Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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includo : to shut in, enclose, establish a siege, surround.<br />

inclutus / inclitus : celebrated, famous, renowned.<br />

incola, ae : resident, inhabitant of a place.<br />

incompositus : disorder, lack of regularity.<br />

inconsulte : indiscreetly.<br />

incontinencia : lack of restrain, incontinence.<br />

incorruptus : uncorrupted, genuine, pure.<br />

incredibilis : incredible, unbelievable.<br />

increpare : to rebuke, chide, scold.<br />

increpo : (of persons) to chide, rebuke.<br />

incubo : to hang over, dwell in, lie heavily upon.<br />

incurro : to run into, assail, attack, raid into, come upon.<br />

Inda : Cornelism / Anster.<br />

indagatio : investigation.<br />

inde : thence, from there, for that reason, thereafter, then.<br />

indebitus : not owed, not due.<br />

indico : to proclaim, make publicly known, announce, disclose.<br />

indigeo : to require, need, stand in need of.<br />

indignatio : indignation.<br />

indignus : unworthy, lacking in merit, unfit.<br />

indo (past indidi) : to establish, cause, occasion.<br />

indomitus : untamed, wild.<br />

induco : cover, put on clothing, erase writing, revoke, annul.<br />

induco : bring in, introduce, induce, persuade / decide.<br />

induco indux inductum : to lead in, introduce, induce, influence.<br />

industria : industry, diligence.<br />

industrius : industrious, diligent, assiduous, hard-working.<br />

indutiae : truce, armistice, suspension of hostilities.<br />

inedicabilis : unexplainable, inexplicable.<br />

ineptio : to play the fool, to trifle.<br />

inexpugnabilis : impregnable, unconquerable, not to be taken by force.<br />

infamo : to put to shame, disgrace.<br />

infantia : infancy, babyhood.<br />

infector : dyer.<br />

infectum reddere : to revoke, render impossible, make void, annul.<br />

infectus : unworked / not done, unfinished, incomplete.<br />

infecunditas : barrenness, sterility.<br />

infecundus : barren, sterile.<br />

infelicitas : bad luck, misfortune,<br />

infeliciter : unhappily.<br />

infelix : arbor infelix : the gallows.<br />

infelix : unfruitful, barren, unproductive, infertile.<br />

infenso : to attack, avenge.<br />

infensus : hostile, aggressive / (arms) aimed, ready / (spirit) dangerous.<br />

inferi : those down below, the dead.<br />

inferne : on the lower side, below.

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