Ben kwee khioen boen 1927-2008 - ukibc

Ben kwee khioen boen 1927-2008 - ukibc

Ben kwee khioen boen 1927-2008 - ukibc


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2 |MEI <strong>2008</strong>Dari Meja Pengurus 03Laporan Keuangan UKIBC Bulan Maret & Terima Kasih 04, 05Praying with Mary 06Dapur Mudika: Tim Tahu Telur 10“A Faithful Witness To The Gospel As Urgent As Ever” 11Vancouver Watch + Puisi 15“How To Be A True Catholic” 16Liputan Paskah 18Kalender Kegiatan UKIBC + Mudika 20BEN KWEE KHIOEN BOEN <strong>1927</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Keluarga Besar Umat Katolik Indonesia di BritishColumbia dengan rasa duka mendalam melepas kepergianSaudara kita terkasih, Om Boen, untuk selamanya. KepergianOm Boen adalah kehilangan besar bagi segenap umat, dan kitaakan terus mengenang Om Boen dalam doa dan memori indahtentang dirinya.Namun, iman Katolik kami juga mengajar kita untukpercaya bahwa karena Kasih-Nya yang ajaib, Om Boen kiniduduk di sisi Allah Bapa di surga dalam damai kehidupan abadi.Untuk itu, dalam kesedihan kami, kami juga mau bersuka citasebab Om Boen telah dibebaskan dari penderitaannya, danberoleh istirahat kekal di rumah Bapa.Mohon umat dapat menghaturkan doa buat Om Boen didalam doa-doa Rosario yang dibawakan sepanjang bulan Mei ini,dan juga untuk masa depan UKIBC.Kita juga akan terus mendampingi dan menjaga TanteJulie Boen dalam kasih dan sabar agar Beliau dapat melaluimasa-masa sulit ini dengan lebih ringan.Pengurus UKIBC,atas nama Keluarga Besar UKIBC

<strong>ukibc</strong>.orgPENGURUS UKIBCPERIODE 2007-2009Pelindung:Fr. Nicolas TumbelakaKetua Umum:Djuhana HidayatWakil Ketua:Manneke BudimanKoordinator Prof. Muda:Stanislaus HaribowoKoordinator Mudika:Norman A. KarnadiWakil Kooord. Mudika:Alexander Henry Y.S.Sekretaris:Frista Octariani<strong>Ben</strong>dahara:Yenny HabijonoWakil <strong>Ben</strong>dahara:Randy OeyBidang Dana:Lydia YulianaWakil Bidang Dana:Prisca SriBidang Rohani:Edward SuryadiBidang Liturgi:Euphemia RenataKrystina MitayaniJoanna ChristyBid. Relasi Umum (PR):Andry W.TjengJuanita TrisnadiBidang Konsumsi:Shinta BudionoRohana OngosariBidang Perlengkapan:Jemmy PengBidang Pembantu UmumAnton HardyVictor TadjipramonoDari Meja Pengurus UKIBCPembaca yang terkasih dalam Yesus Kristus,Kembali kita bertemu lagi dalam buletinUKIBC edisi Mei. Bulan ini seperti biasanya bulanyang istimewa untuk UKIBC, karena kita akanbersama-sama aktif berinteraksi dengan sesama umatlainnya untuk menyelenggarakan doa rosario bergilirsetiap hari di rumah umat. Selain tujuan utama kitasebagai umat Gereja Katolik memang mendedikasikanbulan Mei ini untuk Bunda Maria, juga bagi UKIBCini adalah masa-masa selama sebulan penuh umatbisa saling bersilahturahmi dan mengenal lebih dekatsatu sama lain. Dalam kesempatan ini umat jugabisa memanfaatkannya untuk sekaligus misalnya,melakukan acara pemberkatan rumah, merayakanulang tahun ataupun sekedar beramah tamah, tapipatut diingat bahwa untuk menjadi tuan rumah doarosario bergilir tidak selalu mutlak dan berkewajibanuntuk menyediakan konsumsi, karena memang tujuanutama kita adalah untuk berdoa bersama. Satu halyang ingin saya “sharing”kan adalah pengalamansaya dan Nita (isteri saya) setelah kurang lebihsebulan bermigrasi ke Vancouver pada tahun 2004,dimana kami mengikuti doa rosario bergilir denganmendatangi rumah-rumah umat lainnya dan tanpakami sadari dari berbagai kunjungan tersebut dalamwaktu yang relatif singkat kami bisa mengenal cukupbanyak umat Katolik Indonesia lainnya disini. Daripertemuan-pertemuan ini, kami memperoleh banyakinformasi dan ide-ide baru, disamping itu kami jugadikuatkan didalam menghadapi tantangan dankesulitan-kesulitan, karena mendengarkan begitubanyak pengalaman umat lainnya yang telah terlebihdahulu berhasil bermigrasi kesini. Tentunya ini sangatmembantu kami didalam proses perjuangan hidupsebagai pasangan imigran yang baru seumur jagungmendarat di kota yang kami belum pernah kunjungidan tinggal sebelumnya. Maksud saya menceritakanini adalah, bahwa banyak hal yang tanpa kita sadariatau tidak dengan menghadiri doa rosario bersama,maka bisa memberikan dan atau membawa manfaatbaik bagi kita sendiri maupun untuk saudara-saudarakita lainnya.Misa UKIBC bulan ini akan diadakan padatanggal 3 dan 24 Mei, yaitu pada hari Sabtu minggupertama dan keempat. Setelah misa hari Sabtuminggu pertama akan diadakan ramah tamah dan| 3

