Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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delectatio : delight, pleasure, enjoyment.<br />

delecto : to attract, delight / (pass + abl) take delight in.<br />

delego : to transfer, commit, assign, impute, attribute, ascribe.<br />

deleo : (deletum ) to destroy, wipe out, erase.<br />

delibero : to consider, deliberate.<br />

delicate : luxuriously, delicately, slowly.<br />

delicate : (adv.) luxuriously.<br />

deliciae : allurements, charms, delights, fancies / sweetheart<br />

delinquo : to fail, be wanting / fail in duty, commit a crime.<br />

deludo : to mock, cheat.<br />

demens : (dementis ) : insane, mad, out of one's mind, foolish.<br />

demergo : to sink, plunge into, dip under, go into debt.<br />

demitto : set down, let fall (to offer payment to the church), lower.<br />

demo : to take away, subtract.<br />

demonstro : to indicate, show, describe, explain.<br />

demoror : to loiter, linger, tarry, belay.<br />

demulceo : to stroke down, caress by stroking.<br />

demum : at length at last, finally.<br />

denego : to refuse, deny, reject.<br />

denique : at last, finally, again, in short.<br />

dens : (dentis ) : tooth.<br />

denuncio : declare, give notice, announce.<br />

denuntio : to announce officially, pronounce, declare.<br />

denuo : anew, again, a second time, afresh.<br />

deorsum : downwards.<br />

depereo : to perish, be utterly ruined.<br />

depono : to put down, lay aside.<br />

depopulo depopulor : to lay waste, ravage, devastate.<br />

deporto : to carry off, to take away.<br />

depraedor depredor : to plunder, lay waste, pillage, ravage.<br />

deprecator : intercessor, one who pleads on behalf.<br />

deprecor : to entreat for, beg for / intercede / curse.<br />

deprecor : to beg by entreaty, to excuse oneself / curse.<br />

deprehensio : detection.<br />

deprimo (depressus) : to press down, depress, low-lying.<br />

depromo : to take down, produce, fetch out.<br />

depulso : push aside, thrust away.<br />

deputo : to count, estimate / prune, cut off.<br />

derelinquo : to forsake, desert, abandon.<br />

derideo : to laugh at, mock, deride.<br />

deripio : to tear down, snatch away.<br />

desidero : to long for, wish for greatly, to miss.<br />

desidiosus : lazy, unmotivated.<br />

desino (desiit) : to leave off, give over, cease, stop, desist.<br />

desino : cease, stop, end, desist.<br />

desipio : to act foolishly, play the fool, make an ass of one's self.

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