Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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consummo : to add together, sum up, make perfect, complete.<br />

consumo : to spend, employ, use up, finish, waste away, destroy.<br />

consuo consui consutum : to sew together, stitch.<br />

consurgo : to stand up, rise up / to arise, break out.<br />

contabesco : to waste slowly away, decline in health.<br />

contactus : touching, contact / contagion.<br />

contages : a touch, contact.<br />

contagio contagium : contagion, infection / touching, contact.<br />

contamino : to pollute, infect.<br />

contego : to cover, shield, protect, defend.<br />

contemno : to think meanly of, despise, condemn, hate.<br />

contemplatio : survey, contemplation.<br />

contemplor : to mark out, regard, consider carefully, survey.<br />

contemptim : contemptuously.<br />

contemptio : scorn, disdain, contempt.<br />

contemptus : despised, despicable, contemptible.<br />

contendo : to compare, contrast / compete.<br />

contendo : to contend, strive, struggle, hasten.<br />

contendo : to assert, maintain / shoot (a missile), cast.<br />

contente : eagerly, earnestly.<br />

contentus : contented, satisfied<br />

contentus : strained, stretched / eager, zealous.<br />

contigo : (with dat.), to happen, befall.<br />

contineo : to touch, reach, grasp, affect, infect.<br />

contineo contigi, contectum : border on / befall (good luck).<br />

contineo : to keep in, surround, contain, confine, include.<br />

contineo : hold together, keep together, connect, join.<br />

contineo: to hold back, restrain.<br />

contingo : (contactum) to touch closely, happen to, befall.<br />

continuo : (adv.) immediately, at once.<br />

continuus : connected together, continuous, uninterrupted.<br />

contra : (+ acc.) against.<br />

contradictio : a speaking against, contradiction.<br />

contrado : to deliver together, or wholly.<br />

contraho : to draw together, collect, assemble, carry out.<br />

contristo : to make sad or gloomy<br />

contristo : to sadden, afflict, damage (of crops).<br />

conturbo : to confuse, scatter, throw into confusion, distress.<br />

conventus : coming together, assembly, union, congress.<br />

conversatio : way, manner of life / monastic life.<br />

converto : to turn around, cause to turn / to adopt the monastic life.<br />

convoco : to call together, convene.<br />

copia : abundance, supply.<br />

copiae copie : supplies, troops, forces.<br />

copiose : fully, at length, copiously.<br />

Corbeiam : Corbie.

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