Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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hostes hostium : the enemy.<br />

hostis : an enemy of the state.<br />

huic : (neut sing. dat.) I'd give my right arm FOR THIS (cooky).<br />

huic : (masc. sing. dat.) He sent FOR THIS (doctor).<br />

huic : (fem sing. dat.) There is a statue IN THIS (abbey).<br />

huius : (masc. fem. neut. gen. sing.) Go ahead, eat some OF THIS.<br />

huius : (neut. sing. gen.) She paid half OF THIS (the cost).<br />

huius : (fem. sing. gen.) They are fond OF THIS (change).<br />

humanitas : kindness, culture, refinement.<br />

humanus : pertaining to man, humane, humane, cultured, refined.<br />

humilis : lowly, humble.<br />

humo : cover with earth, bury,<br />

humus : ground, earth, soil / land, country.<br />

hunc : (masc. sing. acc.) He ate THIS (fruit).<br />

Hunnam : Bunna.<br />

hypocrita : hypocrite<br />

I<br />

iaceo : to lie, lie prostrate, lie dead.<br />

iacio : to throw, cast, hurl, lay, scatter, diffuse.<br />

iaculator : : a thrower, javelin man, spear thrower.<br />

iaculum : dart, javelin, short spear.<br />

iam : now, by now, already / presently, immediately, soon.<br />

iam : moreover, henceforth, indeed, just, further.<br />

ianua : door.<br />

ibi : there<br />

ictus : blow, bite, stroke, bolt, thrust.<br />

idcirco : on that account, for that reason, for that purpose.<br />

idem eadem idem : the same.<br />

identidem : again and again, repeatedly.<br />

ideo : for that reason, on that account, therefore.<br />

idoneus : proper, worthy, fitting, deserving, capable.<br />

igitur : therefore, consequently, for this reason.<br />

ignarus : ignorant, not knowing.<br />

ignavus : lazy, listless, inert, sluggish cowardly, a coward.<br />

ignis : fire.<br />

ignoro : to be ignorant of, not know / rarely: neglect, overlook.<br />

ignosco: (+ dat.) to overlook, forgive, pardon.<br />

ignotus : unknown, obscure, ignorant, ignoble.<br />

ilico : on the spot, immediately.<br />

illa : (fem. sing. nom.) THAT (sword) is more expensive.<br />

illa : (neut. pl. acc.) Deborah always won THESE (wars).<br />

illa : (fem. sing. abl.) He who lives BY THAT (the sword), ...<br />

illa : (neut. pl. nom.) THOSE (arms) belong to the victor.

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