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HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURslightly less time to produceand thus a lower total ICconsumption, and thesubsequent unit will requireeven less time. Until the orderhas been cancelled orcompleted, each unit that youmanufacture will receive agearing bonus that increasesas each is produced. There isa maximum bonus level,though, beyond which therewill be no further reductionsin time and this maximumlevel can be modified by.Note also that provincialassets, no matter whichmethod of ordering them youuse, do not benefit from serialrun gearing bonuses. Moreoverthe gearing bonus isreduced if auto-upgrade hasbeen selected and a newmodel becomes availableduring the serial run: after thecompletion of the current unit,the whole line is upgraded tothe new model, but thisreduces the acquired gearingbonus (by roughly 10%, so it'snot a great loss).Building Provincial Assetsand Using the “QuickOrders” ButtonsProvincial assets are the widevariety of structures that canbe built to make yourprovinces more economicallyproductive, more defensible,or to provide an additionalboost to your research in thefields of rocketry or nuclearscience. Depending on theitem involved, there are threepossible ways that it may beordered, although in mostcases only two of thoseoptions will be available toyou. The exception to that ruleis the AA battery, which mayuse all three methods.Infrastructure, factories, landfortifications and coastalfortifications must have aprovince location specified atthe time that the initial order isplaced for their construction.You may do this either byselecting the desired provinceand then using the appropriateQuick Build button in theProvince Details display, or byright-clicking on the provinceon the main map and selectingthe asset you wish to build.Using either method willinitiate a new production orderfor that item, adding it to thelisting at the bottom of theProvince Details informationpanel, as well as to theProduction Queue. If yousubsequently order additionalitems using either method,they will be added to youroriginal order. All orders forthese items are serial ordersand completed assets willautomatically be deployed tothe province.All other assets may beordered using the right-clickmethod or by placing a simpleProduction Order as describedearlier in this section. Theorder will then be listed in theProduction Queue while it isbeing manufactured. If youuse the right-click method, theasset will automatically deployto the province uponcompletion. If you use theProduction Order method thenthe asset will be “sent” to yourForce Pool to awaitdeployment instead. It willthen force you to spend a bitof extra time placing themlater, but it gives you an addeddegree of flexibility in theirlocation and construction.The Production QueueThe Production Queue allowsyou to quickly review andmanage your currentproduction orders. Each timeyou place a new order, anentry will be added to thequeue’s scrollable list. On theright side of the entry, you willsee some basic details aboutthe unit being produced aswell as an icon that shows itstype and a listing of its nameand basic attack and defencevalues. A tooltip will give youmany more additional info. Ifyou used the quick ordermethod to requisition aprovincial asset, the autodeploymentlocation will beidentified as well.On the left side of each line’sentry is the estimated dateand time of the completion ofthe whole order.Below this is the“productionpercentage”value, indicatingwhetherproduction ofthis item isproceeding atfull speed (this is always at100% unless there is notenough IC available). Underthat you can find the theestimated date and time thatthe current unit will be readyfor deployment. Towards themiddle of the line you will seethe daily IC requirement of theproject. If you have placed anorder for a production run, youwill also see two numbersbelow this. The first is thenumber of units from this orderthat have already been52

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