Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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egula : rule / monastic rule.<br />

relaxo : to loosen, enlarge, relax, ease, lighten.<br />

relego relegi relectum : to read again, re-read.<br />

relevo : to lift again, lighten, alleviate, relieve.<br />

relictus : (fr. relinquo) having inherited, been bequeathed.<br />

relinquo : to leave behind, bequeath / abandon, forsake.<br />

reliquum : remainder, what is left, leavings.<br />

relucesco : to become bright again.<br />

reluctor : to struggle against, resist.<br />

remando : to send back word.<br />

remaneo : to stay behind, remain, continue.<br />

remaneo : to remain behind, stay, continue.<br />

rememdium : cure, remedy, nostrum, medicine.<br />

removeo : to draw back, set aside, take away.<br />

remuneror : to repay, reward.<br />

renuntio : to declare, announce, report, give notice.<br />

renuo : to deny, refuse, reject.<br />

rependo : to ransom, pay back, requite.<br />

repens : sudden, unexpected, fresh, recent.<br />

repente : suddenly, unexpectedly.<br />

repere : to crawl.<br />

reperio : to get again, find, ascertain, discover, invent.<br />

repetitio : repetition.<br />

repeto : to seek again, ask back.<br />

repeto : to return to, begin again, deduce, recall, recollect.<br />

repleo : to replenish, fill up, fill up again, fill, satisfy.<br />

repletus : filled, full.<br />

repo repsi reptum : to creep, crawl.<br />

repono : to deposit, lay up, store / requite.<br />

reprehendo : to blame, reprove, refute, hold back, check, catch.<br />

repugno : to fight against, oppose, resist / be incompatible with.<br />

requiesco requievi requietum : to rest.<br />

requiro : to ask for, look for, demand, desire, miss.<br />

res rei : thing, matter, business, affair.<br />

res publica : commonwealth, state, republic, public business.<br />

resisto : to resist, make a stand, oppose.<br />

respicio : to look back, provide for, respect, have regard for.<br />

respondeo respondi responsum : to answer, reply, respond.<br />

restituo : restore, put back, replace, reinstate, repair.<br />

resumo (resumpsi, resumptum) : to renew, repeat, resume.<br />

retineo : to hold back, restrain, detain, keep, maintain.<br />

retraho retraxi retractum : to draw back, pull back.<br />

retribuo : to give again, give as due.<br />

reus : defendant, accused, answerable, bound.<br />

revenio : to come back, return.<br />

reverto : to go back, return, revert.

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