 g diphenylamine6 5 07 5 1 run (6) + 1.0 g naphthalene8 5 1.67 run (7) + 0.67 g naphthalene1. Fill the 600 mL beaker 3/4 full with water and bring to a boil. Be sure to use boilingchips to prevent bumping.2. Fill the plexiglass container with cold water and maintain the temperature between 10-20EC throughout the course of the lab.3. Weigh all samples to an accuracy of 0.01 g.4. Transfer the first sample into the inner test tube. Insert the temperature probe andmagnetic stirring bar into the inner test tube as well.5. Place the test tube into a hot water bath and heat until the solid is completely melted.6. Dry the test tube and insert through the rubber sleeve of the large test tube containedwithin the cold water bath in the plexiglass container (Figure 1.2). Turn on the jumbomagnetic stirrer to ensure that the sample is continually stirring.17

temperature probe600 mL beakerto Labproplexiglasscontainerand lidhotplatemedium test tubeice water bathstir barjumbo magnetic stirrerFigure 1.27. Click on on the Logger Pro software. This will provide a real time plot of thechanging temperature in the sample. The collection will continue for a maximum of 1000seconds. However, if you observe a distinct arrest or break in the pattern, you mayterminate the acquisition and begin a new run. Note: keep the water bath cold, especiallyfor the later runs! Remember that the pure compounds and the eutectic mixture shouldhave only one arrest! Be sure to pull out the stir bar before dumping waste!8. Save a file for this run by exporting the data as a text file. Excel can later be used toprocess this data. Make sure to use file names that will clearly distinguish your data sets.9. Find the arrests on the curves for the pure compounds, the breaks on all mixtures, and theeutectic arrest for two of the latter.Calculations1. Extract the break and arrest temperatures from the cooling curves. Print out plots of yourcooling curves (Excel can be used). Convert all temperatures to the thermodynamictemperature scale (i.e., Kelvin) and use these units for all of the calculations.2. Determine the mole fraction, X naphthalene , for all of the mixtures. Determine the molefraction of diphenylamine, X diphenylamine , for runs 6, 7 and 8.18

3. Using the break and arrest temperatures of these mixtures, plot the two “limbs” of thesolid-liquid phase diagram (i.e., temperature as a function of the mole fraction ofnaphthalene). Runs 1-5 will constitute one “limb”, and runs 6-8 will make up the other.4. Draw the liquidus curves, identify the eutectic line and identify the phases present in eacharea of the diagram.5. Determine the eutectic composition and eutectic temperature from the phase diagram.6. Using [1] and [2], plot ln X naphthalene against 1/T for runs 1-5 and plot ln X diphenylamine against1/T for runs 6-8. The plots should be linear with:slope = -∆H i /R and-slope/intercept = T i (the melting temperature of the pure component.)7. Calculate the enthalpy of fusion and the melting point for each component, assuming thatan ideal liquid solution is formed. Compare to literature values by calculating the percenterror for ∆ fus H and temperature, as well as the absolute error for the temperature.Lab Questions1. A series of Ni-Mn mixtures were prepared and allowed to reach equilibrium at varioustemperatures. Use the following data to plot a phase diagram (preferably on an Excelspreadsheet) for the Ni-Mn system. Label the different components and number ofphases in each part of the phase diagram.Mn-Rich mixtures:T/( o C) 1260 1200 1150 1100 1050 1000w(Ni) sol 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.13 0.22 0.45w(Ni) liq 0.00 0.07 0.12 0.18 0.29 0.45Ni-Rich mixtures:T/( o C) 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450w(Ni) sol 0.58 0.64 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.96 1.00w(Ni) liq 0.54 0.62 0.68 0.73 0.78 0.83 0.88 0.94 1.002. What is the composition of the solid solution in equilibrium with a liquid mixture of Niand Mn at 1000 o C? What is this point designated as?References9. Atkins, Peter and Julio de Paula. Physical Chemistry. 7 th ed. New York: W. H.Freeman, 2002. 144-148.10. Shoemaker, David P., Garland, Carl W., and Joseph W. Nibler. Experiments in PhysicalChemistry. 6 th ed. New York: McGraw–Hill, 1996. 215-221.11. Silbey, Robert J., and Robert A. Alberty. Physical Chemistry. 3 rd ed. Wiley, 2001.Chapter 6, Section 6.9.19

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EXPERIMENT 2DETERMINATION OF K a USING THE CONDUCTANCE METHODIntroductionEquilibrium ProcessesWhen a pure sample of liquid-state acetic acid (i.e., CH 3 COOH (l) /HAc (l) ) is added to abeaker of pure water, at least two significant processes occur. First, the acetic acid (assuming itto be the solute) will dissolve completely in the water (assuming it to be the solvent). As aceticacid is infinitely soluble in water (i.e., the two liquids are miscible), this process of dissolutionwill result in a solution of acetic acid and water with no measurable amount of pure solute. Asthis process has proceeded completely, (i.e., 100 %) an equilibrium expression need not beconsidered. Second, the dissolved acetic acid will undergo the process of dissociation, a processwhich may be represented by an equilibrium expression and which is the focus of this lab. Bothprocesses may be expressed symbolically:CH 3 COOH (l)H 2 O (l)CH 3 COOH (aq) CH 3 COO - (aq) H + (aq)When acetic acid dissociates, a proton is liberated, and therefore the equilibrium constantrepresenting this process is referred to as the acid dissociation constant (K a ).+ −[ H ][ CH COO ][ CH3COOH]γ= ×K a3γ( H+) ( CH3COO−)γ(CH3COOH)where the parameter γ is defined as the activity coefficient of that particular substance.[1]ConductanceA very common method to use when determining the acid dissociation constant of asample is called the conductance method, as one measures the conductance of a solution.Conductance, G, (SI unit is the seimens, S, where 1 S / 1 Ω -1 ) is defined as the reciprocal ofresistance and can be understood to represent the ease with which electrical current flows througha given substance. With regards to our setup, the conductance is seen to be proportional to theelectrode surface area, A, and inversely proportional to the distance between the electrodes, l:G ' κ A l[2]where κ is the conductivity (µS cm -1 ) of the solution. The conductivity parameter depends upon(i) the equivalent concentrations, (ii) the charge numbers and (iii) the mobilities of the ionicspecies present. An additional parameter, α, representing the fractional ionization at a givensolute concentration is now introduced and is related to conductivity:where:κ ' 1000Cανö(U %% U &) [3]21