4 |makan malam di Cafetaria St. Patrick, bukan di Hallyang biasanya kita pakai. Sedangkan untuk misa keduaUKIBC bulan Mei ini dilakukan bukan di minggu ketiga,tapi di minggu keempat, dengan pertimbangan hampirsebagian besar petugas yang biasanya aktif mendukungpelaksanaan misa akan pergi untuk mengikuti RetreatPertumbuhan UKIBC di weekend tersebut, sehingga kitakekurangan petugas yang bisa mendukung pelaksanaanmisa, dimana akhirnya diputuskan untuk menggesernyake minggu keempat. Untuk itu kami mohon agar umatbisa memakluminya.Demikian sekilas informasi terkini yang bisakami sampaikan. Semoga damai dan kasih Yesus Kristusselalu menyertai kita semua.In His Love,Joe HidayatLAPORAN KEUANGAN UKIBC MARET <strong>2008</strong>DescriptionRevenue DonationExpensesI uran di bulan Maret$ 410.00P enjualan makanan$ 463.00B ank interest$ 10.12P engembalian PO Box$ 1.21R eimburse buletin Feb$ 357.86S umbangan fundraising retreat$ 150.00Pendapatan iklan - april, may, jun $ 250.00P endapatan paskah$ 743.84Konsumsi misa $ 300.00Rekoleksi $ 462.86Check paskah $ 15.00Buletin Nov, Natal, March $ 512.68Konsumsi paskah $ 1,200.00UKI kitchen supplies $ 15.00T otal$ 2,236.03 $ 150.00 $ 2,505.54NET INCOME $ (119.51)

Bid. Media Informasi:Andrew SugiantoAnastasia WinardiMedarda Edrea JosephMailing Address :PO.BOX 19503Vancouver BC, V5T 4E7Paroki Ukibc:St. Patrick’s Church2881 Main St,Vancouver BC.V5T 3G1[t]+1(604) 874-7818PENGURUSMUDIKA 2007-2009Ketua:Norman A. KarnadiWakil Ketua:Alexander Henry Y.S.Sekretaris:Eugene KuatsjahKoor:Gabriella Nurul PramestiOlahraga:Gregorius Gerry KarnadiTransportasi:Bernardsius GonantoPerlengkapan:Johan Edbert HendrawanFundraising:Joanna ChristyAcara:Christopher HannoLiturgi:Anastasia GumuliaTERIMA KASIH KEPADAANGGOTA YANGMEMBAYAR IURAN DIBULAN MARETGeorge Adi Setiadi & ChristianaRandy & Shirley WirahardjaRosa Sujoto & William SenartaAdrianus Haryo Wanengtoro & Ari InawatiCarolus Halim & Henny SugiantoRisyardi IswantoHaliman & Elly SutjahjoDjuli & Gunawan MuljoJulie BoenRenata Juzac and Ferry WidjajaBuntarjo & Ani TanudjajaMarie H BudihardjoRonald Young & CeciliaFifi JiHadi & TinaFerdi & Anni DorriusTina & DennisRoy BudiantaraTheresia LynchFundraising RetreatJohn TanGreetings, Sumbangan, Sponsor PaskahWinardi familyFrancis and Jeanne KimHardy and Henny TamOni KurniawanJohan & Lisa SudionoLydia and VictorTony and Venska WageyDorothy MoorhouseAries P & Martha GunawanBuntarjo & Ani TanudjajaRobert & Inneke JonasFina TamRonnyTerima kasih kami ucapkan sebesar-besarnyakepada semua pihak atas sumbangan yang telahdiberikan ke UKIBC, juga untuk yang membayariuran di bulan Februari| 5

