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HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURThe Main MapFolderOverviewThis is the default startingscreen and the folder that youwill use most often. It is herethat you will view the map ofthe world, see your troops andthat of your your enemy,deploy your units, issue ordersto your armed forces, monitorongoing battles, surveyprovincial defences andresources, and much, muchmore. You can access themain map view by clicking onthe View Map folder tab on theTop Bar. The main mapinterface screen is divided intoseveral important sections:The Main Map: The1largest area of thescreen, this is where you willsee a portion of the world mapand be able to view and selectyour provinces and units.2 The Hot Buttons: This isa set of seven buttonsthat give you quick andconvenient access to yourprovinces, decisions, troops,active battles and deploymentqueue.3 The Information Panel:The information displayed inthis area will changedepending on what you aredoing. Most actions in theMain Map inter-face involveviewing and often changingsomething in this panel.4The Mini Map: This is asmall clickable map thatdisplays the entire globe andgives an approximategraphical representation ofthe current local time of day.It can also be useful forlocating your forces aroundthe world.5The MapmodeButtons: This is a setof ten small buttons that youwill click to change theinformation displayed on themain map. Some will causea fairly drastic change of themap display, while others actmore as filters.6The History Log: Thisis a scrollable runninglog of game messages andevents.Since the main map andaccompanying contextsensitiveinformation panelplaces just about everythingyou’ll need at your fingertipsduring the course of basicplay, it is important to knowhow to navigate it, and howto interpret the informationyou see there.54321630

HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURNavigating TheMain MapThe world is divided into morethan 2700 individual provincesand sea zones. There are fartoo many to be displayed onthe main map while still givingyou any useful graphicalinformation, so the main maparea displays just one smallpart of the globe at a time.Sometimes, you will want toview the main map at a veryhigh level of magnification,where only a handful ofprovinces will be visible, butwhere it’s easy to see andselect your military units. Atother times you may wish toget a less detailed “big picture”of what’s going on, where youcan quickly survey severalhundred provinces or look atthe general location of troopsalong a front or in a theatre.You can zoom in and outbetween DH’s four differentlevels of map resolution byclicking on the small “+” and“-” buttons located on the rightedge of the Mini Map. You canalso use the “+” and “-” keyson your keyboard; both theregular keys and the numberpad keys will work.Moreover,you can also use themouse wheel to change thezoom level. The Main Map canbe scrolled by moving yourmouse pointer to any of theedges of your screen. Doingso will cause the map to beginscrolling in that direction untilyou remove the pointer fromthe map edge. You can alsouse the Mini Map to quicklyjump to a different area of the31

HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURThe Main MapFolderOverviewThis is the default startingscreen and the folder that youwill use most often. It is herethat you will view the map ofthe world, see your troops andthat of your your enemy,deploy your units, issue ordersto your armed forces, monitorongoing battles, surveyprovincial defences andresources, and much, muchmore. You can access themain map view by clicking onthe View Map folder tab on theTop Bar. The main mapinterface screen is divided intoseveral important sections:The Main Map: The1largest area of thescreen, this is where you willsee a portion of the world mapand be able to view and selectyour provinces and units.2 The Hot Buttons: This isa set of seven buttonsthat give you quick andconvenient access to yourprovinces, decisions, troops,active battles and deploymentqueue.3 The Information Panel:The information displayed inthis area will changedepending on what you aredoing. Most actions in theMain Map inter-face involveviewing and often changingsomething in this panel.4The Mini Map: This is asmall clickable map thatdisplays the entire globe andgives an approximategraphical representation ofthe current local time of day.It can also be useful forlocating your forces aroundthe world.5The MapmodeButtons: This is a setof ten small buttons that youwill click to change theinformation displayed on themain map. Some will causea fairly drastic change of themap display, while others actmore as filters.6The History Log: Thisis a scrollable runninglog of game messages andevents.Since the main map andaccompanying contextsensitiveinformation panelplaces just about everythingyou’ll need at your fingertipsduring the course of basicplay, it is important to knowhow to navigate it, and howto interpret the informationyou see there.54321630

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