# C is the concentration of the solute in solution. (mol L -1 )# v is the simplified form of a parameter which represents the number of equivalentsand the charge numbers of positive and negative ions per mole of electrolyte andis equal to 1 for any 1:1 electrolyte.# ö is the Faraday constant. (C equiv -1 )# U ± are the ionic mobilities for the positive and negative ions (in m 2 s -1 V -1 )By rearranging [3], one obtains the equivalent conductance, Λ (Ω -1 cm 2 equiv -1 ). Thisform is useful as it eliminates the need to worry about ionic mobilities and charges. Please notethat this is a simplification and may be applied only to 1:1 electrolytes. The equivalentconductance is defined as:κΛ '1000C ' αö(U % % U & ) [4]For this system, it is assumed that the fractional ionization is approximated by the ratio ofequivalent conductance at a given concentration to that at infinite dilution:Λα –Λ[5]0For strong electrolytes, Λ varies only slightly with concentration (as α does not vary), andΛ 0 can be determined by measuring Λ at various solute concentrations:Λ ' Λ 0(1 & ε C) [6]where ε is a proportionality constant. Thus, a plot of Λ against C, followed by extrapolation toinfinite dilution, will produce Λ 0 . For weak electrolytes, Λ is no longer nearly constant (as αvaries markedly with concentration) and Λ 0 must be determined using an indirect approach,which relies upon the equivalent conductances of several strong electrolytes at infinite dilution(The Kohlrausch method):Λ 0(HAc) ' Λ 0(HCl) % Λ 0(NaAc) & Λ 0(NaCl) [7]Relating Conductance Measurements to Dissociation ConstantsRecalling that C represents the concentration of the undissociated acetic acid and αrepresents the fractional dissociation of acetic acid, it is understood that:[H % ] ' [CH 3COO & ] ' αC [8]This modifies [1] in the following manner:K a'α 2 C(1 & α) × γ H %γ CH 3COO &γ CH3 COOH[9]22

Recalling the definition of fractional dissociation in terms of equivalent conductances, the aboveequation modifies to:K a'Λ 2 CΛ 0(Λ 0& Λ) × γ H %γ CH 3COO &γ CH3 COOHLet the right hand portion of [10] which does not contain activity coefficients equal thedissociation function, K c , which is a quantity related to the true acid dissociation constant. Asundissociated acetic acid is necessarily non–electrolytic, its activity coefficient equals unity andmay be disregarded. Also, as all solutions are of relatively low solute concentration, one may usethe Debye-Hückel limiting law to give:log K a' logK c& 1.018 Cα [11]By determining the dissociation function for a number of acetic acid solutions of lowconcentration and by plotting log(K c ) versus Cα with linear extrapolation to C = 0, one candetermine the acid dissociation constant, K a , at that particular temperature.[10]The Dissociation Constant as a Function of TemperatureThe acid dissociation constant may be treated just like any other equilibrium constant andthus its variation with changing temperature obeys the van't Hoff equation, which takes the formbelow after it is integrated:ln K a2& ln K a1' & ∆ d H 1& 1 [11]R T 2T 1It is assumed that the enthalpy of dissociation, ∆ d H, is constant over the temperaturerange, [T 1 , T 2 ].23

Materials• 3 – 250 mL volumetric flasks• 1 – 100 mL graduated cylinder• 1 – 50 mL graduated cylinder• 5 – 100 mL beakers• 1 – 250 mL beaker• Vernier with conductance probe• hydrochloric acid (HCl)• acetic acid (CH 3 COOH)• sodium acetate (CH 3 COONa)• sodium chloride (NaCl)ProcedureThe following stock solutions will be provided:1. 0.1 M sodium chloride (NaCl)2. 0.1 M sodium acetate (CH 3 COONa)3. 0.04 M hydrochloric acid (HCl)4. 0.02 M acetic acid (CH 3 COOH)A. Preparation of Required Solutions1. Each stock solution provided will be used to make three dilute solutions, each 250 mL involume. In addition, keep about 50 mL of the stock solution in a labelled 100 mL beaker.All required solution concentrations are outlined in Table 2.1 (Note: prepare only one setof solutions at a time - only use deionized water, do not use tap water).Table 2.1 - Required Solution ConcentrationsSet Compound Concentrations (M)1 NaCl 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, 0.102 CH 3 COONa 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, 0.103 HCl 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.044 CH 3 COOH 0.004, 0.008, 0.01, 0.02B. Calibration of the Conductivity Probe (repeat steps as required)1. Make sure the computer console has been turned on and that the conductivity probe hasbeen correctly connected. Please ask a TA for help if this has not yet been done.2. Load the Logger Pro software and make sure that the conductivity probe is set to the 0 –20000 µS range if using a strong electrolyte or the 0 – 2000 µS range if using a weakelectrolyte. The switch controlling the range is found on the black conductivity probebox.3. Rinse the probe with de-ionized water (do not scratch the electrodes!) and dry theoutside with a delicate task wiper (i.e., a Kimwipe).4. Load an appropriate calibration file, which can be found under the “Experiments/Probes& Sensors/Conductivity” directory. Note: consider the conductivity range you are using.24

