Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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pirus : pear tree.<br />

piscator : fisherman.<br />

piscis piscis : fish.<br />

pius: dutiful, godly, holy, upright, kind, honest, affectionate.<br />

placeo : (+ dat.) to please, be agreeable to<br />

placet : it is agreed, it is resolved, it seems good.<br />

placide : quitely, gently.<br />

placidus : quiet, still, gentle.<br />

placitum : judgment, case / plea, litigation / defense.<br />

placitum : accord, agreement, pact / assembly for judgment.<br />

placo : to placate, appease.<br />

plaga : district, zone, region.<br />

plagiarius : kid-napper, plagiarist<br />

plane : plainly, clearly.<br />

plango planxi plactum : to strike, beat / bewail, mourn.<br />

platea : street, courtyard.<br />

plaustrum : wagon, cart, charles Wain.<br />

plebs plebis : the common people, the masses, the crowd.<br />

plecto : to punish.<br />

plector : to be punished.<br />

plene : (adv.) completely, wholly, fully.<br />

plenus : full, complete, full, satisfied, rich, mature, plump.<br />

plerumque : for the most part, generally, commonly, mostly.<br />

plerusque : very many, a great number, a large part, the greater part.<br />

plico : to fold.<br />

plorabilis : deplorable.<br />

plorator : a lamenter.<br />

ploratus : weeping, lamenting.<br />

ploro : to lament, weep, weep over.<br />

pluit pluvit : it is raining, a shower is falling.<br />

pluma : feather / featherbed / pen.<br />

plumbeus : leaden, made of lead / dull, stupid, heavy, oppressive, bad.<br />

plumbum album : tin.<br />

plumbum : lead, a bullet, lead pipe.<br />

pluo : to rain, shower, sprinkle.<br />

plura : more numerous, several, many.<br />

plures : more numerous, several, many.<br />

plurimi : at the highest price, of the highest worth.<br />

plurimus : most, very many.<br />

pluris : (gen.) at a higher price, of a great value<br />

plus : more.<br />

plusculus : somewhat more, rather more.<br />

pluvia : rain, shower.<br />

pluvialis : pertaining to rain, of rain.<br />

pocius potius : rather, preferably.<br />

poema poematis : poem, verse, rhyme.

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