6 |PRAYINGWITH MARYWhen we think of Mary, many wonderful thoughtscome to mind…An innocent, sinless virgin; a quiet, contemplativemother-to-be; a faithful, devoted wife and mother; even a“woman clothed with the sun” who is taken up into heaven(Revelation 12:1). Yet all these images run the risk ofmaking us forget how human she was. Like any of us,Mary enjoyed many happy times with her family, as well asmany challenges and difficulties. She experienced the joyof seeing her son grow and learn, as well as the everydaydemands of wife and mother in her day. At the same time,she was also forced to cope with situations in which asword pierced her very soul (Luke 2:35).While Scripture tells us precious little about Mary,there are enough episodes to help us come to a fewconclusions about her life of prayer – and about her role asa model for our own prayer lives.A Magnificat Disposition. Mary’s Song, called theMagnificat, tells us more than any other gospel story justhow Mary approached prayer (Luke 1:46-55). Mary hadheard that her long-barren cousin Elizabeth was pregnant,and so she went to visit her. When they met, the baby inElizabeth’s womb jumped for joy, and Elizabeth herselfproclaimed Mary as “most blessed” among women (1:39-45). Mary was so moved by all that was happening aroundher that this beautiful prayer practically tumbled out ofher – a prayer of praise and gratitude for the God who wasdoing such marvelous things.At the beginning of her song, Mary expresses herlove for God by saying, “My soul proclaims the greatnessof the Lord” (Luke 1:46). Then she goes on to express akey spiritual principle that Scripture illustrates over andover again: God chooses the lowly and the humble over theproud, even though the proud are often more educatedand more qualified. Mary saw that God reaches out tothe needy. She understood that God sends his strength tothose who know that they are weak, and his grace to thosewho know they cannot survive without it. By contrast, heleaves those who do not see any need for him empty andbarren (1:52-53).

Just as Elizabeth announced Mary as blessedamong women, the angel Gabriel greeted her as the“favoured one,” acknowledging that the Lord was withher in a special way (Luke 1:28). Just as the rainfalls from the sky and fills our rivers and streams, sothe grace of God flowed from heaven and filled Marycompletely. Divine grace perfected her, and that is whyshe was able to become God’s handmaid – and evenhis mother – to such a complete extent.Mary’s disposition allowed God to do in her thevery thing he wants to do in us – transform her into hislikeness. What Mary did not understand when Gabrielfirst met her, she eventually found out (Luke 1:34).What she did not know when her young son toldher “Did you not know that I must be in my father’shouse?” (2:49), she eventually came to understand.Whenever Jesus did something that was new andunexpected, Mary’s first thought was always to takecareful note and ponder it prayerfully.A Song from the Heart. So what does Mary’s Magnificatteach us? It shows us that Mary wanted to honorGod with her whole being; it shows us that she wasmindful of the great things God had already done forhis people; and it shows that she was willing to dowhatever God asked of her.Just like Mary, each of us has our own songthat we sing to the Lord. This song is our response towhatever work of grace he is accomplishing in us. InMary’s case, her song become her very philosophy oflife. It was her song that guided her, not the variouscircumstances she faced 0 not even the possibility ofdivorce, Herod’s murderous wrath, or of the agony ofwatching her son endure a torturous death.This is not to say that Mary was unaffectedby what happened around her. It did mean that shewanted the decisions she made in these circumstancesto be influenced by the Spirit’s leading. Similarly, oursong to the Lord will be as rich as Mary’s as we learnto tell Jesus: “I need your grace because I want to doyour will in everything – in the joyful times of life, in thechallenging times, and in the painful times as well.”Meditating on God. From her encounter with the angleGabriel onward, Mary met one spiritual event afteranother. Shepherds told her about angelic choirs.Astrologers from far away visited with strange gifts. Anold prophet in the Temple recognized her infant sonas the Messiah – and predicted great suffering for her.Joseph was warned in a dream to take her and Jesusinto hiding. And then came that fateful day when