This calibration file will automatically setup the probe for use. Make note of thisconductivity reading (“the air reading”) as it must be subtracted from all subsequentmeasurements.5. As a quick check of the probe, (perform only once) add about 50 mL of de-ionized waterto a 100 mL beaker and about 50 mL of tap water to another 100 mL beaker. Take theconductivity measurements of both solutions. The de-ionized water reading should beequal or very close to the air reading, while the tap water reading should be muchdifferent. Also, using the Vernier temperature probe, measure and then record thetemperature of one of the solutions into your data sheet.C. Conductivity Measurements1. Once a set of solutions has been prepared and making sure that the probe has beencorrectly calibrated, add about 50 mL of each diluted solution to a labelled 100 mLbeaker. A 250 mL beaker has been provided to use as a quick rinse and should beprepared with fresh de-ionized water for each set of solutions. For acetic acid: the deionizedwater should be changed after each measurement.2. Dip the conductivity probe into the solution (see Figure 2.1) with the lowest electrolyteconcentration and click on thebutton, which can be found near the top rightof the screen. This will start the data acquisition process and produce a plot on thescreen.3. Once the reading has stabilized (ca. 10 s), record the value on your data sheet, remove theprobe from the solution, blot dry, swirl in the de-ionized water bath, blot dry again anddip the probe into the solution having the next highest electrolyte concentration.4. Repeat step 3 until the conductivities of all the solutions in a set have been recorded.5. Clean all glassware (beakers, flasks, etc.) and move on to the next set of solutions.6. After the conductivities of all 16 solutions (4 sets of 4 solutions) have been measured,perform a final cleaning of the conductivity probe, exit the Logger Pro program andreturn all glassware to the appropriate student locker.Figure 2.125

Calculations1. Using equation [4], determine Λ values for all of the solutions that contain a strongelectrolyte. The cell constant, A/l, is equal to 1 cm.2. Plot Λ vs. C and determine Λ 0 for all the strong electrolytes.3. Using the Kohlrausch method, evaluate Λ 0 for acetic acid.4. For each acetic acid solution, determine Λ, α, and K c , and present these findings in atable.5. By plotting log(K c ) vs. Cα and extrapolating to C = 0, find pK a for the temperature atwhich the experiment was conducted.6. Determine the enthalpy of dissociation, ∆ d H, for acetic acid under standard conditions.7. Using [12], determine K a under standard conditions and compare your findings with theliterature. Note: the value of K a for acetic acid is incorrect in both Atkins 7 th and 8 theditions, though the listed pK a is correct.Lab Questions1. Why, when determining Λ 0 for a weak electrolyte, it is preferable to determine theequivalent conductance at infinite dilution for several strong electrolytes as opposed todetermining it directly using the weak electrolyte?2. Using the Debye-Hückel-Onsager limiting law, compute the ionic molar conductivity forZn 2+ 2-(aq) and SO 4 (aq) ions in a 0.01 molar aqueous solution of ZnSO 4 at 298.15K. Thelimiting ionic molar conductivities are λ(Zn 2+ ) = 105.6 S cm 2 mol -1 2-and λ(SO 4 ) = 160.0 Scm 2 mol -1 . Use your results to calculate Λ(ZnSO 4 ) at the given concentration. Calculatethe percent error in your result by comparison to the result in the CRC Handbook.3. You should have noticed that, at the end of the experiment, only a small fraction of thetotal solution made was actually utilized for conductance measurements. Why were suchlarge amounts of solution prepared when only a small portion was used?4. When the sample under study is a non 1:1 weak electrolyte, explain why the definition ofequivalent conductance, as outlined earlier, no longer holds.5. The molar conductivity of an aqueous 0.10 molar solution of AgNO 3 is 109.09 S cm 2 mol -1at 298.15K. When this solution is placed in a particular conductance cell, the resistanceof the solution is found to be 35 Ω. Compute the specific conductivity of the AgNO 3solution.References1. Weast, Robert C. “Physical Constants of Organic Compounds.” CRC Handbook ofChemistry and Physics. 56 th ed. 1976. C-76.2. Shoemaker, David P., Garland, Carl W., and Nibler, Joseph W. Experiments in PhysicalChemistry. 6 th ed. New York: McGraw–Hill, 1996. 228-238.3. Atkins, Peter and Julio de Paula. Physical Chemistry. 7 th ed. New York: W. H.Freeman, 2002. 235-238, 833-838.26

Data SheetTemperature of solutions: ________ ECConcentration of CH 3 COOH solution: ________ mol L -1Concentration of HCl solution: ________ mol L -1Conductivity reading of air using: (i) 0 – 2000 µS cm -1 range ____________ µS cm -1(ii) 0 – 20000 µS cm -1 range ____________ µS cm -1#1 - NaCl #2 - CH 3 COONa #3 - HCl #4 - CH 3 COOHConc. (M) κ (µS cm -1 ) Conc. (M) κ (µS cm -1 ) Conc. (M) κ (µS cm -1 ) Conc. (M) κ (µS cm -1 )0.02 0.02 0.005 0.0040.04 0.04 0.01 0.0080.08 0.08 0.02 0.010.1 0.1 0.04 0.0227

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ate ' ν ' d[D]dtEXPERIMENT 3THE IODINE CLOCKIntroductionThe Rates of Chemical ReactionsBroadly defined, chemical kinetics is the study of the rates at which chemical reactionsproceed. Oftentimes, reaction rate data helps chemists to develop reaction mechanisms for agiven chemical reaction. The rate of a chemical reaction depends upon several parameters, suchas temperature, pressure and the initial composition of a system undergoing a reaction. If onewishes to consider a reaction for which a balanced chemical equation is known, several reactionrates can be determined:2A % 4B ! 3C % D [1]In [1], it is observed that 2A*s and 4B*s are required to produce 3C*s and one D. Fordilute solutions, reaction rates can be expressed by considering the change in concentration of aparticular constituent that is being consumed or produced with respect to the change in time:' 1 3d[C]dt' – 1 4d[B]dt' – 1 2d[A]dtReaction Rate Law and Reaction OrderThe rate, ν, at which a chemical reaction proceeds is often found to be proportional insome fashion to the concentration of each reactant raised to some exponential power:ν ' k[A] a [B] b [2]Where a and b are experimentally determined values and k is the rate constant.The rate law is not, in general, to be inferred from a balanced chemical reaction, rather, itmust be determined experimentally. The constants a and b are oftentimes integers and theoverall reaction order is equal to their sum. Thus, for example, if a and b were determined to beequal to 2 and 1, respectively, the reaction is said to be third-order (a + b = 2 + 1 = 3).Determination of the Rate LawOne very popular method of determining the rate law is known as the method of initialrates, and is aptly titled as the rate is measured only for the initial stages of a chemical reaction.This method involves making a series of solutions, each with a different composition andobserving the initial reaction rate as a function of the changing reactant composition. For areaction which involves two reactive species, the general process involves first keeping theconcentration of one of the reactants constant (reactant A, for example) while varying theconcentration of the other (reactant B). Then, the concentration of B is held fixed while varyingthe concentration of A. By plotting the logarithm of the initial rate, ν 0 , against the logarithm ofthe concentration of the reactant whose concentration is being varied, the reaction order withrespect to that constituent can be determined as it is equal to the slope of a first-order line of bestfit (m = a, according to [2], for the case where [A] is being varied; see Figure 3.1).29

