Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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iocus : joke, jest, jape, gag.<br />

ipse ipsa ipsum : himself, herself, itself.<br />

ipsemet : his own very self.<br />

ira : anger, wrath.<br />

irascor iratus : to be angry, to be wrathful.<br />

iratus : angry, wrathful.<br />

irrito : to irritate, exasperate, excite.<br />

irritum : nothingness, worthlessness, vanity.<br />

irritus : vain, useless, ineffectual, of not effect.<br />

irritus : undecided, void, unfixed, of no effect.<br />

is ea id : this, that / he, she, it.<br />

iste ista istud : that / sometimes pejorative.<br />

ita ut : (with subj.) in such a way that,<br />

ita : so, thus.<br />

ita : (in narration) and so; (with adj. or adv.) so, so very.<br />

itaque : (adv.) and, so, therefore.<br />

iter itineris : road, route, journey.<br />

itero : to repeat, say again, iterate.<br />

iterum : again, a second time, once more.<br />

iubeo iussi iussum : to order, command.<br />

iucunditas : pleasure, charm.<br />

iucundus : agreeable, pleasant, gratifying.<br />

iudex : judge, juror.<br />

iudicium : judgment, decision, opinion, trial<br />

iudico : to judge, consider<br />

iugis, e : perpetual, continuous.<br />

iugis iuge : perpetual, continuous.<br />

iumentum : beast of burden.<br />

iungo iunxi iunctum : to join<br />

iuro : to swear, to make an oath.<br />

ius iurandum iuris iurandi etc. : oath.<br />

ius iuris : justice, law, right.<br />

iussu : (abl.) at the command of, by order of.<br />

iustus : just, right, equitable.<br />

iuvo : to help, aid, assist / to please.<br />

iuxta : just short of.<br />

iuxta : close by, near / in like manner, equally.<br />

iuxta : (+ acc.) close to, near to / (time) just before.<br />

J<br />

jaculum : dart, javelin.<br />

judicium : trial, legal investigation, judgement, decision.<br />

jugis : adj. continual, ceaseless, perennial, constant.<br />

jugiter : continually, perpetually, constantly / instantly.

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