Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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illacrimo : (+ dat.) to weep over.<br />

illae ille : (fem. pl. nom.) THOSE (women) must die!<br />

illarum : (fem. pl. gen.) The city wall had four OF THOSE (gates).<br />

illas : (fem. pl. acc.) They gave THOSE (their lives) for the Faith.<br />

illata : from infero : to cause, occasion, etc.<br />

illaturos : from infero "they would cause."<br />

ille illa illud : that, the former, the famous / he, she, it.<br />

ille : (masc. nom. sing.) THAT (house) is filthy.<br />

illi : (fem sing. dat.) There is a statue IN THAT (abbey).<br />

illi : (masc. sing. dat.) He sent FOR THAT (doctor).<br />

illi : (masc. pl. nom.) THOSE (men) are loyal to the king.<br />

illi : (neut sing. dat.) i'd give my right arm FOR THOSE (cookies).<br />

illiam : (fem. sing. acc.) She wasted THAT (her youth).<br />

illic : there, at that place, therein, in that matter.<br />

illis : (masc. pl. dat.) Tell it TO THOSE (Marines).<br />

illis : (fem. pl. dat.) She gave her property TO THOSE (churches).<br />

illis : (neut. pl. abl.) She earned it BY THESE (her deeds).<br />

illis : (fem. pl. abl) A life is enriched BY THESE (friendships).<br />

illis : (masc. pl. abl.) They passed BY THOSE (roads).<br />

illis : (neut. pl. dat.) Listen TO THESE (orders).<br />

illius : (fem. sing. gen.) They are fond OF THAT (change).<br />

illius : (neut. sing. gen.) She paid half OF THAT (the cost).<br />

illius : (masc. fem. neut. gen. sing.) Go ahead, eat some OF THAT.<br />

illo : (neut. sing. abl.) Do not hesitate BECAUSE OF THAT! (doubt)<br />

illo : (masc. sing. abl.) He gave plenty FOR THAT (field).<br />

illorum : (masc. pl. gen.) The horses OF THOSE (soldiers) are spent.<br />

illorum : (neut. pl. gen) The cattle OF THESE (monsters) were fat.<br />

illos : (masc. pl. acc.) They burned THOSE (houses) to the ground.<br />

illuc : thither, to that place, to that matter, to that person.<br />

illud : (neut. sing. nom.) THAT (monastery) is well-built.<br />

illud : (neut. sing. acc.) Break THOSE (fetters)!<br />

illudo illusi illusum : to mock, make fun of, ridicule<br />

illum : (masc. sing. acc.) He ate THAT (fruit).<br />

imago : image, likeness.<br />

imber ymber : rain shower, rain storm, pelting rain.<br />

imbrium : of rain.<br />

imcomposite : adv from incompositus : incompositione in Herimann.<br />

imitabilis : that can be imitated,<br />

imitor : to imitate.<br />

immanitas : savagery, frightfulness.<br />

immerito : adv. undeservingly, without merit, unjustifiably.<br />

immineo : to hang over, be imminent, threaten.<br />

immo : by all means, by no means, on the contrary.<br />

immodicus : immoderate, excessive, beyond measure.<br />

immortalis : immortal.<br />

immotus : unmoved.

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