-4.7-5log v 0(units of M s -1 )-5.3-5.6-5.9-6.2log(v 0 ) = 2.0005log([A]) - 1.8429R 2 = 1.00-6.5-2.4 -2.2 -2 -1.8 -1.6 -1.4log [A] (units of M)Figure 3.1 Plot of log ν 0 versus log [A]. According to the line of best fit, the reaction is clearlysecond-order with respect to reactant A.The Iodine ClockIn this lab experiment, the reaction between the persulfate ion (S 2 O 82–) and the iodide ion(I – ) is studied in aqueous media and may be represented by the following chemical equation:S 2 O 2–8(aq) % 2I– (aq)! 2SO 2–4(aq) % I 2 (aq)[3]Two additional reagents are used: the first provides the thiosulfate anion (S 2 O 32–). Thisanion reacts very quickly, with respect to the process described by [3], with any iodine present:I 2 (aq)% 2S 2O 2–3(aq)! S 4O 2–6(aq) % 2I– (aq)[4]Once all of the thiosulfate is consumed, the iodine being evolved at this point will reactwith any iodide present and their product forms a complex with the second additional reagent,which is starch. This reaction produces a purple colour which signals the end of the datasampling period. Therefore, by considering the amount of thiosulfate added to the reactionmixture, one can measure the rate of the reaction.30

The Reaction MediumOne should also consider the influence that the reaction medium has upon the reactionrate. The observed reaction rate is not only a function of the items outlined earlier, but is alsodependent upon the solvent used (not considered in this experiment) and the ionic strength, I, ofthe solution. In order to determine the rate constant at infinite dilution, k 0 , a correction whichaccounts for the ionic strength of the solution is done (note that this form of the correction is onlyapplicable when the Debye-Hückel limiting law holds):logk ' logk 0% 1.018 z Az BI [5]Where z A and z B are the charge numbers associated with the two atoms or molecules that areundergoing the chemical reaction under study.The Rate Constant as a Function of TemperatureThe rate constant for many chemical reactions is found to increase in a linear fashionwhen a plot of ln k versus 1/T is composed. This is the graphical expression of the Arrheniusequation:ln k ' ln A – E aRT[6]where A is commonly denoted as the frequency factor and where E a is the activation energy ofthe reaction under consideration.Activated Complex TheoryIn bimolecular reactions, the two reacting species (A and B, for example) are postulatedto pass through some form of transition state, which is often higher in energy than the reactants.This is the basis of activated complex theory (sometimes referred to as transition state theory).By using this theory, one can relate the rate constant to the Gibbs energy of activation, ∆ ‡ G, for aparticular temperature:k ' κ ˜kTh– ∆RT‡ GpEG e RT' κ ˜kTh–∆RT‡ HpEG e RTe∆ ‡ SR [7]Where κ is the transmission coefficient, a dimensionless quantity which will be assumed to equal1, k˜ is the Boltzmann constant, h is the Planck constant, and ∆ ‡ H and ∆ ‡ S are the enthalpy ofactivation and the entropy of activation, respectively. All other parameters carry their usualmeaning. For reactions carried out in solution, the enthalpy of activation is related to theactivation energy:E a' ∆ ‡ H % RT [8]Therefore, with ∆ ‡ G and ∆ ‡ H known, ∆ ‡ S can be determined by using the equation whichexpresses the change in Gibbs energy for an isothermal process.31

Materials• 4 – 50 mL burettes• 3 – medium test tubes• 1 – test tube rack• 6 – 100 mL beakers• 1 – 1 L beaker• 3 – 100 mL volumetric flasks• 3 – 100 mL Erlenmeyer flasks• 1 – hot plate & stirrer• 1 – water bath• 1 – thermometer• 2 – scoopula• 2 – magnetic stir bars• 1 – stopwatch• 1 – 1.0 mL pipette & bulb• 2 – 5.0 mL pipettes• ammonium chloride (NH 4 Cl)• potassium chloride (KCl)• ammonium persulfate ((NH 4 ) 2 S 2 O 8 )• potassium iodide (KI)• sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate(Na 2 S 2 O 3 C5H 2 O )• starch solutionProcedureThe following solutions will be provided:1. 0.15 M ammonium chloride (NH 4 Cl) (A1)2. 0.12 M potassium chloride (KCl) (A2)A. Preparation of Required SolutionsPrepare the following solutions using the room temperature de-ionized water (note: DO NOTuse tap water for the preparation of these samples):1. 100 mL of 0.05 M ammonium persulfate ((NH 4 ) 2 S 2 O 8 ) (A3)2. 100 mL of 0.12 M potassium iodide (KI) (A4)3. 100 mL of ca. 0.007 M sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate (Na 2 S 2 O 3 C5H 2 O) (A5)32