8 |she feared that she had lost Jesus in Jerusalem. In eachof these situations, Mary quietly contemplated what theymeant and how God was at work.By treasuring and meditating upon these events, Marybuilt a heavenly foundation for her life. She developedprinciples of faith and trust that she could draw uponwhenever she faced a new situation. Because she triedto see God’s hand in every event, Mary became more andmore equipped to fulfill God’s plan for her life.Jesus once said, “My sheep hear my voice,”and the witness of many other saints bears this out (John10:27). For instance, Peter entered the home of a pagannamed Cornelius because of the Spirit’s leading (Acts10:19-28). Philip heard an angel tell him to take a differentroute than he intended – and that lead to the conversion ofan Ethiopian government official (8:26-39). Paul was ledby the Holy Spirit to change his plans and go to Macedonia,and the church in Philippi was born (16:6-15). In fact,Paul was so convinced about God’s desire to speak toeveryone that he regularly encouraged people to be opento receiving revelation from the Father (Ephesians 1:17-18;Colossians 1:9; Romans 12:1-2).The same holds true for us. God wants to speakto us through the events of our lives just as clearly as hespoke to Mary. All we have to do is follow Mary’s example:Meditate on God’s word and treasure what we see himdoing in our lives. This is how we can be transformed.Every one of us will face our fair share of goodtimes and challenges, our joys and our trials. The key tohaving Mary’s peace and trust in the midst of all of themis to try to understand everything that happens to us in thelight of God’s perfect loving plan. Of course we must useour gift of reason, but God longs to see us use the gift ofprayer as well.Petition and More Petitions. At Cana, Mary showed justhow effective petitioning God can be. In heaven shecontinues to go to her son with our petitions – just as shedid for those newlyweds in Cana. At that time, Mary wasconfident that Jesus would work a miracle because shebelieved in him. Mary did not say, “Well, I asked Jesus,but he said it was not his time.” Instead, she simply toldthe servants, “Do whatever he tells you” (John 2:4-5). DidMary believe that she could change Jesus’ mind? Mostlikely. She was persistent – and very confident. This isbecause she knew Jesus so well that she was convincedthat he would intervene at her request.So it seems that Mary has a special place in Jesus’heart. Knowing this, we should send every petition we

have, as persistently as we can, to her, confident that she willintercede for us, just as she did for that married couple inCana. At the same time, we should follow her example andpray directly to Jesus himself – with just as much confidence.We should ask, and ask, and ask. We should be convincedthat no petition is too small or too large for Jesus. After all, hecan still turn water into wine!Mary Is Still at Work. Mary continues to work on our behalf,even as she is enjoying the perfection of heaven. Along withpetitioning Jesus on our behalf, she has appeared to herpeople from time to time, encouraging us and guiding us. Andwhenever she apperas, Mary sounds the same themes thather son preached when he walked the earth: Repent, pray,live holy lives, and evangelize. From Lourdes to Fatima, fromKibeho, Rwanda to Knock, Ireland, Mary showers us with love,compassion, and encouragement. Like every mother, shesuffers when we suffer and she rejoices when we rejoice.As our model of faith, Mary shows us how to prayand how to live. As our mother, she wants all of us to behappy, peaceful, and full of love no matter how dire thecircumstances of life – even when the sword of sorrowspierces our heart as it did hers. And she knows that the key tosuch peace is prayer. May we all follow her example. May weall learn to pray as Jesus himself taught us. And may we allcome to cherish his revelation our hearts. We really can learnhow to pray, and in our prayer, we really can touch the throneof heaven!Disadur oleh Danny Kusnardi dari The Word Among Us,Oktober 2007, hal. 15 – 2| 9

10 |TIM TAHU TELURWaktu Memasak: 50 MenitJumlah Porsi: 10BAHAN:½ buah (150 gr) tahu, haluskan5 butir telur700 ml air kaldu50 gr ayam giling3 siung bawang putih, haluskan1 sdm angciu (arak masak)1 sdm kecap ikan1 ½ sdt garam½ sdt merica bubuk½ sdt gula2 batang daun bawang, iris halusDAPURMUDIKA:CARA MEMBUAT:1. kocok lepas telur. Tuang air kaldu ayam sedikit-sedikit sambil diaduksampai rata.2. Masukan tahu, ayam giling, bawang putih halus, angciu, kecap ikan,garam, merica bubuk, dan gula pasir. Aduk rata.tambahkan daunbawang. Aduk rata.3. Tuang di pinggan tahan panas4. Kukus 30 menit dengan api kecil hingga matang

