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HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURditions, as well as the name ofthe nation that owns it andcontrols it. In some mapmodes,the tooltip will alsoidentify the area and region towhich the province belongs,which can be important whenissuing certain orders for yourmilitary.Province Ownership andControlThe flag of the nation thatowns the province appearsjust below its name in theinformation panel. You canclick on the flag to open theDiplomacy Folder with thisnation pre-selected. If thisprovince is currently occupiedby another nation, then theflag of the controlling nationwill be partially superimposedover the owning nation’s flag.It is the controlling nation thatreceives any assets from aprovince.Victory Point ValueThe victory point value of theprovince, if any, is displayedas a number inside the star onthe information panel. Nationalcapitals are also identified bya red circle on the main map,and non-capital provinces ofparticular strategic importance,also known as “keyprovinces”, will have a red staron them when viewed usingthe victory point mapmode,and it should be noted thatthey will not be displayed inother mapmodes. If you havecaptured most of an enemynation’s key points, then it willbe far more likely to acceptyour terms for its surrender. Ifyou control all of a nation’s keypoints, then you may annex it.TerrainA province’s terrain is displayedin the picture on theinformation panel and is alsocolour-coded on the main mapwhen using the terrain mapmode. Terrain plays animportant role in combat,affecting movement rates andsupply as well as the outcomeof battles.The following are the variousterrain types:● Plains: Depicted onthe map in light beige,this type of terrain is ideal forthe movement of all types ofunits and has no modifyingeffect on combat.● Forest: Depicted ingreen, forest slowsdown the move-ment ofall units. Defendersgain bonuses in combat, andattacking units with wheels ortracks will have additionalpenalties reflecting the extradifficulty of manoeuvring.● Hills: Hilly terrain isdisplayed in tan andslows down themovement of all units.Defenders gain a small bonus,while attackers, particularly33

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