B. The Effect of Reactant Concentrations on ν 01. For A3 and A4, transfer some of each solution into separate 100 mL beakers and then intoseparate 50 mL burettes. You may wish to label the burettes so you do not mix up thesolutions.2. In a similar fashion as step B1, transfer some de-ionized water, as well as some starchsolution, into 50 mL burettes. A total of four burettes should be filled with solution.3. Prepare two solutions as indicated by the trial #1 row in the table below (do not mixthem!):#1 - Into Erlenmeyer Flask #2 - Into Test TubeTrial # A1 A3 A5 H 2 O A2 A4 Starch1 0.0* 10 1 19 0 10 102 0 10 1 19 2 8 103 0 10 1 19 4 6 104 0 10 1 19 6 4 105 2 8 1 19 0 10 106 4 6 1 19 0 10 107 6 4 1 19 0 10 10* amounts of added solution are to be taken as in units of mL4. While the solutions for this trial are being prepared, the hot plate can be setup as depictedin Figure 3.2 and the stopwatch prepared for use.5. Once a stable temperature has been established (do not turn the heating function on),record this temperature in your data sheet, immerse the Erlenmeyer flask into the waterbath and when ready, quickly add the contents of the test tube to the flask. Start timingabout halfway into adding the contents of the test tube.6. You will notice that the solution is not coloured in any way, yet appears slightly cloudy.Stop timing when the solution is purple in colour (i.e., continue timing if it is only faintlypurple).7. After the trial, clean and dry the test tube and flask as best as you can, then transfer theitems into the oven to eliminate any residual water.8. Repeat steps as necessary until you have time measurements for all 7 trials.33

test tubestandErlenmayer flaskthermometerstir barwater bathhot plate / stirrerFigure 3.2C. The Effect of Temperature on ν 01. Fill the 1 L beaker about 3/4 of the way with de-ionized water. This beaker will serve asthe new water bath for the remainder of this experiment.2. Heat the bath until the temperature is around 35 EC and then remove the beaker from theheat source. Prepare the solutions using the same composition as outlined in trial #1 andhence, conduct trial #1 once again at this temperature. Record the initial temperature, theelapsed time and the final temperature (the temperature after colour change) on your datasheet. The average of the starting and final temperatures will be used as “thetemperature” at which the trial was conducted.3. Repeat step C2, but this time heat the bath until the temperature is around 45 EC.CalculationsPart B.1. For each trial in Part B, determine the initial concentration of all the ionic species presentand tabulate your results. You might find it useful to explicitly write down all of thechemical dissociation equations. Determine the average reaction temperature.2. Determine the initial reaction rate, ν 0 , for all trials in part B. Express these rates in unitsof M min -1 .3. Create two plots, one of log ν 0 versus log [I – ] using the data from trials 1 – 4 and one oflog ν 0 versus log [S 2 O 82-] using the data from trials 1 and 5 – 7. Fit the data using afunction of the form y = mx + b. From the slope, determine the reaction order withrespect to each component. Round your value to the nearest half-integer.4. Determine the rate constant for each trial and average these values. This mean value willbe known as the average rate constant at room temperature, k¯rt .34

5. Determine the ionic strength of one of the solutions used and using equation [5],determine the rate constant at infinite dilution, k 0 , and compare this value with theliterature. Assume that the Debye-Hückel limiting law holds.Part C.1. Determine the rate constant of the experiment at the two elevated experimentaltemperatures. Use these two values and k¯rt to create a plot of ln k versus 1/T anddetermine E a for this reaction. Interpolate to find k 298 (i.e., the rate constant at T = 298 K).2. Using k 298 and equations [7] and [8], determine ∆ ‡ GE and ∆ ‡ HE and comment upon thechemical significance of these values. Note: pay close attention to units when solving [7]for ∆ ‡ GE. Use these two values to determine ∆ ‡ SE and comment upon the physicalmeaning of the value isolated.3. Using an appropriate reference (see list below), determine the standard Gibbs energy ofreaction, ∆ r G°, from the ∆ f G° values associated with each reacting species.4. Using the values determined in steps C2 and C3, sketch a Gibbs energy reaction profile asthe reactants are converted into products.Lab Questions1. Starting from the form of the rate equation given in [2], show why a plot of log ν 0 vs. log[A] would give the order of reaction with respect to that particular reactant.2. Why were the NH 4 Cl and KCl salts used? If water were to be substituted for them, howwould it affect the observed rate constant and by how much? (find the percent difference)Hint: assume the same starting composition for one of the trials where a non-reagent saltwas used, but replace the added salt with water.3. If reaction [3] is the third-order reaction, what are the units of k(T) [3]?4. An investigator is conducting kinetic experiments on a first-order reaction A P forwhich the rate coefficient at 298 K is k 0 = 0.001 s -1 . The activation energy for the reactionis found to be 40 kJ mol -1 . Assume that a simple Arrhenius expression gives thedependence of k upon temperature. The investigator runs the reaction in a containerwhose temperature is increased to 500 K. What is the change in the half-life time?References1. Atkins, Peter and Julio de Paula. Physical Chemistry. 7 th ed. New York: W. H.Freeman, 2002. 256-258, 862-870, 879-881, 951-952, 956-963.2. Bernasconi, Claude F., ed. Investigation of Rates and Mechanisms of Reactions. 4 th ed.Toronto: John Wiley & Sons, 1986. 14-24.3. Wagman, Donald D. Selected Values of Chemical Thermodynamic Properties.Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1965.4. Howells, W. J. Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 1939, 463-466.5. Amis, Edward S., and James E. Potts. J. Am Chem. Soc. 1941, 63, 2883-2888.6. Moews, P.C., and R. H. Petrucci. Journal of Chemical Education. 1964, 41, 549-551.35

Data SheetA.Concentration of NH 4 Cl solution: ________ mol L -1Concentration of KCl solution: ________ mol L -1Concentration of (NH 4 ) 2 S 2 O 8 solution: ________ mol L -1Concentration of KI solution: ________ mol L -1Concentration of Na 2 S 2 O 3 solution: ________ mol L -1B.Trial # Temperature (EC) Elapsed Time (m:s)1234567Average Reaction Temperature: ________ ECC.Trial T i (EC) T f (EC) T& (EC) Elapsed Time (m:s)ca. 35 ECca. 45 EC36

