Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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pupula : pupil of the eye.<br />

purgamentum : rubbish, trash, filth, sweepings.<br />

purgatio: cleaning out, cleansing / excsuing, justification.<br />

purgo : to clean, cleanse, purify / clear away, wash off / justify.<br />

purpura : purple dye, purple cloth / high rank, emperorship.<br />

purus : pure, free from.<br />

pusillus : tiny, puny / petty, mean.<br />

putator : pruner.<br />

puteo : to stink, be redolent, smell bad.<br />

puter : rotten, decayed, putrid / loose, crumbling / flabby.<br />

putesco : to putrefy, day, rot.<br />

puteus : well, pit.<br />

puto : to clear, settle up, consider, think, believe, suppose, judge.<br />

putus : pure, unmixed, unadulterated.<br />

pyropus : bronze.<br />

pyus pyxidis : a little box, casket.<br />

Q<br />

qua : (adv.) by which route, where.<br />

qua : (fem. sing. abl.) (the abbess) BY WHOM she was advised.<br />

quadraginta : forty (indecl.)<br />

quadratus : square, a square.<br />

quadrigae : four-horse team.<br />

quadrivium : second stage of the medieval curriculum<br />

quadrivium : crossroads, place where four roads meet.<br />

quadrum : a square<br />

quadruplator : an exaggerator, informer<br />

quadruplor : to be an informant.<br />

quae : (neut. pl. nom.) WHAT cannot be avoided must be endured.<br />

quae que : (fem. sing. nom.) (the milkmaid), WHO loved a prince.<br />

quae : (neut. pl. acc.) those things WHICH we must have<br />

quae : (fem. pl. nom.) Let THOSE (women) WHO have ears to hear ..<br />

quaero quero : to seek, search for / ask, enquire, search for<br />

quaero quero : to miss, want / seek to know / obtain, get.<br />

quaesitio quesitio : investigation, interrogation.<br />

quaeso queso : to seek for, ask for.<br />

quaestio questio : seeking, searching / inquiry, investigation.<br />

quaestuosus questuosus : profitable, fond of gain, rich.<br />

quaestus questus : profit, a source of profit, gaining, getting.<br />

qualis : of what kind? of the kind that.<br />

qualiscumque : of any kind whatever, any whatever.<br />

qualislibet : of what sort you will.<br />

qualitas : quality, property.<br />

qualiter : as, just as.

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