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HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURallow you to initiate theconstruction of these items inthe province. All provinceassets may be built using theright-click province menu aswell. For province infrastructure,factories, landfortifications and navalfortifications, these are theonly two ways to initiate theirproduction. Other assets arebuilt by placing a ProductionOrder for them. This isdescribed in detail in theProduction Folder section.Manpower:This indicates themanpower that thisprovince contributes to itscontrolling nation’s nationalmanpower pool. Manpower isneeded for recruiting and reinforcingyour armed forces;core national provincesprovide all their potential manpower,while occupied or notnational territories provide onlya fraction. The daily gain fromprovinces is very low,especially at peace, butchanging conscription laws ormobilizing the country will adda quantity of manpowerproportional to the manpowerof the national provinces.Industrial Capacity(Factories): This is thenumber of factories thathave been built in thisprovince, each of whichprovides industrial capacity forthe controlling nation. Newfactories may only be built in aprovince that has infrastructureover 33%.Anti-AircraftBatteries: This is aprovince defence thatwill fire upon any enemyaircraft that venture into theprovince and do not need tobe manned to be operational.This icon will also be visible inthe main map, as long asthere is at least one AA batterypresent in the province.Land Fortifications:This is a defensivestructure that helps landforces repel enemy attacksthat are launched fromadjacent provinces. Its sizedetermines how effective adefence it is, but thefortifications must be mannedby land divisions and will notassist forces against seainvasions or paratrooperattacks. As long as at leastone fort is present, this icon isalso displayed on the MainMap.Coastal Fortifications:Similar to landfortifications, this is adefensive structure that helpsland forces repel an invasionthat is launched from the sea.It must be manned to beeffective, and it will not provideassistance against attackslaunched from a neighbouringprovince or paratrooperattacks. A matching icon willappear on the Main Map, aslong as there is at least a levelone fortification.Metal: The amount ofmetal drawn from theprovince on a dailybasis. This amount may beincreased by researchingappropriate industrial technologiesand will either beplaced in the nearest resourcedepot or, if a land supply routecan be traced from thisprovince to your capital, inyour national stockpile. Metalis needed by your factories togenerate IC.Energy: The amount ofenergy drawn from theprovince on a dailybasis. This amount may bealso increased by researchingthe appropriate technologiesand will either be placed in thenearest resource depot or, ifpossible, in your nationalstockpile. Energy is essentialto keep your factoriesoperational and may beconverted into oil if necessary.Oil: This is the amountof oil drawn from theprovince on a dailybasis. It may be increased byresearching appropriateindustrial technologies and willeither be placed in the nearestresource depot or, if a landsupply route can be tracedfrom this province to yourcapital, in your nationalstockpile. Oil is vital, as it isconsumed as “fuel” by manyunits in your military. If you runshort of oil, energy may beconverted into oil, though theconversion rates may be pooruntil you have achieve a hightechnological level. Theamount that you may converton a daily basis is limited to apercentage of your nationalindustrial capacity.Rare Materials: Theamount of rarematerials drawn fromthe province on a daily basis.As with the other resources,this amount can be increasedwith appropriate technologiesand will either be placed in thenearest resource depot or, ifpossible, in your nationalstockpile. Your factories needa modest amount of thisresource to remainoperational.Infrastructure: Theroads, railways andother infra-structure ina province. Unless this valueis 33% or higher, you will notbe able to construct factorieshere and the more infrastructurepresent, the fastersome provincial assets maybe built. Infrastructure has avery large effect on the supplyefficiency and movement rateof troops36

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