Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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at : (conj.) but. (more emphatic and emotional than sed).<br />

atavus : great-great-great grandfather, ancestor.<br />

ater atra atrum : dark.<br />

atqui : (conj.) and yet, still.<br />

Atrebatum : Arras.<br />

atrocitas : hashness, cruelty, frightfulness, barbarity, horror.<br />

atrox : terrible, cruel, horror.<br />

attero : destroy, waste, weaken, impair.<br />

attero : to weaken, ruin, rub against, rub away, erode.<br />

attollo : to raise, lift up, elevate / excite, exalt.<br />

attonbitus : frantic, inspired, thunder-struck, stunned.<br />

auctor : author, originator.<br />

auctoritas : authority<br />

auctus : growth, enlargement, increase.<br />

audacia : boldness, dash, daring, audacity.<br />

audacter, audaciter : boldly, proudly, fearlessly.<br />

audax : bold<br />

audentia : boldness, courage.<br />

audeo : (part. ausus ) : to dare.<br />

audio : to hear, hearken, listen to.<br />

auditor : hearer, listener.<br />

aufero : to carry away, remove / steal, carry off, make away with.<br />

aureus : golden.<br />

auris : ear.<br />

Aurissiodorenses : Auxerre, dept. Yonne, between Paris and Dijon.<br />

aurum : gold.<br />

aut ... aut : either ... or.<br />

autem : moreover, however, but, also.<br />

autus : increase, enlargement, growth.<br />

Auxatia : Alsace.<br />

auxilium : aid, help, assistance, support.<br />

avaritia : avarice, greed.<br />

avarus : greedy, avaricious.<br />

aveho : to carry away, remove (avexi avectum )<br />

averto : to turn away, avert, avoid. turn back.<br />

Avesniis : Avesnes.<br />

avoco : to call away, divert.<br />

B<br />

baiulus : porter, pall-bearer, carrier of a burden.<br />

balbus : stammering, stuttering, fumbling.<br />

barba : beard, whiskers.<br />

bardus : stupid, slow, dull.<br />

basium : kiss.

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