Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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evertor reverti reversus : to return, come back.<br />

revoco : to call back, recover, refer, revoke.<br />

revolvo : to unroll a book, go over again, repeat.<br />

rex rgis : king.<br />

rhetor : rhetorician, teacher of rhetoric.<br />

rhetoricus : rhetorical.<br />

rideo risi risum : to laugh at, laugh.<br />

rigor : stiffness, hardness, sternness.<br />

ritus : usage, ceremony, rite.<br />

rogo eum ut +subjunctive : to ask someone to do something.<br />

rogo : to ask, ask for.<br />

rostrum : bill of a bird, beak.<br />

rota : wheel.<br />

Rotomagense : Rouen.<br />

rotundus : wheel-shaped, round.<br />

rubor : redness, blush, modesty, shame, disgrace.<br />

rudimentum : trial, attempt, essay.<br />

rumor : rumor, gossip.<br />

ruo rui rutum : to rush, fall, be ruined.<br />

rursus : on the other hand, in return, back, again.<br />

rus ruris : the country, countryside, rural area.<br />

rusticus : rustic, rural / peasant.<br />

S<br />

sabbatum : sabbath.<br />

sacculus : purse, little bag, little sack.<br />

sacrificum : sacrifice.<br />

sacrilegus : sacrilegious, impious.<br />

saepe sepe : hedge, fence, enclosure, haye.<br />

saepe sepe : often, frequently, repeatedly.<br />

saepenumero : repeated, again and again.<br />

saepius sepius : often, frequently, repeatedly.<br />

saeta : hair.<br />

saeta equina : horse-hair.<br />

saevio : to rage, be furious, take violent action.<br />

sal salis : salt, wit.<br />

salsus : salty, witty.<br />

saltem : at least, at all events.<br />

salus : health, safety, well-being, salvation / salutation.<br />

saluto : to wish well, greet, visit, reverence, pay respect to.<br />

salutor : visitor, caller.<br />

salveo : to be well, be in good health.<br />

salvus : safe, sound.<br />

sanctifico : to sanctify, make holy.

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