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HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURto your nation are colourcodedin light green if theycontain at least one factory, orin dark green if they belong toyou but do not contribute at allto your nation’s industrialcapacity. Any province thathas some type of naturalresource or manpower valuewill contain the appropriateicon to indicate its presence.You can also find this informationin the Territorial informationsummary in the Statisticsfolder.Supply MapmodeThis mapmodedisplays militaryunits and is thereforesubject to the fog of war. Eachprovince will be colour-codedto indicate whether it iscurrently within allied supply. Ifit is currently within supply, itwill be shaded in green, and ifit lies outside of an alliedsupply chain it will be red. Theshading of each provinceindicates its approximateinfrastructure level. Darkershadings indicate lowerinfrastructure levels and lightershadings indicate excellentinfrastructure. Note thatenemy and neutral provincesthat are adjacent to alliedprovinces will also usually bedisplayed in green, since aunit that moves there wouldremain in supply. Sea zonesthrough which either supplyconvoys or resource convoyswill run are also indicated onthe map as a clear blue colour,rather than the standardgreenish-blue tint. This onlyindicates that the convoy pathhas been created, but doesnot indicate that a sufficientnumber of vessels have beenassigned to actually carry outthat duty. Supply and convoyswill be discussed in detail inthe Production and Combatsections.Partisan MapmodeThis mapmode willgive you a quickindication of the riskof partisan activity in yourprovinces. Green shadingindicates a province which hasno risk of rebellion. Variousshades of red indicateprovinces where partisans areactive, with darker shadingindicating greater levels ofactivity; these should becarefully monitored. A tooltipdetails all current partisanrelatedconditions. Partisansare discussed in detail in theDiplomacy Section.Region and AreaMapmodeThe next two buttonswill display a colourcodedmap of either regions(large province groupings) orareas (somewhat smallersubdivisions of the regions,usually about 3 or 4 provincesin size). Areas and regions areused for many of the ordersthat you will give to your airforce or navy and do notindicate ownership or control,so you may find these modesconvenient when issuing suchorders.DiplomaticMapmodeIt is easy to losetrack of who is at warwith whom and who is alliedwith whom, so this mapmodeallows you to determine this ata glance. The map display iscolour-coded and contextsensitive.Click on a provinceto view the world from itscontrolling nation’s perspective.A dark green provinceis currently controlled by thatnation. A national province willalso have a red dot in it toindicate its importance. Aclaimed province will have ayellow dot in it. A light greenprovince belongs to one ofthat nation’s allies. A redprovince is currently controlledby another nation with whichthe nation is at war. A light redprovince is a core or claimedprovince currently controlledby another nation with whichthe nation is at war. You canremove icons from thisMapmode by toggling therelated option on theDate/Pause button.Victory PointsMapmodeThis mapmode canbe used to quicklylocate provinces that have anassigned victory point value.Green shading indicates that amember of your allianceoccupies the province; orangeshading indicates that aneutral country occupies it;and red shading means that itis currently controlled by anenemy. Provinces with veryhigh victory point values, oftennational capitals, will be darkerin colour than those with lowerpoint values. Key provinces ofparticular strategic importancefor peace negotiations aremarked with a red star in thismapmode.The History LogThe history log is a scrollablesequential list of themessages and events youhave had during the game. Inmultiplayer mode, it will alsorecord any chat messages yousend or receive. You can scrollback up through recentmessages received duringyour current session of play,which is also saved as a logfor future reference. A full logmay be read using the HistoryLog screen in the Statisticsfolder. If you wish, you mayhide the message log byclicking the small button at thetop left corner of the log andlater restore it by clicking onthe button again.42

HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURThe TechnologyFolderOverviewAlthough the Intelligencefolder is the next tab on thetop bar, we will discuss this alittle later in the manual (afterthe Diplomacy section) sincethe concepts and functions ofboth are interconnected.Instead, let’s move on theTechnology folder.Technology is an integralcomponent of Darkest Hourand your degree of overallachievement will have asignificant impact on manythings. Your domestic affairswill benefit from newefficiencies in extraction,conversion and productionrates, and your military willdeploy new technologies togain a crucial edge over yourenemies. You may even beginnuclear experimentation thatcan lead to the atomic bomb.Unlike most things in DH, thisdoes not require a directallocation of IC. New technologicaladvances are gainedby hiring a team of scientists,assigning them a researchproject to work on, and thenafter a period of time, the teamwill announce that it hasachieved this new technology.The length of time will dependon the nature of the projectand on the skills and expertiseof your team. You are alsolimited in the number ofprojects you may work onsimultaneously. The maximumnumber of projects and thespecific teams that are availableto you will depend onwhich nation you are playing,and on your nation’s economicstrength.Research speeds may befurther improved or hinderedsomewhat by several of yourcabinet ministers. Yourrocketry research will begreatly aided if you have builtrocket test facilities in at leastone province, and yournuclear research will benefitsimilarly from a nuclearreactor site. The only otherway to accelerate yourresearch is to acquire blueprintsfrom another nation.Gaining an edge over yourenemy, or at very leastmaintaining an approximatetechnological parity, will almostcertainly be vital to youroverall success.Selecting Research TeamsThe left side of the TechnologyFolder will display up to fiveteams of scientists, each ofwhom may be assigned aproject to work on. When youfirst start playing, this area willbe empty, waiting for you toassign research teams to eachslot and to give them each aproject to pursue. Dependingon the nation you are playing,you may have as many as fiveslots, or as few as one. Thenumber of available slots isbased on your nation’s baseindustrial capacity (with anadditional team slotawarded every 20 IC).Click on a blank team slot todisplay a list of the teams inyour nation’s pool. Some ofthese may be headed byindividuals, while others will beidentified as companies. Eachteam will have a skill level andwill have at least one area ofexpertise. The skill level is anindication of the team’s overallproficiency and will affect boththe daily cost of funding theteam and the overall rate atwhich it will be able toresearch a new project. Thehigher the skill level, the lesstime the team will need tocomplete a project, but theywill have a high daily financingcost. The small colour-codedicons indicate the team’sareas of expertise, or fields ofresearch at which the teamexcels. The number ofavailable teams and their skilland areas of expertise willdepend on the country youselect and will rarely changeduring play.Whenever possible, try to finda team that has expertise inthe fields that relate directly tothe components of the projectthat you intend to assign them,even if they might be lessskilled overall than anotherteam that lacks this expertise.Each area of expertise thatmatches a component’s fieldrequirement will give the teama research bonus whenworking on a project, so themore fields that match, thebetter. If a team has an area ofexpertise that matches one ofthe project’s requirements, theicon for that field will behighlighted in green. This willallow you to rapidly find themost suitable match.Once you have chosen a teamby clicking on it, a portrait orlogo will appear in the projectslot of the technology folder43

HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURto your nation are colourcodedin light green if theycontain at least one factory, orin dark green if they belong toyou but do not contribute at allto your nation’s industrialcapacity. Any province thathas some type of naturalresource or manpower valuewill contain the appropriateicon to indicate its presence.You can also find this informationin the Territorial informationsummary in the Statisticsfolder.Supply MapmodeThis mapmodedisplays militaryunits and is thereforesubject to the fog of war. Eachprovince will be colour-codedto indicate whether it iscurrently within allied supply. Ifit is currently within supply, itwill be shaded in green, and ifit lies outside of an alliedsupply chain it will be red. Theshading of each provinceindicates its approximateinfrastructure level. Darkershadings indicate lowerinfrastructure levels and lightershadings indicate excellentinfrastructure. Note thatenemy and neutral provincesthat are adjacent to alliedprovinces will also usually bedisplayed in green, since aunit that moves there wouldremain in supply. Sea zonesthrough which either supplyconvoys or resource convoyswill run are also indicated onthe map as a clear blue colour,rather than the standardgreenish-blue tint. This onlyindicates that the convoy pathhas been created, but doesnot indicate that a sufficientnumber of vessels have beenassigned to actually carry outthat duty. Supply and convoyswill be discussed in detail inthe Production and Combatsections.Partisan MapmodeThis mapmode willgive you a quickindication of the riskof partisan activity in yourprovinces. Green shadingindicates a province which hasno risk of rebellion. Variousshades of red indicateprovinces where partisans areactive, with darker shadingindicating greater levels ofactivity; these should becarefully monitored. A tooltipdetails all current partisanrelatedconditions. Partisansare discussed in detail in theDiplomacy Section.Region and AreaMapmodeThe next two buttonswill display a colourcodedmap of either regions(large province groupings) orareas (somewhat smallersubdivisions of the regions,usually about 3 or 4 provincesin size). Areas and regions areused for many of the ordersthat you will give to your airforce or navy and do notindicate ownership or control,so you may find these modesconvenient when issuing suchorders.DiplomaticMapmodeIt is easy to losetrack of who is at warwith whom and who is alliedwith whom, so this mapmodeallows you to determine this ata glance. The map display iscolour-coded and contextsensitive.Click on a provinceto view the world from itscontrolling nation’s perspective.A dark green provinceis currently controlled by thatnation. A national province willalso have a red dot in it toindicate its importance. Aclaimed province will have ayellow dot in it. A light greenprovince belongs to one ofthat nation’s allies. A redprovince is currently controlledby another nation with whichthe nation is at war. A light redprovince is a core or claimedprovince currently controlledby another nation with whichthe nation is at war. You canremove icons from thisMapmode by toggling therelated option on theDate/Pause button.Victory PointsMapmodeThis mapmode canbe used to quicklylocate provinces that have anassigned victory point value.Green shading indicates that amember of your allianceoccupies the province; orangeshading indicates that aneutral country occupies it;and red shading means that itis currently controlled by anenemy. Provinces with veryhigh victory point values, oftennational capitals, will be darkerin colour than those with lowerpoint values. Key provinces ofparticular strategic importancefor peace negotiations aremarked with a red star in thismapmode.The History LogThe history log is a scrollablesequential list of themessages and events youhave had during the game. Inmultiplayer mode, it will alsorecord any chat messages yousend or receive. You can scrollback up through recentmessages received duringyour current session of play,which is also saved as a logfor future reference. A full logmay be read using the HistoryLog screen in the Statisticsfolder. If you wish, you mayhide the message log byclicking the small button at thetop left corner of the log andlater restore it by clicking onthe button again.42

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