Pope <strong>Ben</strong>edict XVI’s address to an ecumenical prayerservice at St. Joseph’s Parish,New York, April, 19, <strong>2008</strong>“A Faithful Witnessto the Gospel Is AsUrgent As Ever”Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,My heart abounds with gratitude to Almighty God-- “the Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all”(Eph 4:6) -- for this blessed opportunity to gather with youthis evening in prayer. I thank Bishop Dennis Sullivan for hiscordial welcome, and I warmly greet all those in attendancerepresenting Christian communities throughout the UnitedStates. May the peace of our Lord and Savior be with you all!Through you, I express my sincere appreciation forthe invaluable work of all those engaged in ecumenism: theNational Council of Churches, Christian Churches Together,the Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat for Ecumenical and InterreligiousAffairs, and many others. The contribution ofChristians in the United States to the ecumenical movementis felt throughout the world. I encourage all of you topersevere, always relying on the grace of the risen Christwhom we strive to serve by bringing about “the obedience offaith for the sake of his name” (Rom 1:5).We have just listened to the scriptural passage inwhich Paul -- a “prisoner for the Lord” -- delivers his ardentappeal to the members of the Christian community atEphesus. “I beg you,” he writes, “to lead a life worthy of thecalling to which you have been called, eager to maintain theunity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph 4:1-3). Then,after his impassioned litany of unity, Paul reminds his hearersthat Jesus, having ascended into heaven, has bestowed uponmen and women all the gifts necessary for building up theBody of Christ (cf. Eph 4:11-13).Paul’s exhortation resounds with no less vigor today.His words instill in us the confidence that the Lord will neverabandon us in our quest for unity. They also call us to livein a way that bears witness to the “one heart and mind”(Acts 4:32), which has always been the distinguishing traitof Christian koinonia (cf. Acts 2:42), and the force drawingothers to join the community of believers so that they too| 11

12 |might come to share in the “unsearchable riches of Christ”(Eph 3:8; cf. Acts 2:47; 5:14).Globalization has humanity poised between two poles. On theone hand, there is a growing sense of interconnectednessand interdependency between peoples even when --geographically and culturally speaking -- they are farapart. This new situation offers the potential for enhancinga sense of global solidarity and shared responsibility forthe well-being of mankind. On the other hand, we cannotdeny that the rapid changes occurring in our world alsopresent some disturbing signs of fragmentation and aretreat into individualism. The expanding use of electroniccommunications has in some cases paradoxically resulted ingreater isolation. Many people -- including the young -- areseeking therefore more authentic forms of community. Alsoof grave concern is the spread of a secularist ideology thatundermines or even rejects transcendent truth. The verypossibility of divine revelation, and therefore of Christian faith,is often placed into question by cultural trends widely presentin academia, the mass media and public debate. For thesereasons, a faithful witness to the Gospel is as urgent as ever.Christians are challenged to give a clear account of the hopethat they hold (cf. 1 Pet 3:15).Too often those who are not Christians, as theyobserve the splintering of Christian communities, areunderstandably confused about the Gospel message itself.Fundamental Christian beliefs and practices are sometimeschanged within communities by so-called “prophetic actions”that are based on a hermeneutic not always consonantwith the datum of Scripture and Tradition. Communitiesconsequently give up the attempt to act as a unified body,choosing instead to function according to the idea of “localoptions”. Somewhere in this process the need for diachronickoinonia -- communion with the Church in every age -- islost, just at the time when the world is losing its bearings andneeds a persuasive common witness to the saving power ofthe Gospel (cf. Rom 1:18-23).Faced with these difficulties, we must first recall thatthe unity of the Church flows from the perfect oneness ofthe Trinitarian God. In John’s Gospel, we are told that Jesusprayed to his Father that his disciples might be one, “justas you are in me and I am in you” (Jn 17:21). This passagereflects the unwavering conviction of the early Christiancommunity that its unity was both caused by, and is reflectiveof, the unity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This, in turn,suggests that the internal cohesion of believers was basedon the sound integrity of their doctrinal confession (cf. 1 Tim1:3-11). Throughout the New Testament, we find that theApostles were repeatedly called to give an account for their

faith to both Gentiles (cf. Acts 17:16-34) and Jews (cf. Acts4:5-22; 5:27-42).The core of their argument was always the historicalfact of Jesus’s bodily resurrection from the tomb (Acts 2:24,32; 3:15; 4:10; 5:30; 10:40; 13:30). The ultimate effectivenessof their preaching did not depend on “lofty words” or “humanwisdom” (1 Cor 2:13), but rather on the work of the Spirit (Eph3:5) who confirmed the authoritative witness of the Apostles(cf. 1 Cor 15:1-11). The nucleus of Paul’s preaching and thatof the early Church was none other than Jesus Christ, and“him crucified” (1 Cor 2:2). But this proclamation had to beguaranteed by the purity of normative doctrine expressed increedal formulae -- symbola -- which articulated the essenceof the Christian faith and constituted the foundation for theunity of the baptized (cf. 1 Cor 15:3-5; Gal 1:6-9; “UnitatisRedintegratio,” 2).My dear friends, the power of the kerygma has lostnone of its internal dynamism. Yet we must ask ourselveswhether its full force has not been attenuated by a relativisticapproach to Christian doctrine similar to that found in secularideologies, which, in alleging that science alone is “objective”,relegate religion entirely to the subjective sphere of individualfeeling. Scientific discoveries, and their application throughhuman ingenuity, undoubtedly offer new possibilities for thebetterment of humankind. This does not mean, however, thatthe “knowable” is limited to the empirically verifiable, norreligion restricted to the shifting realm of “personal experience”.For Christians to accept this faulty line of reasoningwould lead to the notion that there is little need to emphasizeobjective truth in the presentation of the Christian faith, forone need but follow his or her own conscience and choose acommunity that best suits his or her individual tastes. The resultis seen in the continual proliferation of communities which ofteneschew institutional structures and minimize the importance ofdoctrinal content for Christian living.Even within the ecumenical movement, Christians maybe reluctant to assert the role of doctrine for fear that it wouldonly exacerbate rather than heal the wounds of division. Yeta clear, convincing testimony to the salvation wrought for usin Christ Jesus has to be based upon the notion of normativeapostolic teaching: a teaching which indeed underlies theinspired word of God and sustains the sacramental life ofChristians today.Only by “holding fast” to sound teaching (2 Thess2:15; cf. Rev 2:12-29) will we be able to respond to thechallenges that confront us in an evolving world. Only in thisway will we give unambiguous testimony to the truth of theGospel and its moral teaching. This is the message whichthe world is waiting to hear from us. Like the early Christians,| 13

