Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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editio : the publishing of a book, an announcement.<br />

edo : put forth, give out.<br />

edo edi essum : to eat, consume, devour, waste.<br />

edoceo : to inform fully, instruct thoroughly.<br />

educo : to draw out, lead out, march out / bring up, rear / sue.<br />

effectus : doing, execution, performance, effect, result.<br />

effero extuli elatum : to carry out, bury, lift up, exalt.<br />

effervo : to boil up.<br />

efficio : to do, produce, effect, make / bring about, cause / prove.<br />

effringo effrego : break, break open.<br />

effugio : (effugi effugiturus ) : flee from, escape, elude, run away.<br />

effundo : to pour out, pour forth, shed, utter.<br />

egenus : in want of, in need of, destitute.<br />

egeo : to need, lack, want, be without.<br />

ego : I ; I can't live without you, baby.<br />

egredior : (egressus ) : to go out, leave, depart, exit.<br />

eicio eiectum : to throw out, eject, drive out.<br />

elatus : puff-up, proud of oneself, arrogant.<br />

electus : chosen, select.<br />

elementum : first principle, element, basic constituent.<br />

elemosina : alms<br />

elemosinarius : almoner, person in charge of providing charity.<br />

eligo : to pick out, select, choose.<br />

eloquens : eloquent, persuasive, fluent.<br />

eloquentia : eloquence, readiness of speech, fluency, persuasiveness.<br />

eluo : to wash out, rinse cleanse / squander, waste.<br />

eluvies : a flowing over, flood, innundation.<br />

eluvio : inundation.<br />

emanio : to flow out, spread / arise, emanate, originate.<br />

emendo : to amend, correct<br />

emercor : to buy up.<br />

emerio : to obtain by service, earn completely, deserve well.<br />

emineo : to stand out, project, be remarkable, conspicuous.<br />

eminor : to threaten, menace.<br />

eminus : at a distance, from a distance.<br />

emiror : to wonder at exceedingly.<br />

emo emi emptum : to buy, purchase.<br />

emoveo : to move away, remove, take away.<br />

emptio : a buying, a purchase.<br />

enim : for, in fact, truly (may often be omitted)<br />

enumero : to count, count up, enumerate.<br />

eo ire itum : to go, advance, proceed, travel, move along, progress.<br />

episcopalis : episcopal<br />

episcopus : bishop<br />

epistula : letter, epistle, missive, message.<br />

epulo : sumptuous food, banquet, feast.

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