EXPERIMENT 4THERMODYNAMIC FUNCTIONS of a GALVANIC CELLIntroductionChemical Reactions Involving the Transfer of ElectronsNumerous chemical reactions have been studied which involve the transfer of electronsfrom one species to another. The chemical species which has donated electrons is defined as thereducing agent and is said to have undergone the process of oxidation over the course of thereaction. The chemical species which receives the electrons is defined as the oxidizing agent andis said to have undergone the process of reduction over the course of the reaction. A redox(reduction/oxidization) reaction is the term applied to a reaction in which electrons aretransferred from one chemical species to another.Half-ReactionsAlthough the processes of oxidation and reduction occur simultaneously, the techniquemost widely used for understanding redox reactions involves separating them into half-reactions.This separation can be done in more than one equivalent fashion, with one way being outlinedbelow. Consider the redox reaction where tin(II) and iron(III) are the reagents:Sn 2% (aq) % 2Fe 3% (aq)! Sn 4% (aq) % 2Fe 2% (aq) [1]Above is the net ionic equation describing this redox reaction in aqueous media; below, the sameredox reaction is expressed as two reduction half-reactions:(A) 2Fe 3% (aq)! 2Fe 2% (aq) % 2e–[2](B) Sn 4% (aq)! Sn 2% (aq) % 2e–By taking the difference between the two half-reactions in [2], one can arrive at [1].The Electrochemical CellThe separation of redox reactions into half-reactions is convenient, and it reminds one ofthe electrochemical cell, a common physical construct used when studying this type of reaction.Each physical half-cell is composed of a single electrode, which is placed in contact with anelectrolyte of some sort. A typical half-cell will have a strip of metal, M, (the electrode) which isin contact with an aqueous solution that contains ions of this metal (the electrolyte), M n+ , where nis the charge number associated with a particular oxidation state of the metal. A low resistancewire will allow the passage of electrons from one electrode to the other. Note that there are manyvariations to this scheme, one of which will be utilized in this experiment. The fashion in whichthe cell circuit is completed also varies, but one regularly used method involves a salt bridge, andit is the method that will be used for this experiment. A salt bridge is often made by adding agarto an electrolytic solution followed by heating. Upon cooling, the solution will turn into a gel. Aconnected set of two half-cells is called an electrochemical cell; a general schematic of which isprovided below:37

Figure 4.1Once connected, a redox reaction may begin to occur spontaneously, accompanied withthe production of electricity. In cases of this sort, the electrochemical cell is referred to as agalvanic cell. If electricity is required to drive the chemical reaction, the redox reaction beingconsidered is non-spontaneous and the electrochemical cell is known as an electrolytic cell.Regardless of the type of electrochemical cell, the flow of electrons is from the anode (this is theelectrode at which the process of oxidation occurs) to the cathode (the electrode at whichreduction occurs).Gibbs Energy Change and The Cell PotentialIn galvanic cells, as with any spontaneous process, the redox reaction occursspontaneously due to the fact that the chemical potential, µ, of the system decreases. If thesystem is under constant temperature and pressure conditions, the chemical potential change ofthe system can be related in a straightforward fashion to the Gibbs energy change, ∆ r G.Additionally, as long as the process is reversible, ∆ r G can be related to the cell potential, E cell , (orthe electromotive force, (emf)) which is defined as being the electrical potential differencebetween the anode and cathode and is related to the maximum amount of electrical work, w e,max ,that can be done by the system. The above statements are represented algebraically:µ B& µ A' ∆ rG ' w e,max' – νöE cell [3]Where B is some final state, A is some initial state, E cell is in units of V mol -1 , ν is the number ofelectrons transferred (units of mol), and ö is the Faraday constant (96 485 C mol -1 ).38

E cell as a function of Cell CompositionThe relationship between the reaction quotient, Q, and the Gibbs energy of reaction takeson the form below:∆ rG ' ∆ rGE % RTln Q [4]Where ∆ r GE is the change in Gibbs energy when the system is under standard conditions. Theabove equation can be re-expressed using [3]:E cell' E cellE & RTνö lnQ [5]The form above is known as the Nernst equation and E cellE is defined as the standard emf.Other Thermodynamic FunctionsIt has been established that the emf is related directly to the Gibbs energy of reaction, butthe fashion in which the emf varies with respect to temperature can allow one to determine thechange in another thermodynamic function of state. By taking the derivative of the isolated E cellvalue with respect to temperature, the entropy of reaction, ∆ r S, can be determined:dE cell'∆ r S[6]dT νöOnce the values for ∆ r S and ∆ r G are known, the enthalpy of reaction, ∆ r H, for theparticular redox reaction may be determined.Materials• 2 – 50 mL volumetric flasks• 2 – scoopula• 1 – 50 mL graduated cylinder• 1 – hot plate/stirrer combow/ temperature probe• 1 – glass stir rod• plastic tubing• 4 – 100 mL beakers• 2 – 100 mL beaker lids• 1 – magnetic stir bar• 1 – Pasteur pipette• 1 – water bath• 1 – 10.0 mL pipette• 1 – 1 MΩ resistor• 1 – voltmeter• 1 – platinum electrode• 1 – zinc electrode• potassium ferrocyanide(K 4 Fe(CN) 6 C3H 2 O)• potassium ferricyanide (K 3 Fe(CN) 6 )• zinc chloride (ZnCl 2 )• pH 4 buffer• potassium nitrate (KNO 3 )• agarProcedureA. Preparation of the Salt Bridge (another group member should start on part B)1. Using the 50 mL graduated cylinder, measure out 50 mL of de-ionized water and transferthis to a clean 100 mL beaker.2. To this beaker, first add enough KNO 3 to make a 0.1 M solution, then add 2 grams of39