14 |we have a responsibility to give transparent witness to the“reasons for our hope”, so that the eyes of all men and womenof goodwill may be opened to see that God has shown us hisface (cf. 2 Cor 3:12-18) and granted us access to his divine lifethrough Jesus Christ. He alone is our hope! God has revealedhis love for all peoples through the mystery of his Son’s passionand death, and has called us to proclaim that he is indeedrisen, has taken his place at the right hand of the Father, and“will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead”(Nicene Creed).May the word of God we have heard this eveninginflame our hearts with hope on the path to unity (cf. Lk 24:32).May this prayer service exemplify the centrality of prayer in theecumenical movement (cf. “Unitatis Redintegratio,” 8); forwithout it, ecumenical structures, institutions and programswould be deprived of their heart and soul. Let us give thanksto Almighty God for the progress that has been made throughthe work of his Spirit, as we acknowledge with gratitude thepersonal sacrifices made by so many present and by those whohave gone before us.By following in their footsteps, and by placing our trustin God alone, I am confident that -- to borrow the words ofFather Paul Wattson -- we will achieve the “oneness of hope,oneness of faith, and oneness of love” that alone will convincethe world that Jesus Christ is the one sent by the Father for thesalvation of all.I thank you all.© Copyright <strong>2008</strong> - Libreria Editrice Vaticana (Zenit.org )BULLETIN UKIBCADVERTISING PRICE:1/3 page (4.5"w x 2.6"h)1 edition $20.003 editions $50.006 editions $80.0012 editions $150.00Full page (4.5"w x 7.5"h)1 edition $45.003 editions $100.006 editions $180.0012 editions $360.00untuk pemesanan/informasi iklan, hubungi:Lydia Yuliana - lyuliana@telus.net / 604.726.4324

VANCOUVER WATCHEat Vancouver May <strong>2008</strong> (annual)Where: BC Place StadiumCost: $14; seniors $12; 7-14 yrs $6; under 7s freeOpening Hours: Fri 4pm-9pm; Sat 11am-9pm; Sun 11am-5pmThe EAT! Vancouver festival at BC Place Stadium features cookingdemonstrations from celebrity chefs, culinary competitions, interactivecooking activities for children, cookbook signings and a huge variety oftasting and shopping opportunities.AdvertisementIf you have a sweet tooth, make a beeline for the World of Chocolate andSweets Pavilion, offering all manner of desserts and confectionery.Vancouver Marathon May <strong>2008</strong> (annual)Where: VancouverOpening Hours: From 6.30amThe Vancouver Marathon is the largest in Canada. The race starts on PacificBoulevard, then continues on to Gastown and through forested StanleyPark, before crossing Burrard Street Bridge to the Kitsilano neighbourhoodand returning to the finish at BC Place Stadium. The day also features ahalf marathon and a kids “marafun”.Puisi (dedicated to P.M.B.M. and everyoneelse who has just gone single…)Farewell by.Dave AlexanderI pray for the sunto brighten up your dayto surround you with its warmthand give you hopeI pray for the moonto cast away your loneliness at nightAnd for the starsto accompany you in your dreamsI pray for the windto guide your wayto whisper nature’s beautyand enlighten your soulI pray for the Creatorto give you happinessaway from meBecause I’m no longerallowed to be therefor you…| 15

