Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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miles militis : soldier, warrior, knight.<br />

milia : (pl.) thousands.<br />

militaris -e : of a soldier, military, martial.<br />

mille : a thousand.<br />

millies milies : a thousand times.<br />

minime : in the least degree, very little / not at all, by no means<br />

minimus : least, smallest, slightest.<br />

ministro : to serve, wait upon, provide, supply.<br />

ministro : to attend, wait upon, assist.<br />

minor : smaller, less, slighter.<br />

minuo minui minutum : To less, diminish, decrease, grow smaller.<br />

mire : wonderfully, marvellously, uncommonly.<br />

miro : to wonder.<br />

miror : to marvel at, admire, wonder.<br />

mirus : wonderful, astonishing, extraordinary.<br />

misceo miscui mixtum : to mix, mingle, blend.<br />

miser : wretched, unfortunate, miserable.<br />

misere : wretchedly, miserably.<br />

misereo, misereor : to pity.<br />

misericordia : pity, mercy.<br />

missa : holy mass<br />

mitesco : to grow mild, ameliorate.<br />

mitigo : to make mild or ripe, make smooth, pacify, appease.<br />

mitis : mild, gentle / ripe, mature.<br />

mitto misi missum : to send, dispatch.<br />

modestus : orderly, within bounds, moderate, restrained.<br />

modica : moderate, within bounds, limited, undistinguished.<br />

modicus : ordinary, undistinguished, within bounds.<br />

modio : a grain measure, a bushel basket.<br />

modo : now, just now, only.<br />

modus : measure, bound, limit / manner, method, mode, way.<br />

Moguntienses : <strong>Main</strong>z.<br />

moleste : take annoyance<br />

moleste fero : I take annoyance.<br />

molestia : annoyance, troublesomeness / stiffness, affectation.<br />

molestus : troublesome, disagreeable, annoying.<br />

molior : to build, erect, construct, contrive, toil, struggle.<br />

mollio : to soften, make pliant.<br />

mollis : adj. soft, pliant, flexible, easily moved, gentle.<br />

monachus : monk.<br />

Monasteriense : Munster.<br />

monasterium : monastery, abbey, convent.<br />

moneo : to warn, admonish, remind, advise, instruct.<br />

monitio : admonition, warning.<br />

mons montis : mountain, mount.<br />

monstro : to show, appoint, point out, ordain.

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