Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals - Ammonia ... -

Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals - Ammonia ... - Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals - Ammonia ... -


Chapter 3Process typeDual M/H plant Line ENO x emission levelDeNO x systemmg/Nm 3 ppmv Type Efficiency %5 Combined 99180 – 190 90 SCR 82RemarkCombined tail gas abatement systemsince 09/2003, 3.3/8 bar, 300000tonnes/year, no NH 3 slipReference[100, AMI, 2006][108, Groves, 2006]Before 2003, 3.3/8 bar, 300000tonnes/year, NH 3 slip 0.26 – 2.6mg/Nm 3 [94, Austrian UBA, 2001]Dual L/M plant Line F320 – 330 155 – 160 SCR 92 – 950/3.8 bar, 180000 tonnes/year, NH 3slip 0.05 – 0.1 mg/Nm 3158 90 Optimisation of the SCR in 2006Dual M/H plant 164 – 185 80 – 90 - - - -Dual M/H plant 410 200 - - - -Dual M/H plant 348 170 - - - -Mono M/M plant 154 75 SCR 97Dual M/H plant 369 180Mono M/M plant 410 200 SCR 87Dual M/H plant 410 200Mono M/M plant 492 240 SCR 87Mono H/H plant 2051005/11 bar, 2000 tonnes/day, lowcooling water temperaturesCapacity: 584000 tonnes/year, 5/10barCapacity: 500000 tonnes/year, 5/11bar, 500 ºC in front of expanderCapacity: 210000 tonnes/year, 5 bar,450 ºC in front of expanderCapacity: 730000 tonnes/year, 4/11barCapacity: 255000 tonnes/year, 4 bar,400 ºC in front of expanderCapacity: 245000 tonnes/year, 4/10barCapacity: 75000 tonnes/year, 2.6 –3.6 bar[94, Austrian UBA, 2001][100, AMI, 2006]YARA, PorsgrunnYARA, Sluiskil 6DSM GeleenDSM GeleenYARA, Sluiskil 7DSM IJmuidenDSM IJmuidenKemira Agro Pernis xNSCR 95 Capacity: 400000 tonnes/year, 8.4 bar Kemira Agro Rozenburg xDual L/M plant 205 100 SCR 80

Chapter 3Process typeNO x emission levelDeNO x systemmg/Nm 3 ppmv Type Efficiency %Dual M/H plant 145 – 161 70 SCR 50 – 67Two dual M/H plants 145 – 161

Chapter 3Process typeNO x emission levelDeNO x systemmg/Nm 3 ppmv Type Efficiency %Dual M/H plant 145 – 161 70 SCR 50 – 67Two dual M/H plants 145 – 161

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