Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals - Ammonia ... -

Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals - Ammonia ... - Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals - Ammonia ... -


Chapter 7m 3 /day Parameter kg/day kg/tonne P kg/tonne P 2 O 5 Remark Reference2400 – 40003450P 237 1.12F 282 1.33NO 3 -N = N total 901 4.26pH = 6.8 -- -- --FS 215 1.47PO 4 77 0.53NH 4 -N 100 0.68NO 3 -N 124 0.85NO 2 -N 2 0.01Fluoride 43 0.29Cd 0.0014 0.00001N total 1.2P 2 O 5 0.4Fluoride 0.7Waste water from exhaust gas scrubbing (rockdigestion with HNO 3 ), sand washing, cleaningand rinsing, production of about 210 tonnesP 2 O 5 /day. Biological waste water treatmentWaste water from the ODDA plant, based on aproduction capacity of 1200 tonnes NPKfertiliser, discharge after neutralisation, includingwaste water from CNTH conversionNitrophosphate route, rock digestion and CNTHconversionN total0.2 xNitrophosphate route, neutralisation, granulation,Fluoride 0.03 x drying, coatingN total0.2 xBASF, Ludwigshafen[78, German UBA, 2001]AMI, Linz[9, Austrian UBA, 2002][76, EFMA, 2000][76, EFMA, 2000]Fluoride 0.03 x Mixed acid route [77, EFMA, 2000]Table 7.6: Emissions to water from the production of NPK fertilisersx kg/tonne NPK296 Large Volume Inorganic ChemicalsAmmonia, Acids and Fertilisers

7.4 Techniques to consider in the determination of BAT7.4.1 Minimisation of NO x formationDescriptionChapter7NO x loads in exhaust gases from the digestion of phosphate rock can be minimised by aselection of proper operating conditions, e.g. temperature control and correct ratio of rockphosphate/acid. If the digestion temperature is too high, NO x is formed excessively. NO xformation can also be reduced by using phosphate rock with low contents of organic compoundsand ferrous salts.Achieved environmental benefitsMinimisation of NO x formation. An example is reported by [78, German UBA, 2001]:NO x emission using Florida rock (IMC): about 425 mg/m 3NO x emission using Russian rock (Kola):

Chapter 7m 3 /day Parameter kg/day kg/tonne P kg/tonne P 2 O 5 Remark Reference2400 – 40003450P 237 1.12F 282 1.33NO 3 -N = N total 901 4.26pH = 6.8 -- -- --FS 215 1.47PO 4 77 0.53NH 4 -N 100 0.68NO 3 -N 124 0.85NO 2 -N 2 0.01Fluoride 43 0.29Cd 0.0014 0.00001N total 1.2P 2 O 5 0.4Fluoride 0.7Waste water from exhaust gas scrubbing (rockdigestion with HNO 3 ), sand washing, cleaningand rinsing, production of about 210 tonnesP 2 O 5 /day. Biological waste water treatmentWaste water from the ODDA plant, based on aproduction capacity of 1200 tonnes NPKfertiliser, discharge after neutralisation, includingwaste water from CNTH conversionNitrophosphate route, rock digestion and CNTHconversionN total0.2 xNitrophosphate route, neutralisation, granulation,Fluoride 0.03 x drying, coatingN total0.2 xBASF, Ludwigshafen[78, German UBA, 2001]AMI, Linz[9, Austrian UBA, 2002][76, EFMA, 2000][76, EFMA, 2000]Fluoride 0.03 x Mixed acid route [77, EFMA, 2000]Table 7.6: Emissions to water from the production of NPK fertilisersx kg/tonne NPK296 <strong>Large</strong> <strong>Volume</strong> <strong>Inorganic</strong> <strong>Chemicals</strong> – <strong>Ammonia</strong>, Acids and Fertilisers

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