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HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOUR5A brigade is created in exactlythe same way that a division isordered, but they are neverdeployed by themselves.Instead, brigades must alwaysbe attached to a division -which is determined at thetime that it is deployed fromthe force pool - although theymay later be detached andreturned to the force pool forsubsequent redeploymentelsewhere.Division DetailsSelect any field command byclicking on it on the Main Map,using the Land Forces HotButton, or via the StatisticsFolder. The information panelwill then display the name ofthe commanding officer and alist of the divisions in hiscommand. Clicking on anyone of the listed divisions willdisplay the Division Details forthat unit in the informationpanel.1Division Name: Situatedat the top of the informationpanel, while this isassigned automatically whenfirst created, you can change itby clicking on the unit nameand then typing a new name.2Division Type: Below thedivision name, you’ll see apicture and then a descriptionof the division type.3Brigade Attachment: Ifthere is a brigade attachedto this unit, the brigade typeand model names will appearimmediately below the divisionname. There will also be anicon of the brigade in the righthandpanel.4Commander: You will seea picture of the Division'sCommanding Officer. Rememberthat this officer maycommand a number ofdivisions if they are groupedtogether into a corps or army.CLICK HERE!5Command Strengthand Organisation:Beside the commander’spicture is a graphic displayof the strength % (orangebar) and the organization %(green bar) of the entirefield command. This is theaverage of all forces underthat leader’s command.6Command Name andSize: (See detail onnext page).Beside this, youwill see the name and thenumber of divisions in thefield command.7GETTHISCommand OrdersBox: (See detail onnext page).The command’scurrent mission is displayedin the Orders Boximmediately below its4298613name. You may click on thisbox to issue new ordersdirectly from this interface orcancel its existing orders. Notethat doing this will update theorders for all divisions in thisfield command.85Location Details: Belowthe command bar is asecond bar that indicates thecurrent location of thisdivision. You will see theprovince name, IC, resourcesand the total number ofdivisions, including allies,located in this province.Division ParametersStrength: (See also next9 page) This is a division’scurrent operational strength.When first built, it will be at100% but can be reduced as aresult of combat casualties orattrition losses. If a division isin supply, then it will graduallyreplenish to 100% as long asyou allocate some of your IC98

HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOUR910 11to reinforcements. Reinforcingalso needs MP.Organisation: This is thedivision’s level of organisation,reflecting its internal commandstructure, intrinsic cohesiveness,and readiness to fight.There are two numbersdisplayed: the current andmaximum organisation of theunit. Morale: Each divisionhas a morale value that7represents its willingnessto persevere in the face ofadversity and it influencesthe regain rate oforganisation (highermorale will make thedivision regainorganisation faster).6Softness: Each divisionhas a “hard” and “soft”component to its strength. Thehard portion is its armour(tanks, trucks, etc.) while thesoft component is itspersonnel. The softness valueindicates the percentage of adivision’s makeup that isconsidered as a soft target.Hard Attack: This valueindicates the attack power ofthe division when engaging anenemy division that has afairly large “hard” component(i.e. a low softness value). Thehigher the attack number, themore likely it is that it will inflictsome damage to a “hard”target such as a tank division.Soft Attack: This valueindicates the general attackpower of the division whenengaging soft targets. A highnumber here indicates that itprobably do well againstdivisions that have a highsoftness component, such asinfantry divisions.Air Attack: When a division isattacked by aerial units, it mayhave the ability to fight backand inflict some damage. Theair attack value indicates howwell it is able to do this and willbe fairly good if the divisionhas an anti-air brigadeattached.Defensiveness: The division'sdefensive capabilities aredivided into two components:defensiveness and toughness.The defensiveness value isused when a division isdefending a province againstan attack initiated by anenemy. The higher the value,the better the division will beat withstanding enemy fire.Toughness: This is thesecond component of adivision’s defensive capabilityand is used when the divisionis launching an attack of itsown against another province.A high value indicates that itcan withstand more of theenemy’s return fire as it makesthis assault.Air Defence: This valueindicates how well a division isable to defend against enemytactical bombing attacks. Thisvalue is mostly an indication ofhow difficult a target is to hitand how resilient it is. It doesnot imply an ability to fightback.Suppression: This is anindication of a division’s basiccapabilities at suppressingpartisanship in a province. Thevalue is enhanced by givingthe unit orders to engage inanti-partisan activities, whichdoubles the effective suppressionvalue.Maximum Speed: The maximumspeed the unit can travelin clear, unobstructed terrain.Affected by infrastructurelevels, supply efficiency (lackof oil greatly decreasesspeed), ongoing battles/enemy bombing raids.Supply / Oil Consumption:The daily supply needed islisted here. It will fluctuatedepending on the currentstrength and task of the unit .Units in combat couldconsume a lot more supplies.The Logistics wizard leaderdecreases the currentsupply/oil consumption by10%. There are two numbersfor supply/oil consumption -current and default ( XX.XX/YY.YY). Note that this is theamount of supplies it requiresand is not necessarily theamount it is receiving.Fuel Consumption: Anydivision that uses vehicles willrequire a daily supply of fuel(oil) equal to this value,whether it is moving orengaged in combat. A stationary,non-combatant only usesa portion of this amount. Fuelconsumption is also dependentupon the current strengthof the division.Experience: Each divisiongains combat experiencewhenever it engages in battle.An experienced unit willreceive combat bonuses andtends to maintain its organisation and morale far betterthan a division filled withrecruits.99

HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOUR910 11to reinforcements. Reinforcingalso needs MP.Organisation: This is thedivision’s level of organisation,reflecting its internal commandstructure, intrinsic cohesiveness,and readiness to fight.There are two numbersdisplayed: the current andmaximum organisation of theunit. Morale: Each divisionhas a morale value that7represents its willingnessto persevere in the face ofadversity and it influencesthe regain rate oforganisation (highermorale will make thedivision regainorganisation faster).6Softness: Each divisionhas a “hard” and “soft”component to its strength. Thehard portion is its armour(tanks, trucks, etc.) while thesoft component is itspersonnel. The softness valueindicates the percentage of adivision’s makeup that isconsidered as a soft target.Hard Attack: This valueindicates the attack power ofthe division when engaging anenemy division that has afairly large “hard” component(i.e. a low softness value). Thehigher the attack number, themore likely it is that it will inflictsome damage to a “hard”target such as a tank division.Soft Attack: This valueindicates the general attackpower of the division whenengaging soft targets. A highnumber here indicates that itprobably do well againstdivisions that have a highsoftness component, such asinfantry divisions.Air Attack: When a division isattacked by aerial units, it mayhave the ability to fight backand inflict some damage. Theair attack value indicates howwell it is able to do this and willbe fairly good if the divisionhas an anti-air brigadeattached.Defensiveness: The division'sdefensive capabilities aredivided into two components:defensiveness and toughness.The defensiveness value isused when a division isdefending a province againstan attack initiated by anenemy. The higher the value,the better the division will beat withstanding enemy fire.Toughness: This is thesecond component of adivision’s defensive capabilityand is used when the divisionis launching an attack of itsown against another province.A high value indicates that itcan withstand more of theenemy’s return fire as it makesthis assault.Air Defence: This valueindicates how well a division isable to defend against enemytactical bombing attacks. Thisvalue is mostly an indication ofhow difficult a target is to hitand how resilient it is. It doesnot imply an ability to fightback.Suppression: This is anindication of a division’s basiccapabilities at suppressingpartisanship in a province. Thevalue is enhanced by givingthe unit orders to engage inanti-partisan activities, whichdoubles the effective suppressionvalue.Maximum Speed: The maximumspeed the unit can travelin clear, unobstructed terrain.Affected by infrastructurelevels, supply efficiency (lackof oil greatly decreasesspeed), ongoing battles/enemy bombing raids.Supply / Oil Consumption:The daily supply needed islisted here. It will fluctuatedepending on the currentstrength and task of the unit .Units in combat couldconsume a lot more supplies.The Logistics wizard leaderdecreases the currentsupply/oil consumption by10%. There are two numbersfor supply/oil consumption -current and default ( XX.XX/YY.YY). Note that this is theamount of supplies it requiresand is not necessarily theamount it is receiving.Fuel Consumption: Anydivision that uses vehicles willrequire a daily supply of fuel(oil) equal to this value,whether it is moving orengaged in combat. A stationary,non-combatant only usesa portion of this amount. Fuelconsumption is also dependentupon the current strengthof the division.Experience: Each divisiongains combat experiencewhenever it engages in battle.An experienced unit willreceive combat bonuses andtends to maintain its organisation and morale far betterthan a division filled withrecruits.99

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