Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited

Latin dictionary Main entry ... - D Ank Unlimited


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conicio : to hurl, throw / put together, conjecture.<br />

coniecto : to throw together, infer, guess, conclude.<br />

conitor : to press upon, to struggle to reach<br />

coniuratio : conspiracy, plot.<br />

coniuratus : conspirator, plotter.<br />

coniuro : to take an oath together, plot, conspire.<br />

conor : to undertake, try, venture, presume, attempt.<br />

conqueror : to complain loudly.<br />

conscendo : to ascend, mount, go up.<br />

conscientia : conscience, consciousness, knowledge<br />

conscindo : to tear in pieces.<br />

conscius : conscious of, aware of.<br />

conservo : to preserve, conserve, maintain, keep, hold to.<br />

considero : to look at, regard carefully,<br />

consido : to set down, settle.<br />

consilio : intentionally, on purpose, designedly.<br />

consilium : deliberation, consultation, assembly, council.<br />

consilium : advice, suggestion, wisdom, plan, purpose, judgment.<br />

consisto : (+ in) to depend on, rely on.<br />

consisto : to take one's stand, stand still, stop, be posted.<br />

consisto : (+ abl. etc.) to be formed of, consist / stop, stay.<br />

consitor : sower, planter.<br />

conspergo : to sprinkle, bestrew.<br />

conspicio : to catch sight of, perceive, behold, understand.<br />

constans : steady, firm, unchanging, constant, unwavering.<br />

constanter : steadily, firmly.<br />

constituo : to set up, place, establish, post, station.<br />

constituo : to arrange, decide, appoint, settle, found, set up.<br />

consto : to be established, stand firm, stop, endure.<br />

constringo constrixi constrictum : to bind, confine, restrain.<br />

construo construxi constructum : to construct, build, arrange.<br />

constupator : ravisher, debaucher.<br />

constupro : to ravish, corrupt.<br />

consuasor : advisor, counselor.<br />

consuefacio : to accustom, acclimate, become used to.<br />

consuesco : to accustom, inure, habituate<br />

consueta : customary, usual.<br />

consuetudo : custom, usage, habit / intimacy, familiar acquaintance.<br />

consulatio : deliberation, inquiry, full consideration.<br />

consulo : to reflect, consider, ponder, reflect.<br />

consulo : (+ dat.) look to the interests of / consult, ask advice.<br />

consulo : to look to the interests of, come to a conclusion.<br />

consulto : to ask the advice of, consult.<br />

consulto : to consider carefully, weigh, ponder.<br />

consultum : decree.<br />

consummatio : completion, summing up, adding up.

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