Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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fors fortis : chance, luck, fortune.<br />

forsit forsan forsitan : perhaps, probably.<br />

fortasse : perhaps.<br />

forte : by chance, by luck, accidentally.<br />

fortis : strong, brave.<br />

fortiter : strongly, bravely.<br />

fortitudo : physical strength, courage, moral bravery.<br />

fortuna : fortune, luck, fate, chance.<br />

fortunate : fortunately.<br />

fortunatus : fortunate, lucky, happy.<br />

forum : market place, town square.<br />

foveo fovi fotum : to cherish.<br />

frango (fracta) : to break in pieces, shatter.<br />

frater : brother.<br />

frendo : to gnash one's teeth, bruise, crush, grind.<br />

frendo : gnash the teeth, crush, bruise, grind.<br />

frequentatio : frequency, crowding.<br />

frequentia : a large concourse, population, numerous assembly.<br />

frequento : to crowd, collect in large number, visit.<br />

frigus : cold, coolness, cold of winter / dullness, indolence.<br />

frons : forehead, brow, front.<br />

fructuarius : fruitful, fertile.<br />

fructus fructus : fruit, profit, enjoyment, produce.<br />

frugalitas : frugality, economy, pinching pennies.<br />

frumentum : grain.<br />

fruor : to have the benefit of, to enjoy.<br />

frustra esse : to be deceived, to be mistaken.<br />

frustra : in vain, mistakenly, wantonly, without reason.<br />

frux, frugi : fruits of the earth.<br />

fuga : flight, escape,<br />

fugio : to flee, escape, run away / avoid, shun.<br />

fugitivus : fugitive : deserter, runaway slave.<br />

fugo : to put to flight, chase away, drive into exile, pursue.<br />

fulcio : to support, strengthen, uphold / to besiege, oppress.<br />

fulgeo (fulsi ): to flash, shine, beam.<br />

fultus : supporter.<br />

fundo : to pour, pour out (like molten metal), melt, cast.<br />

fundo : (milit.) to rout, scatter, defeat, put to flight.<br />

fungor, fungi, functus : to occupy oneself, perform, do, execute.<br />

funis -is : rope, cord, line.<br />

furibundus : raging, furious / inspired.<br />

furor : madness, rage, frenzy.<br />

furs : thief.<br />

furtificus : thievish.<br />

furtim : by stealth, stealthily.

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