Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals - Ammonia ... -

Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals - Ammonia ... - Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals - Ammonia ... -


Chapter 4EUR/yearWaste gas volume (Nm 3 /hour) 10000Operating time (hour/year) 8400SO 2 concentration of waste gas before emissionreduction (mg/Nm 3 )SO 2 concentration of waste gas after emissionreduction (mg/Nm 3 )1500500Reduction of SO 2 emissions (kg/hour) 10Extra investment costs (EUR) 580000Repayment on investment including interest(EUR/year)59900 59900Period of depreciation (year) 15Interest rate (%) 6Extra costs of maintenance and wear (EUR/year) 11650 11600Maintenance and wear (% of investment costs) 2Extra costs for catalyst (incl. 6 % interest rate) 13450Extra amount of catalyst (m 3 ) 16Lifetime of catalyst (years) 10Specific costs of catalyst EUR 6200/m 3Recovered sulphuric acid (kg/hour) 15 EUR 0.051/kg -6550Estimated annual costs (EUR/year) 78400Specific costs related to reduction of SO 2 emissions (EUR/tonne SO 2 ) 930Basis: inlet concentration of 2 % v/v SO 2 , waste gas volume of 10000 mg/Nm 3 , increase of theconversion rate from 98 to 99.5 %.Table 4.13: Cost estimate for retrofitting a single contact plant with a Cs-promoted catalyst[57, Austrian UBA, 2001]180 Large Volume Inorganic ChemicalsAmmonia, Acids and Fertilisers

Chapter 44.4.5 Change over from single to double absorptionDescriptionIf the raw gas of a single contact plant contains more than 4 % v/v SO 2 , the plant can beretrofitted into a double contact plant by installing an intermediate absorber.Achieved environmental benefitsReduction of SO 2 emissions of about 75 %.Cross-media effects• additional pressure drop of 70 mbar, 100 kW higher energy requirements for compression• loss of recoverable energy.Operational dataNo specific information provided.ApplicabilityApplicable to single contact plants with the required inlet gas SO 2 level.EconomicsFor cost calculations of retrofitting H 2 SO 4 plants, see Table 14.1.Driving force for implementationReduction of SO 2 emissions.References to literature and example plants[57, Austrian UBA, 2001, 58, TAK-S, 2003], Rhodia: 2 plants in Europe, UMICORE, Hobokenin 2004Large Volume Inorganic ChemicalsAmmonia, Acids and Fertilisers 181

Chapter 44.4.5 Change over from single to double absorptionDescriptionIf the raw gas of a single contact plant contains more than 4 % v/v SO 2 , the plant can beretrofitted into a double contact plant by installing an intermediate absorber.Achieved environmental benefitsReduction of SO 2 emissions of about 75 %.Cross-media effects• additional pressure drop of 70 mbar, 100 kW higher energy requirements for compression• loss of recoverable energy.Operational dataNo specific information provided.ApplicabilityApplicable to single contact plants with the required inlet gas SO 2 level.EconomicsFor cost calculations of retrofitting H 2 SO 4 plants, see Table 14.1.Driving force for implementationReduction of SO 2 emissions.References to literature and example plants[57, Austrian UBA, 2001, 58, TAK-S, 2003], Rhodia: 2 plants in Europe, UMICORE, Hobokenin 2004<strong>Large</strong> <strong>Volume</strong> <strong>Inorganic</strong> <strong>Chemicals</strong> – <strong>Ammonia</strong>, Acids and Fertilisers 181

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