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HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOUR--The Gearing Bonus .............. 51-- Building Provincial AssetsAnd using the QuickOrders Button ...................... 52-- The Production Queue ........ 52-- Deploying UnassignedProvincial Assets .................. 54-- Deploying Military ForcesAnd Rockets ......................... 55National Resources ................ 55-- Oil ........................................ 55-- Metal .................................... 56-- Energy ................................. 56-- Rare Materials ..................... 56-- Supplies ............................... 56-- Money .................................. 56-- Manpower ............................ 56Partizan and OccupationEffects on Resources andIndustrial Capacity ............... 57Stockpiles ............................... 57-- How are stockpile levelsCalculated? .......................... 57Industrial Capacity andIC Allocation ......................... 58--The Base Amount ................. 58-- The Available IC .................. 58-- The Unused IC .................... 58-- Consumer Goods ................ 59-- Autosliders ......................... 59--IC Slider Lock ..................... 59-- Production ........................... 60-- Supplies ............................... 60-- Reinforcements ................... 60National TransportCapacity (TC) ...................... 60International TradeSummary .............................. 61-- Automating Trade ................ 61Convoys ................................. 62-- The Convoy ManagementAnd Convoy DetailsInterfaces ............................. 62-- Automating ConvoyManagement ....................... 64-- Resource Depots .............. 64CHAPTER 7The Diplomacy Folder ..... 65-- Your Nation andGovernment .................... 66-- World Nations ................ 66-- Selected Nation,Government Type,Relationship andDiplomatic Details ............ 66-- Selected Nation'sGovernment and Cabinet .. 66-- Diplomatic Options ........... 66-- Selected Nation'sDomestic Policies ............... 66Domestic Policy................... 66Domestic Policy Sliders-- Authoritarian ................... 68-- Policital Left / Right ........ 68-- Open / Closed Society ... 68-- Free Market / CentralPlanning .......................... 68-- Mobilization / Demob ...... 68-- Hawk / Dove Lobby ......... 68-- Interventionism /Isolationism ...................... 68Government ........................ 69Government Types-- National Socialism ........... 69-- Fascism ........................... 69-- Paternal Autocrat ............. 69-- Social Conservative ......... 70-- Market Liberal ................. 70-- Social Liberal .................. 70-- Social Democrat .............. 70-- Left Wing Radical ............ 70-- Leninist ............................ 70-- Stalinist ............................ 70Cabinet and Ministers ......... 70Appointment of Ministers ..... 71-- The Head of State ............ 71-- The Head of Government 71-- The Foreign Minister ........ 71-- The Minster of Armament 71-- The Minsiter of Security .. 71-- The Head of MilitaryIntelligence ....................... 72--The Chief of Staff .............. 72-- The Chief of the Army ...... 72-- The Chief of the Navy ....... 72--The Chief of the Airforce .... 72Other Nations' DomesticPolicies and Ministers ....... 72Dissent & Partisans ............. 72Diplomacy – InternationalAffairs ............................... 74-- National Relationships ..... 75-- Belligerence ...................... 75-- The 3 Factions .................. 76-- Spheres of Influence ........ 76-- Claiming Provinces ........... 76-- Initiating Diplomacy .......... 76-- Offer Trade Agreement .... 77-- Cancel Trade Agreement .. 79-- Open Negotiations .......... 79-- Influence Nation ............. 80-- Offer Alliance / Bring toAlliance / Join Alliance ..... 80-- Leave Alliance ................. 81-- Ban From Alliance ........... 81-- Send Expeditionary ForceExpeditionary Force .......... 81-- Assume Military Control /Relinquish Mil. Control .... 82-- Guarantee Independence 82-- Offer Non-Aggression Pact 82-- Cancel Non-AgressionPact .................................. 83-- Ask for Military Access /Cancel Mil. Access /Revoke Mil. Access .......... 83-- Liberate Nation ................ 83-- Release Puppet ............... 84-- Demand Territory ............. 