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Chapter 4Figure 4.6 gives an impression of a sulphuric acid plant. The example shows a doublecontact/double absorption plant based on sulphur combustion:1. solid sulphur storage2. sulphur melting3. liquid sulphur filtration4. liquid sulphur storage5. air filter and silencer6. air dryer7. sulphur combustion, two burners with individual air supply8. steam drum, feed-water tank, waste heat boiler9. converter10. intermediate absorber11. final absorber12. stack13. heat exchangers, economisers and superheater.Many processes for sulphuric acid production have been developed over the years. Thesedevelopments were dependent on the large number of sources of raw material which generateSO 2 . For a more detailed description of individual processes, see:• Section 4.4.1 ”Single contact/single absorption process”• Section 4.4.2 “Double contact/double absorption process”• Section 4.4.8 “Wet catalysis process”• Section 4.4.9 “Combined wet/dry catalysis process”.For tail gas treatment, see Sections 4.4.19 to 4.6: Example for a sulphuric acid plant (top view)[68, Outukumpu, 2006]154 Large Volume Inorganic ChemicalsAmmonia, Acids and Fertilisers

Chapter 44.2.2 CatalystsOnly vanadium compounds, platinum and iron oxide have proven to be technically satisfactorywhen tested for catalytic activity for sulphur dioxide oxidation. At present, vanadium pentoxideis used almost exclusively.Commercial catalysts contain 4 – 9 % w/w vanadium pentoxide (V 2 O 5 ) as the active component,together with alkali metal sulphate promoters. Under operating conditions, these form a liquidmelt in which the reaction is thought to take place. Normally potassium sulphate is used as apromoter but in recent years caesium sulphate has also been used. Caesium sulphate lowers themelting point, which means that the catalyst can be used at lower temperatures. The catalystsupport is different forms of silica.The catalyst support is mixed together to form a paste and then usually extruded into solidcylindrical pellets, rings or star-rings which are then baked at high temperatures. Ring (or starring)shaped catalysts, which are mostly used today, give a lower pressure drop and are lesssensitive to dust build-up.In industrial practice, the lower temperature range is 410 – 440 ºC for conventional catalysts and380 – 410 ºC for caesium treated catalysts. The upper temperature range is 600 – 650 ºC, abovethis, catalytic activity can be permanently lost due to internal surface area reduction. Theaverage operating life for the catalyst is approximately 10 years. Operating life is generallydetermined as a result of catalyst losses during screening of the catalyst, which has to be carriedout periodically to remove dust.See also Sections 4.4.4 “Application of a Cs-promoted catalyst” and 4.4.12 “Prevention ofcatalyst activity loss”.Large Volume Inorganic ChemicalsAmmonia, Acids and Fertilisers 155

Chapter 44.2.2 CatalystsOnly vanadium compounds, platinum and iron oxide have proven to be technically satisfactorywhen tested for catalytic activity for sulphur dioxide oxidation. At present, vanadium pentoxideis used almost exclusively.Commercial catalysts contain 4 – 9 % w/w vanadium pentoxide (V 2 O 5 ) as the active component,together with alkali metal sulphate promoters. Under operating conditions, these form a liquidmelt in which the reaction is thought to take place. Normally potassium sulphate is used as apromoter but in recent years caesium sulphate has also been used. Caesium sulphate lowers themelting point, which means that the catalyst can be used at lower temperatures. The catalystsupport is different forms of silica.The catalyst support is mixed together to form a paste and then usually extruded into solidcylindrical pellets, rings or star-rings which are then baked at high temperatures. Ring (or starring)shaped catalysts, which are mostly used today, give a lower pressure drop and are lesssensitive to dust build-up.In industrial practice, the lower temperature range is 410 – 440 ºC for conventional catalysts and380 – 410 ºC for caesium treated catalysts. The upper temperature range is 600 – 650 ºC, abovethis, catalytic activity can be permanently lost due to internal surface area reduction. Theaverage operating life for the catalyst is approximately 10 years. Operating life is generallydetermined as a result of catalyst losses during screening of the catalyst, which has to be carriedout periodically to remove dust.See also Sections 4.4.4 “Application of a Cs-promoted catalyst” and 4.4.12 “Prevention ofcatalyst activity loss”.<strong>Large</strong> <strong>Volume</strong> <strong>Inorganic</strong> <strong>Chemicals</strong> – <strong>Ammonia</strong>, Acids and Fertilisers 155

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