Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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prudens : prudent, wise.<br />

prudenter : wisely, discreetly.<br />

prudentia : foresight, wisdom, discretion.<br />

Pruma : Prums.<br />

publicus : of the people, public, open to all.<br />

puchre : beautifully, finely, handsomely.<br />

pudendus : shameful, disgraceful.<br />

pudeo : to be ashamed,<br />

pudicus : modest. chaste.<br />

pudor : modesty, bashfulness.<br />

puella : girl.<br />

puer : boy.<br />

puerilis : childish, boyish, foolish.<br />

pueriliter : boyishly, childishly, foolishly.<br />

puga pyga : buttocks.<br />

pugna : fight, battle, conflict, set-to.<br />

pugnacitas : the desire to fight, pugnacity.<br />

pugnaculum : fortress.<br />

pugnax : fond of fighting, combative, stubborn, contentious.<br />

pugno : to fight.<br />

pugnus : the fist.<br />

pulchellus : pretty.<br />

pulcher pulchra pulchrum : beautiful, handsome, fine.<br />

pulchritudo pulchritudinis : beauty, fineness.<br />

pulex : the flea.<br />

pullulo : shoot up, sprout, burgeon.<br />

pullus : dark-colored, blackish / sad, gloomy / a dark garment.<br />

pullus : young animal / chicken, chick.<br />

pulmentum : anything eaten with bread, sauce or relish.<br />

pulmo : the lung.<br />

pulpa : flesh.<br />

pulpitum : platform, stage.<br />

pulso : to strike (the hours)<br />

pulsus : beating, blow, push, influence.<br />

pulsus : beating, blow, push, impulse, influence.<br />

pulvis : dust, powder / arena, scene of action.<br />

pumilius pumilio : a dwarf.<br />

punctum : a prick, little hole, puncture / a point, spot, place.<br />

pungo pupugi punctum : to penetrate / sting, annoy, harass.<br />

pungo pupugi punctum : to prick, puncture, stab / touch, move.<br />

puniceus : purple, red.<br />

punio : to punish, avenge, gave vengeance.<br />

punitor : punisher, avenger.<br />

pupa : doll / little girl.<br />

pupillus pupilla : orphan, ward.<br />

puppis : stern of a ship, the poop.

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