84-- Declare War ..................... 84-- Sue for Peace .................. 84-- Annex Nation ................... 86CHAPTER 8The Intelligence Folder ..... 87-- Your Nation andGovernment ...................... 88-- World Nations ................... 88Selected Nation's-- Diplomatic Details ............. 88-- Industrial and MilitaryIntel. Summary .................. 88-- Technology Intel.Summary .......................... 88-- Intelligence Missions ........ 88Mission Success andDetection .......................... 88Gathering Intelligence ......... 88Intelligence Missions ........... 89-- Industrial Espionage ........ 89-- Assassinate Minister ........ 89-- Smear Campaign ............ 89-- Coup ............................... 89-- Sabotage Industry .......... 90-- Nuclear Sabotage ........... 90-- Fund Partizans ............... 90-- Global Manipulation ........ 90-- Sabotage TechTeam ........ 90Automatic EspionageSystem .............................. 90-- Add Country ..................... 90-- Remove Country .............. 90-- Edit Default Settings ........ 90-- Edit Settings .................... 91-- Apply Defaults to All ........ 91-- Remove All Countries ...... 91-- Show Info ........................ 91CHAPTER 9The Statistics Folder ........ 93-- Selecting and UsingA Statistics Sub-Folder .... 93COMBAT SECTION ............ 95Combat – The Art of War .. 96The Land Forces ................ 96Field Command ................. 96Division Types .................... 97Brigade Types .................... 97Division Details .................. 98-- Division Name ................ 98-- Division Type ................... 98-- Brigade Attachment ......... 98-- Commander ..................... 98-- Command StrengthAnd Organisation .............. 98-- Command Name and Size 98-- Command Orders Box ..... 98-- Location Details ............... 98Division Parameters-- Strength ........................... 98-- Organisation .................... 99-- Morale ............................. 99-- Softness .......................... 99154

HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOUR-- Hard Attack ..................... 99-- Soft Attack ...................... 99-- Air Attack ......................... 99-- Defensiveness ................ 99-- Toughness ...................... 99-- Air Defence .................... 99-- Suppression ................... 99-- Maximum Speed ............ 99-- Supply / Oil Consumption.. 99-- Fuel Consumption ............ 99-- Experience ....................... 99-- Effective SupplyEfficiency .........................100Attach / Detach BrigadeButton ............................. 100Disband Button .................. 100Field Command Details ..... 100-- Command Name ............ 100--Commander ..................... 100-- Overall Size, Strength,And Organisation ............ 100--Current Mission ............... 100--Current Speed ................. 100-- Quick Status Icons .......... 100-- Supply Source ................ 100-- Command Location ......... 101-- Effective SupplyEfficiency ....................... 101-- Division Listing ................ 101-- Division Type .................. 101-- Strength Bar ................... 101-- Organisation Bar ............ 101-- Fuel Status Icon ............ 101-- Division Name ............... 101Division Main Statistcs ...... 102-- Hard Attack ..................... 102-- Soft Attack ...................... 102-- Air Attack ........................ 102-- Defence ........................... 102-- Toughness ....................... 102-- Air Defence .................... 102Brigade Icon ....................... 102Prioritized Button .............. 102Reinforcement Button ....... 102Upgrade Button ................. 102Offensive Button ............... 102Load Button ....................... 102Reorganise ........................ 102Merge ................................. 102Field Officers ...................... 103Personal Values:-- Rank ................................ 103-- Skill ................................. 103-- Historic Skill ................... 103-- Experience ...................... 103-- Trait ................................. 103Field Officer Traits ............. 104-- Logistics Wizard ............. 104-- Defensive Doctrine .......... 104-- Offensive Doctrine .......... 104-- Winter Specialist ............. 104-- Trickster .......................... 104-- Engineer ......................... 104-- Fortress Buster .............. 