Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals - Ammonia ... - ammk-rks.net

Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals - Ammonia ... - ammk-rks.net

Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals - Ammonia ... - ammk-rks.net

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Chapter 44 SULPHURIC ACID4.1 General informationMore H 2 SO 4 is produced than any other chemical in the world. In Western Europe in 1997, over19 Mtonnes were produced, the total production worldwide being estimated at around 150Mtonnes. About half of the world's output is produced in North America, Western Europe andJapan. Table 4.1 shows the production levels for some European countries. For the EU-25, thesulphuric acid production capacity is estimated in 2004 to about 22 Mtonnes per year [17, 2ndTWG meeting, 2004]. In the EU-25, sulphuric acid was produced in 95 plants in 2004. Figure4.1 shows the plant size distribution. Table 4.2 lists the sulphuric acid producers as compiled byESA.Mtonnes H 2 SO 4 1994 1997 2000 2006Belgium/Luxembourg 1515 2160 2238 1942Finland 1373 1570 1655 1760France 2227 2242 2269 1755Germany 3380 3496 4898 4595Greece 630 0675 688 815Italy 1228 1590 1042 1616Netherlands 1073 1040 988 988Norway 585 666 569 315Spain 2348 2810 2418 3500Sweden 518 630 629 1010United Kingdom 1225 1205 1058 447Table 4.1: H 2 SO 4 production levels for some European countries[58, TAK-S, 2003]>1000tonnes/day12 %

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