agar.3. Heat this solution with stirring to around 85 EC. To do this, turn the heating function ofthe hot plate on, and set the dial to around 150 EC. On the temperature probe display, setthe temperature to 95 EC (note that this is about 10EC above the target temperature).The probe is designed such that the solution may be heated by the hot plate to a range ofdesired temperatures. Wait until the solution is clear and bubbles have started to form.4. Remove the beaker from the heat, then using a Pasteur pipette attached to one end of thetubing, withdraw a portion of the hot solution into the tubing. Once this cools (let sitabout 30 – 40 min), it will form a gel and may be used as the salt bridge.B. Preparation of Required SolutionsPrepare the following solutions using de-ionized water (note: do not use tap water):1. 50 mL of a solution that is 0.10 M in BOTH potassium ferrocyanide (K 4 Fe(CN) 6 C3H 2 O)and potassium ferricyanide (K 3 Fe(CN) 6 ).2. 50 mL of ca. 0.10 – 0.20 M zinc chloride (ZnCl 2 ). Make sure to add 10.0 mL of pH 4buffer before topping up with the de-ionized water.C. Effect of Temperature on E cell1. Create an ice slurry using the water bath as a container and then assemble theelectrochemical cell as shown in Figure 4.2. Add a stir bar to the bath as well.34.5temperature probeVresistor/voltmeterZn electrode connectionPt electrode connection3-/4-100 mL beaker w/ Zn 2+ 100 mL beaker w/ Fe(CN) 6hot plate/stirrerFigure 4.22. Cut the ends of the salt bridge so that the gel runs the full length of the tubing. Whenready, turn the heating/stirring functions on and set the temperature dial to around175 EC. On the temperature probe display, set the temperature to 20 EC.3. As the temperature gets close to the desired value (- 1 EC away), add the salt bridge.40

4. Proceed to take a measurement of the cell potential at 10 EC and record this value in yourdata sheet. Note: the voltmeter should be set to read direct current, &&&V .5. Once the reading has been made, remove the salt bridge and heat the system to 15 EC.6. Continue taking measurements and heating the system until the data sheet is completed.Calculations1. Write out the chemical equation for the redox reaction that was under study in this laband use it to calculate Q. Note: you do not have to worry about activities. Then, using Qand [5], find the value of E cellE at each temperature point.2. Create a plot of E Ecellversus temperature.3. Using the line of best fit, interpolate what the value of E Ecellshould be at T = 298 K. Thiswill be known as E E 298. Compare your value with the literature.4. Using the value isolated for E E 298, calculate ∆ r GE.5. Using the plot composed in step C2, determine ∆ r SE for this reaction. Then, using thevalue of ∆ r GE calculated earlier, find ∆ r HE.Lab Questions1. The pH 4 buffer was used to maintain the cell potential over the course of the reaction.What possible side reaction does the use of this buffered solution prevent and why wouldthis cause a change in the cell potential? (see references)2. Distinguish cell potential and electromotive force.3. Using the value ∆ f G o (Al (aq)+3) = -481.2 kJ/mole, calculate ∆ f G o in kJ mol -1 for Ba (aq)+2using the following Galvanic cell: Al|Al(NO 4 ) 3 ||Ba(NO 3 ) 2 |Ba4. Based on the electrochemical process:3Pb (aq)+2+ 2Al (s) 2Pb (s) + 2Al (aq)+3Calculate the cell voltage at 25 o C given starting concentrations: [Al (aq)+3] 0 = 0.00300 Mand [Pb (aq)+2] 0 = 2.45 M.5. A student obtained a negative reading in the cell potential during the experiment. Basedon that, the student concluded that the cell reaction is not spontaneous. Is the student'sjudgment correct? Why?References1. Atkins, Peter and Julio de Paula. Physical Chemistry. 7 th ed. New York: W. H.Freeman, 2002. 262-281.2. Brown, Theodore L., LeMay, H. E., and Bruce E. Bursten. Chemistry: The CentralScience. 6 th ed. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1994. 720-743.3. McSwiney, Harry D. Journal of Chemical Education. 1982, 59, 165.4. Probst, Donald A., and Giles Henderson. Journal of Chemical Education. 1996, 73, 962-964.41

Data SheetB.Actual concentration of ZnCl 2 solution: ________ mol L -1C.Temperature (EC) E cell (V mol -1 )10152025303540455042

EXPERIMENT 5ADSORPTION FROM SOLUTIONIntroductionThe term adsorption is used to describe the fact that there is a greater concentration of theadsorbed molecules at the surface of the solid than in the bulk solution. In general, one usessolid adsorbents of small size and often with surface imperfections such as cracks and holeswhich serve to greatly increase the surface area per unit mass over the apparent geometrical area.Such small, porous particles may have specific areas in the range from 10 to 1000 m 2 g -1 . Someexamples of adsorbents commonly used in experiments of this kind are charcoal, silica gel,alumina, zeolites, and molecular sieves. The adsorption from aqueous solutions of acetic acid oncharcoal will be investigated in the present experiment.The type of interaction between the adsorbed molecule and the solid surface varies over awide range, from weak nonpolar van der Waals' forces to strong chemical bonding. Examples ofadsorption where ionic or covalent bonding occurs include the adsorption of chloride ions andsilver chloride (ionic) or of oxygen gas on metals where oxygen-metal bonds are formed(covalent). In these cases, the process is called chemisorption (chemical adsorption) which isgenerally characterized by high heats of adsorption (from 10 to 100 kcal mol -1 of gas adsorbed).Chemisorption is highly specific in nature and depends on the chemical properties of both thesurface molecules and the adsorbed molecules. Adsorption arising from weaker van der Waals'and dipole forces is not specific in character and can take place in any system at low or moderatetemperatures. This type of adsorption is called physisorption (physical adsorption) and is usuallyassociated with low heats of adsorption (less than 10 kcal mol -1 ). Physical adsorption forces aresimilar to those which cause condensation of gases into liquid or solids. When an adsorbingmolecule approaches the surface of the solid, there is an interaction between that molecule andthe molecule in the surface which tends to concentrate the adsorbing molecules on the surface inmuch the same way that a gas molecule is condensed onto the surface of bulk liquid. Anotherrespect in which physical adsorption is similar to liquid condensation is the fact that molar heatsare of adsorption are of the same order of magnitude as molar heats of vaporization.The amount adsorbed per gram of solid depends on the specific area of the solid, theequilibrium solute concentration in the solution (or pressure in the case of adsorption from thegas phase), the temperature, and the nature of the molecules involved. From measurements atconstant temperature, one can obtain a plot of N, the number of moles adsorbed per gram ofsolid, versus c, the equilibrium solute concentration. This is called an adsorption isotherm.Often, it is possible to represent experimental results over a limited range by an empiricalisotherm suggested by Freundlich:N ' Kc a (1)where K and a are constants which have no physical significance, but can be evaluated by a plotof log N versus log c. However, eq. (1) fails to predict the behaviour observed at low and highconcentrations. At low concentrations, N is often directly proportional to c, whereas at highconcentrations N usually approaches a constant limiting value which is independent of c.43