16 |Recollection with Father Adrianus Budhi, MSC“HOW TO BE ATRUE CATHOLIC”Saturday – Sunday, April 5-6, <strong>2008</strong> | By: Jeremy Pribowo“Bangsat lo! Dasar babi!” At once, all the audiencewas taken aback. How could they not be surprised, as thatsentence came out from a priest! Father Adri did say thesentence to illustrate the power of words. He was telling a storyabout a man who was skeptical about the power of words. Thesentence was originally mentioned by a very wise guru who wasteaching the same topic. Upon hearing that same sentence, theman got so angry that he almost punched the guru. While theskeptical man was trying to calm himself down, the guru said,“Maafkan saya. Saya khilaf.” Right away, his anger receded andhe was able to bring himself back together. “Anda baru sajamengalami besarnya kuasa kata-kata,” the guru continued.According to Father Adri, the power of words is one of the threepowers that God grants to everyone. The other two are thepower of will and the power of love. God gives these powers toenable us to find Him in our daily lives and to live a life full ofjoy and thanksgivings.The recollection covered five topics, with three topicsbeing presented on Saturday and the rest on Sunday. The firsttopic talked about being Eucharistic people. ‘Eucharist’ meansthanksgiving. Thanksgiving is not about saying sweet words fora favor we have received. It is more about attitude, the way welive our lives, and it is also a grace, a gift that only God can give.The good news is that God is eager to give us this gift. All thatwe have to do is ask. In my opinion, becoming a person whoknows how to give thanks to his God is always a starting pointfor a spiritual journey. Only when we are grateful for being lovedby God can we love God with all our hearts. Therefore, it wasvery fitting to make the talk about having a grateful heart thefirst topic.The second topic offered some insights on ways wecan find God in our daily lives. Father Adri clearly pointed outthat our lives have only one purpose: to become holy. Holinessmeans to become united with God, to focus our attention onHim, to love Him, and to do His will. Father Adri offered oneconcrete way to examine the focus of our lives: by being awareof what our minds think about most of the time and by beingaware of what our prayers consist of. When our mind is focusedon God, then we can always find Him in our lives.Choices that we make in our lives will determine wherewe will be. The main message in topic three is to consciouslyand consistently make choices that will make our lives morealigned to Jesus’ life. Father Adri also talked about different

life’s choices/ calling that everyone has to enter and howwe can wisely discern which one God is calling us towards.To answer the burning question of the many youths inthe recollection, Father Adri also prepared a specialpresentation about tips to find Mr. or Ms. Right.The fourth topic was the Eucharist and the meaningsbehind the rituals. The talk started with a statement ofthe immense love that God has for humans. God so lovesus that He came down to be with us, and He offered upHimself as a sacrifice to save us. The Eucharist is thevery essence of Jesus’ sacrifice for us. The second parttalked about the different parts of the Eucharist and whatthey mean. It was a chance for many of us to deepen ourunderstanding of the Catholic faith.Topic five discussed our interaction with peopleof different faith/ church. Guidelines were laid down foranyone who is in a interfaith or interchurch marriage orrelationship. Given the many questions the audience asked,it was clearly one of the hot topics for many of us.The five topics covered in the recollection couldwell relate to many people in the audience. Many ofthem said that the recollection was able to answer theirquestions and deepen their understanding of the Catholicfaith. Even though the topics were important, Father Adriwas particularly good at conveying the messages in anunderstandable manner. The talks were also accentuatedwith many discussion sessions where people had a chanceto share their faith experiences with others. The audienceshared many laughs, and a feeling of closeness andwarmth could be felt during the recollection. It looked likea big family reunion where each member could share theirstories openly. Father Adri, without hesitation, called FatherEdwin “Engkong”, reflecting the closeness between the twoshepherds.I would personally thank Father Adri for takingthe time to come to Vancouver and helping quench thespiritual thirst of many of us. All the presentations from therecollection can be seen on the UKIBC website (<strong>ukibc</strong>.org).| 17