104-- Panzer Leader ............... 104-- Commando ................... 104-- Old Guard ..................... 104-- Desert Fox ..................... 104-- Jungle Rat ..................... 104-- Urban Warfare .............. 104-- Ranger .......................... 104--Mountaineer ................... 104-- Counter-Attacker ............ 104-- Assaulter ......................... 105-- Encircler ......................... 105-- Blitzer .............................. 105-- Disciplined ....................... 105Selecting and OrganisingUnits .................................105Shortcut Keys ..................... 105Deploying Divisions fromThe Force Pool ............. 106Attaching Brigades ........... 107Transport Capacity andSupply Efficiency ..............107Supply Efficiency atA Glance .......................... 107Attition ................................ 108Supply Chains ................... 108Transport Capacity atA Glance ......................... 108Overseas Supply .............. 109Air Supply ......................... 109Reinforcement ................... 109Upgrading .......................... 109Disband ............................. 110Basic Army Movement ..... 110Transporting TroopsOn Ships ......................... 110Strategic Redeployment .... 111Transporting Paras ............ 111Basic Land Combat .......... 112Entrenchment – Digging In . 113Province DefensiveStructures ........................ 113Initiating Basic LandCombat............................ 113Timing Your Attack ............. 114Basic CombatResolution ....................... 114Exchanging Fire ................. 116Modifiers That AffectBattle ............................... 118Combat Events .................. 118-- Counterattack ................. 118-- Assault .............................118-- Encirclement ................... 118-- Ambush .......................... 118-- Delay ............................. 119-- Tactical Withdrawal ........ 119-- Breakthrough .................. 119End of Combat ................... 119Occupation of EnemyTerritory ............................119More Complex LandCombat ............................ 119-- Multiple Attacking orDefending FieldCommands ...................... 119-- Envelopment and MultipleFront Attacks .................. 121-- Attacking the Attacker .... 121Special Orders .................. 122-- Support Attack ............... 122-- Support Defence ............ 122-- Reserves ........................ 122-- Planned Defence ............ 123-- Anti-Partizan Duty ........... 123-- Garrisons ........................ 123-- Marines ........................... 123-- Paratroopers .................. 124-- Mountain Infantry ........... 124-- HQ Divisions .................. 124Advanced Land Combats .. 124-- Troops Mix, TerrainAnd Weather ................... 124-- Softening Up the Enemy 125-- Staggered AttackStrategy .......................... 125-- Advanced CommandOrganisation – HQ andLeadership ...................... 126-- Broad Front DefensiveCounter-AttackInitiatives ..........................126-- Envelopment, EncirclementAnd Supply ...................... 126The Naval Forces ............. 127Flotilla Types ..................... 127Naval Brigades ................. 128-- Anti Air ........................... 128-- Anti Submarine .............. 128-- Fire Control ................... 128-- Improved Hull ................ 128-- Radar ............................. 128-- Torpedoes ....................... 128-- Floatplanes ..................... 128Carrier Air Group ................ 128Flotilla Details ..................... 129-- Flotilla Name .................. 129-- Flotilla Type .................... 129-- Brigade Attachment ........ 129-- Commander ................... 129-- Fleet Strength andOrganisation .................... 129-- Fleet Name, Size andCommand Box .................129-- Location Details .............. 129-- Strength .......................... 129-- Organisation ................... 129-- Sea Attack ..................... 129-- Shore Bombardment ...... 129-- Air Attack ....................... 129-- Sea Defence ................. 129-- Air Defence .................... 129-- Maximum Speed ........... 129-- Fuel Consumption ......... 129-- Range ............................ 129-- Sea Detection Capability 129-- Air Detection Capability .. 129-- Sub Detection Capability 129-- Sub Attack ..................... 129-- Convoy Attack ................ 129-- Experience ...................... 129-- Maximum Firing Distance 129-- Effective SupplyEfficiency ......................... 129155

HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOUR--The Gearing Bonus .............. 51-- Building Provincial AssetsAnd using the QuickOrders Button ...................... 52-- The Production Queue ........ 52-- Deploying UnassignedProvincial Assets .................. 54-- Deploying Military ForcesAnd Rockets ......................... 55National Resources ................ 55-- Oil ........................................ 55-- Metal .................................... 56-- Energy ................................. 56-- Rare Materials ..................... 56-- Supplies ............................... 56-- Money .................................. 56-- Manpower ............................ 56Partizan and OccupationEffects on Resources andIndustrial Capacity ............... 57Stockpiles ............................... 57-- How are stockpile levelsCalculated? .......................... 57Industrial Capacity andIC Allocation ......................... 58--The Base Amount ................. 58-- The Available IC .................. 58-- The Unused IC .................... 58-- Consumer Goods ................ 59-- Autosliders ......................... 59--IC Slider Lock ..................... 59-- Production ........................... 60-- Supplies ............................... 60-- Reinforcements ................... 60National TransportCapacity (TC) ...................... 60International TradeSummary .............................. 61-- Automating Trade ................ 61Convoys ................................. 62-- The Convoy ManagementAnd Convoy DetailsInterfaces ............................. 62-- Automating ConvoyManagement ....................... 64-- Resource Depots .............. 64CHAPTER 7The Diplomacy Folder ..... 65-- Your Nation andGovernment .................... 66-- World Nations ................ 66-- Selected Nation,Government Type,Relationship andDiplomatic Details ............ 66-- Selected Nation'sGovernment and Cabinet .. 66-- Diplomatic Options ........... 66-- Selected Nation'sDomestic Policies ............... 66Domestic Policy................... 66Domestic Policy Sliders-- Authoritarian ................... 68-- Policital Left / Right ........ 68-- Open / Closed Society ... 68-- Free Market / CentralPlanning .......................... 68-- Mobilization / Demob ...... 68-- Hawk / Dove Lobby ......... 68-- Interventionism /Isolationism ...................... 68Government ........................ 69Government Types-- National Socialism ........... 69-- Fascism ........................... 69-- Paternal Autocrat ............. 69-- Social Conservative ......... 70-- Market Liberal ................. 70-- Social Liberal .................. 70-- Social Democrat .............. 70-- Left Wing Radical ............ 70-- Leninist ............................ 70-- Stalinist ............................ 70Cabinet and Ministers ......... 70Appointment of Ministers ..... 71-- The Head of State ............ 71-- The Head of Government 71-- The Foreign Minister ........ 71-- The Minster of Armament 71-- The Minsiter of Security .. 71-- The Head of MilitaryIntelligence ....................... 72--The Chief of Staff .............. 72-- The Chief of the Army ...... 72-- The Chief of the Navy ....... 72--The Chief of the Airforce .... 72Other Nations' DomesticPolicies and Ministers ....... 72Dissent & Partisans ............. 72Diplomacy – InternationalAffairs ............................... 74-- National Relationships ..... 75-- Belligerence ...................... 75-- The 3 Factions .................. 76-- Spheres of Influence ........ 76-- Claiming Provinces ........... 76-- Initiating Diplomacy .......... 76-- Offer Trade Agreement .... 77-- Cancel Trade Agreement .. 79-- Open Negotiations .......... 79-- Influence Nation ............. 80-- Offer Alliance / Bring toAlliance / Join Alliance ..... 80-- Leave Alliance ................. 81-- Ban From Alliance ........... 81-- Send Expeditionary ForceExpeditionary Force .......... 81-- Assume Military Control /Relinquish Mil. Control .... 82-- Guarantee Independence 82-- Offer Non-Aggression Pact 82-- Cancel Non-AgressionPact .................................. 83-- Ask for Military Access /Cancel Mil. Access /Revoke Mil. Access .......... 83-- Liberate Nation ................ 83-- