Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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infra inferius infimus : low down.<br />

infra : (adv.) below, underneath / to the south, in the underworld.<br />

infra : (+ acc.) below, under / (time) later than<br />

infula : insignia of office.<br />

ingemuo = dat. : to groan, sigh over.<br />

ingenium : innate character, talent, nature.<br />

ingens : of immoderate size, vast, huge, monstrous, remarkable.<br />

ingero : to go off to, betake oneself to, pour forth, inflict.<br />

ingratus : ungrateful, unpleasant, disagreeable.<br />

ingravesco : to become heavy, become a burden.<br />

inicio inieci iniectum : to throw on, put on, don / inspire.<br />

inimicus : personal enemy, foe, opponent.<br />

iniquus : unequal, unjust, unfair.<br />

initium : beginning, start, commencement, origin.<br />

iniuria : injury, damage, hurt / injustice, wrong.<br />

iniustus : unjust, inequitable, unfair.<br />

innotesco, innotui : to become known.<br />

innotesco : to become know, noted.<br />

innuo : to give a nod to, give a sign to.<br />

inolesco : to grow in or on.<br />

inops : poor, helpless, in need<br />

inquam : I say.<br />

inquis : you say.<br />

inquit : he, she, it says.<br />

inrideo : to laugh at, mock, ridicule.<br />

inritus irritus : void, invalid, in vain, useless, ineffectual.<br />

inruo irruo : to rush in, fling in.<br />

insania : insanity, irrationality, madness, folly.<br />

insciens : unknowing, unaware, ignorant.<br />

inscribo : inscribe, entitle, enlist.<br />

insensatus : irrational.<br />

insequor : to follow, pursue, assail, reproach, rebuke, attack.<br />

inservio : to be a slave, serve, be devoted to.<br />

insideo : sit upon something, be firmly placed.<br />

insidiae : (pl.) treachery, ambush, plot, conspiracy.<br />

insinuo : to insinuate, work one's way in, intimate.<br />

insisto : to enter upon [a journey] tread; (with d.) follow.<br />

insolita : unaccustomed, unusual.<br />

insolitus : unaccustomed / unusual, strange, uncommon.<br />

insons insontis : guiltless, innocent.<br />

insperatus : unexpected, unlooked for, unanticipated.<br />

instanter : urgently.<br />

instar : a form, figure, after the fashion of, like.<br />

instigo : to goad, incite, stimulate, urge.<br />

instituo : to establish, found, institute.<br />

insto : to pursue eagerly, devote oneself to.

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