Much effort has been devoted to developing a theory of adsorption which would explainthe observed experimental facts. In some simple systems, a theory derived by Langmuir can beapplied. This theory is restricted to cases where only one layer of molecules can be adsorbed atthe surface. Monolayer adsorption is usually observed in the case of chemisorption from the gasphase or adsorption from solution, and is distinguished by the fact that the amount adsorbedreaches a maximum value at moderate concentrations (corresponding to complete coverage of thesurface of the adsorbent by a layer one molecule thick) and remains constant with furtherincreases in concentration. The Langmuir isotherm can be derived from either kinetic orequilibrium arguments and is most commonly applied to the chemisorption of gases. We shallgive a form appropriate to adsorption from solution:kcθ '(2)1 % kcwhere θ is the fraction of the solid surface covered by adsorbed molecules and k is a constant atconstant temperature. Now θ = N/N m , where N is the number of moles adsorbed per gram ofsolid at an equilibrium solute concentration, c, and N m is the number of moles per gram requiredto form a monolayer. Making this substitution and rearranging Eq. (2), we obtaincN ' c% 1N mkN(3)mIf the Langmuir isotherm is an adequate description process, then a plot of c/N versus c will yielda straight line with slope 1/N m . If the surface area, σ, occupied by an adsorbed molecule on thesurface is known, the specific area, A, (in square meters per gram) is given byA ' N mN 0σ ×10 &20 (4)where N 0 is Avogadro's number and σ is given in square angstroms.Materials6 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks with glassstoppers or rubber stoppers2 100 ml Erlenmeyer flasks (for titration)6 100 ml beakers (for filtering)1 250 ml beaker6 100 ml volumetric flasks1 Funnel holder (or three rings, with clampsand stands)3 funnelsFine porosity filter paper50, 20, and 10 mL pipettes2 50 ml burettesThermometer2 bulbsSelf adhesive labelSpatulaThe following stock solutions will be provided:1. 0.30 M acetic acid2. 0.20 M sodium hydroxide3. Phenolphthalein indicator4. Activated charcoal44

Procedure1. Clean and dry six 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks. These should either have glass stopperedtops or be fitted with rubber stoppers. Label the flasks from 1 to 6. Place approximately1 g of charcoal in each flask (the weight need not be exactly 1 g but it should be known tothe nearest milligram).2. To each flask, add 100 ml of acetic acid solution, measured accurately with a pipette.Suggested initial concentrations are 0.30, 0.27, 0.24, 0.21, 0.18 and 0.15 M. Using 100mL volumetric flasks, prepare the following solutions by adding the respective quantitiesof 0.30 M acetic acid stock solutions and diluting up to the mark using de-ionised water(in the case of flask 1, fill with acetic acid to the mark):Flask Activated carbon(g) Acetic Acid conc. Acetic acid (mL) De-ionized H 2 O (mL)1 0.30 100 02 0.27 90 103 0.24 80 204 0.21 70 305 0.18 60 406 0.15 50 50Add these solutions to the six flasks containing the charcoal adsorbent.3. Close the flasks with stoppers, and shake them periodically for a period of 30 min. Afteryou are finished shaking, allow at least 20 minutes to reach equilibrium.4. While waiting for the solution to equilibrate, determine the exact concentration of thestock acetic acid solution by titrating two 10 ml samples of the stock solution with 0.20M NaOH using phenolphthalein as indicator.5. After equilibrium has been reached, measure the temperature of solutions. Filter all thesamples through fine filter paper. Discard the first 10 mL of the filtrate as a precautionagainst adsorption of the acid by the filter paper.6. After filtering, titrate samples of the filtrates with 0.20 M NaOH to determine theequilibrium concentration of acetic acid. You will find it convenient to titrate accordingto the following scheme:Filtrate No. Sample Volume (mL) Number of Samples Volume of 0.20 NaOH (mL)1 10 22 10 23 25 24 25 25 30 26 30 2Titrate all solutions accurately!45

CalculationsCalculate the final concentration of acetic acid for each sample. From the values of theinitial (c 0 ) and final concentrations (c e ) of acetic acid in 100 mL of solution, calculate the numberof moles present before and after adsorption, and obtain the number of moles adsorbed bydifference. Compute N, the number of moles of acid adsorbed per gram of charcoal. Plot anisotherm of N versus the equilibrium (final) concentration c in moles per litre.As suggested by Eq. (3), plot c/N versus c. Draw the best straight line through thesepoints, and calculate N m from the slope. On the assumption that the adsorption area of acetic acidis 21 Å 2 , calculate the area per gram of charcoal from Eq. (4).Lab Questions1. What are three assumptions in Langmuir isotherm?2. What is a BET isotherm?3. M. G. Olivier and R. Jadot (J. Chem. Eng. Data 42, 230 (1997)) studied the adsorption ofbutane on silica gel. They report the following amounts of adsorption (in moles perkilogram of silica gel) at 303 K:p/kPa 31.00 38.22 53.03 76.38 101.97 130.47 165.06 182.41 205.75 219.91n/(mol kg -1 ) 1.00 1.17 1.54 2.04 2.49 2.90 3.22 3.30 3.35 3.36Fit these data to a Langmuir isotherm, and determine the value of N m that corresponds tocomplete coverage and the constant k.References1. Shoemaker, David P., Garland, Carl W., Steinfeld, Jeffrey I., and Niebler, Joseph W.Experiments in Physical Chemistry, 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1981. 332-337.2. Atkins, Peter and Julio de Paula. Physical Chemistry, 7th ed. New York: W. H. Freeman,2002. 987-994.46

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