Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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sanctimonia : purity, charity, virtue, sanctity, sacredness.<br />

sanctimonialis : nun.<br />

Sanctus Eleutherius : St. Eligius.<br />

Sanctus Egidius : St. Gilles.<br />

sanctus : holy, sacred, / saint.<br />

Sanctus Rodoenus : St. Ouen.<br />

sane : rationally, sensibly, really, indeed, to be sure.<br />

sanitas : health, soundness of mend, sanity.<br />

sano : to heal.<br />

Santiago : St. James.<br />

sanus : sound, healthy, sane.<br />

sapiens : (subs.) a wise man, philosopher.<br />

sapiens : wise, judicious.<br />

sapienter : wisely, judiciously.<br />

sapientia : wisdom.<br />

sarcina : bundle, pack, burden, load.<br />

satago : to pay a creditor, satisfy a creditor.<br />

satago : have one's hands full, have enough to do.<br />

satio : to satisfy, sate.<br />

satis : enough, sufficient / sufficiently.<br />

sato : to sow, plant.<br />

satura : satire.<br />

saturo : to fill, satisfy.<br />

scaber : scabby, rough.<br />

scabies : the itch, mange, a rash.<br />

Scaldus : Scheldt.<br />

scamnum : bench, stool.<br />

scaphium (sciphus : Herimann, cap. 24) pot, bowl, drinking vessel<br />

sceleratus : wicked, accursed, infamous, criminal.<br />

scelero : to pollute with guilt, with blood, etc.<br />

scelestus : wicked, accursed, infamous, criminal.<br />

scelus sceleris : crime, sin, evil deed, wickedness.<br />

schola : school / elite troop of soldiers.<br />

scientia : knowledge, science, skill.<br />

scilicet : evidently, certainly, of course, no doubt, assuredly.<br />

scindo : to cut, rend, split, divide, separate.<br />

scio scivi scitum : to know.<br />

scio : to know, understand.<br />

scio : to know, understand.<br />

scisco : investigate, ask, inquire / vote, ordain, resolve.<br />

scribo, scripsi scriptum : to write, compose.<br />

scrinium : bookcase, case for papers.<br />

scriptor : writer, author, scribe.<br />

se habere : to keep oneself.<br />

se gero : to conduct oneself, conduct, carry on.<br />

se astringo : to commit oneself to.

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