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HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURassets directly from theProvince Details informationpanel, but the priority of thoseorders is managed from theProduction Queue. Let’s lookat all of these controls.Placing a Production OrderProduction Orders are easy toplace in Darkest Hour. Beginby clicking one of the dozen orso production categorybuttons on the ProductionOrders interface to indicatethe type of item you wish tobuild. If an item has prerequisitetechnologicaladvances that you currentlylack, the button will be greyedout on the interface until yourscientists have researchedthem. The Division, Air Wing,Flotilla and BrigadeAttachment categories willdisplay a slightly differentOrder Details interface thanthe others, since there are anumber of possible items thatyou may select from each one.The remaining categoriesrequire no further selectionand will display a “simple”Order Details interface.Orders for “simple” items arealways manufactured usingthe most current technology,so there is only one type youmay build. Click on the nameof the item you wish to build todisplay the Order Detailsinterface. If you wish to buildonly one unit, then you canclick the Start Productionbutton and the order will beplaced immediately. The OrderDetails interface will disappearand you will see that an orderfor one unit has been added tothe bottom of your ProductionQueue, though you may needto scroll down the list to see it.If you want to order more thanone unit, you may do so byadjusting the Serial Runs orParallel Runs values. We’llcome back to the meaning ofand distinction between thoseoptions in a few moments.Placing orders for divisions,brigade attachments, airwings, and flotillas is slightlydifferent since you will usuallyhave a variety of available unittypes, leaving you to choosewhich one to manufacture.Begin by clicking on one ofthese four buttons in theProduction Orders interface todisplay the more “complex”version of the Order Detailsinterface. Scroll through thelist of available unit types tolocate the type of unit that youwould like to build. The lengthof the list and the types ofunits available will depend onyour current technology level.Detailed unit information isdisplayed when you select aname from the unit type list.The meaning of each of theseis described in detail in theCombat section of the manual,so the only note I will add hereis that the organisation andmorale values shown are notthe maximum values, butrather the initial deploymentvalues of those items.You will also want to refer tothe cost of the unit and itsrequired production time. Allmilitary units require not only adaily allocation of IC duringtheir production but also aninitial amount of manpower tobe withdrawn from yournational manpower pool. If youlack the manpower, you maystill place the order and it willbe withdrawn as soon as itbecomes available, althoughproduction of the item will notbegin until the manpowerbecomes available.Once you have decided whichunit to build, you may click theStart Production button toplace an order for one unit. Ifyou wish to order multipleunits, you may adjust theserial or parallel productionrun values. Once you’veconfirmed your order, theProduction Queue will beupdated to reflect this.All order types have a daily ICrequirement that must bemaintained for production toproceed at full speed. If youfail to allocate sufficient IC toproduction, the manufacture ofitems at the bottom of theProduction Queue will notbegin until you increase yourIC allocation, or items with ahigher priority have beencompleted and the IC that theywere using becomesavailable.Production RunsThe Order Details interface forboth simple and complexorders will provide you withoptions to increase thenumber of units produced in aproduction run (serial runs)and to place multiple identicalproduction orders at a time(parallel runs). This isdesigned to make the productioninterface asconvenient to use as possiblewhen you want to manufacturelarge numbers of the sameitem or have ongoing,continuous production of acertain thing. If you want toorder very large numbers, youmay hold down the “Shift” keyas you adjust the quantities,which will result in theincreases being in incrementsof 5 units. Holding down the“Control” key on the otherhand will increment thenumber of units by 10whereas holding down both“Shift” and “Control” will setthe amount to the maximumallowed number of units(usually 99).Increase the “serial runs”value of the Order Details willissue an order for multiple,identical items to bemanufactured sequentially.50

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