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HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURThe same techniques areused for including blueprints orequipment in a trade. As withterritorial exchanges, this mayonly be done between allies,and you may only request oroffer blueprints for projectsthat a nation currently has thenecessary prerequisites tobegin researching or isalready researching.Resources may be offered orrequested by clicking on theResources tabs. You may onlyoffer up to the total amountthat you have in your nationalstockpile, or request up to theamount that the other nationhas in its own, though again,this is an underhanded way toevaluate another nation’sresource stockpiles. As youadjust the sliders, the amountsbeing offered or requested willbe displayed beside theappropriate icon at the bottom.Unlike the other three tradecategories, resources may betraded between any twonations who are not at warwith one another. As youassemble the proposal, thechance of the deal beingaccepted will be displayed atthe bottom of the interface.This is the base chance and ismodified by the same sorts offactors as affect tradeagreements, so keep this inmind as you are putting theproposal together. The onlydeal that would be automaticallyaccepted is onewhere you are giving somethingaway for free by offeringsomething on your side of theinterface while requestingnothing in return. Once youare satisfied with your offer,click the OK button or click thecancel button to abort thediplomatic action and theproposal will be sent. If thetarget nation accepts the deal,then the exchange will bemade. Beware! Negotiateddeals are subject to thesame trade efficiencymodifiers as trade agreements,so not all of theresources exchanged willnecessarily reach theirintended destinations.Influence NationThis is a fairly commondiplomatic action where youwill send money to a nation inan attempt to improve yourrelationship. There is noacceptance required for this“gift” and you will usually seeat least some improvement inyour nations’ relationship afterchoosing this option. Thedegree of change will dependon a variety of factors,particularly the capabilities ofyour foreign minister and yourrelative government types,and will have no additional orlasting benefits beyond thisone-time boost.Offer Alliance / Bring toAlliance / Join AllianceAn alliance is a specialrelationship that existsbetween two or more nations,usually for protection andmilitary cooperation. Newalliances may be formedbetween any two nations thatare not already part of analliance, and whichever nationthat creates the alliance willbecome the alliance leader.The alliance leader is the onlynation that may invite newnations to join the alliance, oraccept the petition of anotherwise un-allied nation whowishes to join.If you wish to form a newalliance, you cannot alreadybe allied to any other nationand you must issue yourinvitation to a nation that isalso not already allied. If it ispossible to create one, theoffer alliance option will beavailable in the list ofdiplomatic actions. Creatingan alliance is usually a fairlyexpensive process and is onlylikely to succeed if you have agood relationship with thatnation and you have fairlysimilar types of government.Larger nations will also tend tobe somewhat disinclined toaccept an offer made by asmaller, weaker nation, and anation that pursues isolationistpolicies is very unlikely to beinterested in your offer. In fact,unless a democratic nationwith a strong isolationist policyis already at war, it cannotoffer or be asked to form analliance, nor can it ask or beasked to join an existingalliance.Once an alliance has beenformed, the leader of thealliance may invite additionalmembers to join, as long asthey are not already a memberof another alliance, byselecting the nation and usingthe bring to alliance diplomaticoption. This will be a somewhatless expensive processthan creating an alliance, andthe likelihood of the offer beingaccepted is governed by asimilar set of considerationsas forming alliances.The exception to these rules isthat the leader of the Allies,Axis, Central Powers, TripleEntente or Comintern mayinvite another country who is amember of a “minor” allianceto join the major faction. If thenation agrees, it leaves itsexisting alliance even if it wasformerly the alliance leaderand becomes part of the majorfaction’s alliance.If you aren’t part of an allianceand wish to become amember of one, then you may80

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