Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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opportunitatus : Herimann, cap. 42.<br />

opportunus : opportune, fit, convenient, suitable.<br />

opportunus : fit, suitable / (time) favorable / (+dat.) liable to.<br />

opprimo oppressi oppressum : to suppress, overwhelm, overpower, check.<br />

opprobrium : reproach, disgrace.<br />

oppugno : to fight against, attack, assault, assail.<br />

ops : singular: power, power to aid, power to help.<br />

optimates : the aristocratic party.<br />

optimus: one of the best, aristocrat, noble.<br />

opto : to desire, wish for, want.<br />

opus operis : work, labor, work done, completed work, building.<br />

oratio : speech, address, oration.<br />

orator : orator, speaker.<br />

orbis terrarum : the world, the Earth.<br />

orbis : circle, orb.<br />

ordinatio : rule, government, order, arrangment, regulation.<br />

ordine, ordinem : regularly, appropriately, properly.<br />

ordo : rank, class, order.<br />

orior oriri ortus : rise, become visible, appear.<br />

ornatus : dress, attire, equipment, ornament, embellishment.<br />

orno : to equip, furnish, supply / decorate, adorn.<br />

oro : to speak, argue, plead, orate, beg, entreat.<br />

os, oris : mouth, face, countenance.<br />

ostendo : show, reveal, present, make plain, declare.<br />

ostium : entrance, door.<br />

otium : free time, leisure, ease, peace, repose.<br />

otium : ease, leisure, inactivity.<br />

ovis ovis : sheep.<br />

P<br />

paciscor : to make an agreement, covenant, pact.<br />

paciscor : to make a bargain or agreement, covenant, deal.<br />

pactum : treaty, pact, contract.<br />

pactum : agreement, contract, covenant, pact.<br />

pactus : agreed-upon, stipulated, betrothed.<br />

paene, pene : nearly, almost.<br />

paganus : countryman, peasant, pagan.<br />

pala : spade, peel for putting bread in the oven.<br />

palam : openly, publicly, (+abl.) in the presence of.<br />

palea : chaff.<br />

pallium : coverlet, mantle, cloak.<br />

palma : palm.<br />

pando : to stretch out, spread out, extent.<br />

panis panis : bread.

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