Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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poena : pain, punishment, penalty / poena dare : to pay the penalty.<br />

poeta : (masc.) poet.<br />

polenta : pearl barley, barley groats.<br />

pollen : (also pollis ): fine flour, fine meal.<br />

polleo : to be strong, powerful, able.<br />

pollex : thumb, big toe.<br />

polliceor : to promise, offer.<br />

pollicitus : promised, a promise.<br />

pomum : fruit, apple.<br />

pono posui positum : to lay, place, put, set / (milit.) post, station.<br />

pons pontis : bridge.<br />

poposco : see posco : Herimann, cap. 28, 69.<br />

populus : people, the people, nation, crowd, multitude, host.<br />

porro : forward, further, next, in turn, (of time) long ago.<br />

porta : gate, entrance.<br />

posco : to call upon, ask earnestly, request.<br />

positus : position, place, arrangment.<br />

possessio : possession, property.<br />

possum posse potum : to be able, avail, have influence.<br />

post : (+ acc.) after, behind.<br />

postea : afterwards.<br />

posteri : posterity.<br />

posterus, postremo : subsequent, following, next, future.<br />

posthabeo : [posthabito] : to put after, consider of less account.<br />

postpono : to put after, consider secondary.<br />

postquam : (conj.) after.<br />

postulo : to ask.<br />

potens : able, mighty, powerful, strong.<br />

potestas : power, ability, authority / opportunity.<br />

potior : (+ gen. or dat.) to possess, hold, get possession of.<br />

potissimum : (adv.) chiefly, most of all.<br />

potissimus : best of all, chief, principal.<br />

potius : rather, preferably<br />

prae dulcis / pre dulcis : exceedingly sweet.<br />

prae se ferre / pre se ferre : to show, exhibit, on account of.<br />

prae quam / pre quam : in comparison with.<br />

prae pre : (prep. with abl.) before,<br />

prae pre : (adv.) before, in front.<br />

praebeo prebeo : to offer, hold out, supply, provide, allow.<br />

praebeo prebeo : (+ refl.) to show oneself, present oneself.<br />

praecedo precedo : to precede, go before / surpass, excel.<br />

praecelsus precelsus : exceedingly high.<br />

praecepio precepio : precept, preconception.<br />

praeceptum preceptum : precept.<br />

praecido : to cut short, lop, mutilate.<br />

praecipio, precipio : to instruct, advise, warn, anticipate.

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