18 |PaskahUKIBC <strong>2008</strong>By. Alexander HenryPembaca yang terkasih dalam Yesus Kristus,berikut ini kami selaku Panitia Paskah <strong>2008</strong> hendakmemberikan ulasan tentang berbagai macam acara yangtelah diadakan pada perayaan “Paskah UKIBC <strong>2008</strong>”yang bersamaan dengan perayaan Ulang Tahun UKIBCyang ke-16. Perayaan Paskah dan Ulang tahun UKIBCkali ini diselenggarakan di Gym St. Patrick pada tanggal23 Maret <strong>2008</strong> pukul 16.30 – 19.30.Acara dibuka oleh Norman dan Meda selakuMC untuk Perayaan Paskah kali ini, dilanjutkan denganperforma meriah dari Band yang dipersembahkan olehMudika “The Mudiks” dengan personil Dhito, Andre,Aldo, Adrian, Greg, Intan, Mario, Norman, dan RiriHapsari. Pada kesempatan ini, mereka membawakan4 buah lagu berjudul “Ekspresi” “Your Love”, “WayBack into Love”, dan “Becak”. Adapun Mudika UKIBCterkenal dengan kreativitas mereka, sehingga adabeberapa lagu yang mereka kombinasikan dengandrama dan lelucon.Tidak mau ketinggalan seperti biasa, Mudika jugaberpartisipasi menyumbang acara berupa “MudikaDance” yang performanya terlihat lebih bersemangatdan bertenaga dibanding sebelumnya. Mudika Dance iniberanggotakan Christina Riani ,Dave, Mitzy, Norman, RiriHapsari, Stephanie, dan Yudha.Pada kesempatan kali ini, Joshua Hartana,Shella Sudjono, dan Mario Gaw juga turut berpartisipasimemeriahkan Perayaan Paskah dan Ulang tahun UKIBCini dengan membentuk Band bernama “TWENTY

SOMETHINGS”. Mereka membawakan 2 laguberjudul “Hallelujah” dan “Quando Quando”. Duabuah ”Lagu Keroncong” yang terdiri dari “PahlawanMerdeka” dan “Keroncong Kemayoran” persembahanIbu Santi Wibanarto juga disambut hangat oleh parapengunjung.Hidangan malam yang telah disiapkan oleh Timkonsumsi yang dikoordinir oleh Ibu Shinta Budionodan Ibu Tenny Martini adalah acara yang ditunggutungguoleh para pengunjung. Dengan menu “SaladPengantin” sebagai pembuka, “Beef Rollade” dan“Mie Goreng” yang lezat sebagai menu utama, danAneka Dessert berupa “Kue Pisang”, “Singkong Keju”,dan berbagai jenis dessert lain sumbangan ibu-ibudapat memuaskan hati para pengunjung.Acara puncak Perayaan Paskah danUlang Tahun UKIBC pada tahun ini adalah dengandiputarnya “Kaleidoskop” seluruh kegiatan UKIBC danMudika UKIBC dari tahun 2005-<strong>2008</strong> yang telah didesain secara professional oleh Fransiska Amelia yangdilanjutkan dengan pemotongan kue untuk merayakanUlang Tahun UKIBC yang ke 16. Acara kemudiandiakhiri dengan pengumuman pemenang “GrandPrizeUKIBC Super Raffle” yang dimenangkan oleh :•Digital Photoframe : Hansel Hendrawan•Logitech Webcam : Rosa Sujoto•Household Appliance : Rufina TamAkhir kata, Kami mengucapkan selamat kepada parapemenang dan kami selaku panitia paskah <strong>2008</strong> jugaingin mengucapkan terima kasih sebesar-besarnyakepada semua yang terlibat baik secara langsungataupun tidak langsung dan tidak lupa bantuan dana,tenaga dan doa untuk mensukseskan acara Paskah<strong>2008</strong> dan Ulang tahun UKIBC. Tanpa bantuan andasemua, acara ini tidak akan dapat tereleaisasikan.Sekali lagi, kami atas panitia Paskah <strong>2008</strong>mengucapkan terima kasih dan Selamat Paskah!| 19

20 |Kalender KegiatanUKIBC + Mudika Bulan MEI<strong>2008</strong>MingguSeninSelasaRabuKamisJumatSabtu1 2 3Winni Katili’sAndrzaj Lis’4Annie Han Lam’s56Shella Sudjono’s78910Djuniati Halim’s111213141516 17Eric Santoso’s Bryan Tjeng’s Eugene Kuatsjah’s Yenny Haribowo’s1819Eduardus DewandaruPradipto’s (Dhito)2021 22<strong>Ben</strong>edict Halim’s2324Maggie Tanudjaja’s25Buntarjo Tanudjaja’sMelvin Loho’s2627 28 29 30 31Eric Widarto’s Hary Hendropranoto’sAdiarto Pranoto3 MeiMisa Pertama Minggu ke 1 UKIBC@St. Patrick’s Church2881 Main St, VancouverPukul 06.00pm24 MeiMisa Kedua Minggu ke 4 UKIBC@St. Patrick’s Church2881 Main St, VancouverPukul 06.00pmJika ada kesalahan cetak di label alamat, perubahan alamat, ataupun tidakmenerima bulletin UKIBC, mohon menghubungi HUMAS kami:- Andry Tjeng: 604-464-5529 or email: andry_tjeng@yahoo.com- Nita: 604-408-9010 or email: trisandi@cbn.net.id

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