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HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURdiminish. Allocations to thisslider also generate cashrevenue. You will need thatmoney to fund your researchprojects and for many of yourdiplomatic and intelligenceactivities, so some excessallocation may be neededunless you are sellingresources to another nationand earning enough moneythat way.ProductionThe production slider is usedto allocate IC towards themanufacture of the orders inyour Production Queue.Allocation shortfalls will resultin low priority orders beingplaced on hold until new ICbecomes available and couldresult in the loss of the gearingbonus for an order. Excessallocation of IC to productionis ignored and is displayed inthe summary as “unused IC”.Remember: unused IC doesnot consume resources.SuppliesAs mentioned earlier, it is vitalto ensure that you aresupplying your military with adaily allotment of food andammunition. This is withdrawnfrom your national stockpile ofsupplies and sent out to themalong your supply chains. Youcan trade for supplies withother nations, but it is usuallyfar more efficient to allocate ICto their manufacture. Whateverquantities you manufacturewill be added to yournational stockpile at a rate ofthree units of supplies forevery unit of IC that youallocate, but this rate can beincreased by technology. Bewarned, however: havingsupplies in your nationalstockpile doesn’t mean thatyour armed forces will receivethose supplies. The delivery ofsupplies depends entirely onwhether your supply chainsare intact and unimpeded, andon supply efficiency in theprovinces where your forcesare located. Failure to supplyyour forces will seriouslyhamper their combat ability asthey wll suffer penalties whenengaged in combat. Thisslider’s sole function is tomanufacture and stockpile thenecessary materials.ReinforcementsThis slider allocates industrialcapacity to reinforcements andrepairs. It is used to trainreplacements and repairequipment for units whosestrength has been reduced asa result of combat or attrition.Military forces have a “human”component as well, so as youare reinforcing them you willalso need to have sufficientmanpower available in yournational manpower pool to bewithdrawn to meet thoserequirements.The necessary amountdepends on the originalmanpower cost of the unit andon the percentage of strengththat it has lost. Failing toallocate sufficient IC to thereinforcement slider willreduce the rate at which all ofthese replenishments occur,while any excess allocationswill be ignored and included inyour unused IC total, thus alsoconserving natural resources.UpgradesAs you gainnew militarytechnologies,you will beable to upgradetheabilities ofyour existingland and airunits as wellas the navalbrigadesattached toyour ships (note that navalvessels cannot be upgraded.)This is done by allocating IC tothe upgrades slider and willfrequently require a prolongedinvest-ment of up to severalmonths to complete. Yourforces will continue to operatenormally at their old combatvalues during this time.Insufficient allocation willincrease the length of timethat this upgrade will require,while excess investment isignored and added to yourunused IC total.Air units only upgrade duringthe times when they are idleand at their assigned homebase, and if too many unitsare assigned to the same airbase, this process will take farlonger.NationalTransport Capacity(TC)Although your nation’stransport capacity (TC) is notdisplayed directly in theproduction folder, this issomething that is fullydependent on your nation’sIndustrial Capacity. Transportcapacity is an abstraction thatDarkest Hour uses torepresent your country’soverall ability to move men,equipment and suppliesthroughout each nation. It isthe underlying factor that willdetermine whether you canget the necessary supplies,reinforcements and technologicalupgrades to yourarmed forces in a timelymanner.60

HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURThe Top Bar will alwaysdisplay your nation’s transportcapacity and how much of it isbeing used. The base amountof TC is determined by yournational IC output and can beincreased by researchingcertain technologies. This totalvalue indicates the limit ofyour ability to move “stuff”such as supplies, fuel, anddivisions that are either in yourforce pool or are beingstrategically redeployed. Ifyour required TC exceedsyour available TC, your abilityto carry out this vital task willbe reduced and your troopswill move more slowly,possibly even beginning tostarve unless they are in avery favourable location. We’lllook at this again in detailwhen we discuss supply andsupply efficiency in theCombat section.International TradeSummaryThe method of establishingnew international tradeagreements is discussed indetail in the Diplomacysection. The Production folderalso includes a summary of allactive trade agreements sincethey will impact on your flow ofresources. Each line itemidentifies the trading nation,the type of goods beingexchanged,and thecurrent tradeefficiency.Hoveringyour mouseover any itemin this scrollablelistallows you toview the precise details of theagreement. International tradedoes not use convoys totransport the goods back andforth. Instead, this isabstracted to “invisible”commercial shipping that willattempt to ensure that thegoods reach their destination.These vessels are subject toenemy disruption if eithernation is currently at war witha nation that has a navy. Anyenemy vessels that areassigned to convoy raiding willautomatically disrupt and sinksome percentage of the tradegoods being exchanged,resulting in a reduction oftrade efficiency. You will see apercentage value displayed atthe right edge of each tradeentry that indicates the currenttrade efficiency. If it becomesimpossible to establish a directlink with your trading partner,although this may be tracedthrough friendly territory, yourtrade effic-iency will drop tozero. Goods will continue tobe shipped, even though theywon’t arrive at their intendeddestination, until one of thetrading partners cancels theagreement.You may cancel a tradeagreement by right-clicking onits listing in the trade summaryand then confirming that youwish to cancel it. You may alsocancel an agree-ment in theDiplomacy Folder by selectingthe nation, then using the“Cancel Trade Agreement”diplomatic option andspecifying the agreement tocancel. Some trade agreementsare displayed in greenand represents unbreakabletrades (for example, warreparations).Automating TradeClicking the button labelled“Auto Control Window” allowsthe AI to manage internationaltrade for you. You can instructthe AI to automate thefollowing tasks● the AI can proposetrade deal to othercountries;● the AI can accept ordecline trade dealsproposed by othercountries;● the AI can cancelexisting trade deals;● the AI can auto-maticallyhelp allies that are lackingcertain resources by sendingthem for free;● the AI can automaticallyshare blueprints with Alliesand puppets;● the AI can automaticallyaccept blueprints from othercountries (single offers);Moreover, there's a slider toregulate the AI that acceptsdeals with other countries sothat you can choose to make itaccept only the best deals oreven deals that are not soconvenient.Finally, with the Trade Policiessection you can set thebehavior of the AI regardingeach resources. If a resource61

HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURThe Top Bar will alwaysdisplay your nation’s transportcapacity and how much of it isbeing used. The base amountof TC is determined by yournational IC output and can beincreased by researchingcertain technologies. This totalvalue indicates the limit ofyour ability to move “stuff”such as supplies, fuel, anddivisions that are either in yourforce pool or are beingstrategically redeployed. Ifyour required TC exceedsyour available TC, your abilityto carry out this vital task willbe reduced and your troopswill move more slowly,possibly even beginning tostarve unless they are in avery favourable location. We’lllook at this again in detailwhen we discuss supply andsupply efficiency in theCombat section.International TradeSummaryThe method of establishingnew international tradeagreements is discussed indetail in the Diplomacysection. The Production folderalso includes a summary of allactive trade agreements sincethey will impact on your flow ofresources. Each line itemidentifies the trading nation,the type of goods beingexchanged,and thecurrent tradeefficiency.Hoveringyour mouseover any itemin this scrollablelistallows you toview the precise details of theagreement. International tradedoes not use convoys totransport the goods back andforth. Instead, this isabstracted to “invisible”commercial shipping that willattempt to ensure that thegoods reach their destination.These vessels are subject toenemy disruption if eithernation is currently at war witha nation that has a navy. Anyenemy vessels that areassigned to convoy raiding willautomatically disrupt and sinksome percentage of the tradegoods being exchanged,resulting in a reduction oftrade efficiency. You will see apercentage value displayed atthe right edge of each tradeentry that indicates the currenttrade efficiency. If it becomesimpossible to establish a directlink with your trading partner,although this may be tracedthrough friendly territory, yourtrade effic-iency will drop tozero. Goods will continue tobe shipped, even though theywon’t arrive at their intendeddestination, until one of thetrading partners cancels theagreement.You may cancel a tradeagreement by right-clicking onits listing in the trade summaryand then confirming that youwish to cancel it. You may alsocancel an agree-ment in theDiplomacy Folder by selectingthe nation, then using the“Cancel Trade Agreement”diplomatic option andspecifying the agreement tocancel. Some trade agreementsare displayed in greenand represents unbreakabletrades (for example, warreparations).Automating TradeClicking the button labelled“Auto Control Window” allowsthe AI to manage internationaltrade for you. You can instructthe AI to automate thefollowing tasks● the AI can proposetrade deal to othercountries;● the AI can accept ordecline trade dealsproposed by othercountries;● the AI can cancelexisting trade deals;● the AI can auto-maticallyhelp allies that are lackingcertain resources by sendingthem for free;● the AI can automaticallyshare blueprints with Alliesand puppets;● the AI can automaticallyaccept blueprints from othercountries (single offers);Moreover, there's a slider toregulate the AI that acceptsdeals with other countries sothat you can choose to make itaccept only the best deals oreven deals that are not soconvenient.Finally, with the Trade Policiessection you can set thebehavior of the AI regardingeach resources. If a resource61

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