Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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lemures : (pl. only) ghosts, phantoms.<br />

lenimentus : alleviation, improvement, mitigation.<br />

lenio : to mitigate, relieve, make better.<br />

lenis : smooth / gentle, kind, mild.<br />

lenitas lenitudo : smoothness, gentleness, mildness.<br />

leno : procurer, go-between.<br />

lenocinium : enticement, allurement.<br />

lenocinor : to pander, flatter, make up to / to promote, advance.<br />

lens lentis : lentil.<br />

lente : slowly, calmly, cooly, deliberately.<br />

lentesco : to become soft, flexible, sticky / to weaken, slacken.<br />

lentitudo : slowness, apathy, sluggishness.<br />

lento : to bend.<br />

lentulus : rather slow, a little slow.<br />

lentus : lethargic, inactive / slow, lingering.<br />

lentus : tough, resistant, tenacious / supple, pliant /<br />

Leo : lion.<br />

Leodie : Liege.<br />

lepide : charmingly, wittily, elegantly, pleasantly.<br />

lepidus : charming, witty, pleasant, elegant.<br />

lepor lepos : charm, wit, elegance.<br />

lepus : hare, rabbit.<br />

Lesciense, monastery of : Liessies.<br />

letalis : mortal, deadly, fatal.<br />

letaliter : mortally, fatally.<br />

letanie : litany<br />

lethargus : drowsiness, apathy, sleepiness, coma.<br />

letifer : deadly, mortal.<br />

leto : to kill, slay.<br />

letum : death, ruin, annihilation.<br />

levamen : alleviation, mitigation, solace, refreshment.<br />

levamentum : comfort, easing, alleviation, consolation.<br />

levatio : alleviation, mitigation, solace.<br />

leviculus : empty-headed, vain, silly.<br />

levidensis : thin, slight, poor.<br />

levis : rapid, swift / unimportant / fickle, inconstant / unstable.<br />

levis : light, slight, trivial / beardless, bald / light-armed.<br />

levitas : lightness, levity / fickleness, inconstancy / groundlessness.<br />

leviter : lightly, softly, slightly.<br />

levo : to smooth, polish.<br />

levo : to raise, lift up / relieve, ease / diminish, weaken, impair.<br />

lex legis : law, statute / covenant, agreement<br />

libatio : libation.<br />

libellus : little book.<br />

libenter : willingly, with pleasure.<br />

liber : child, offspring.

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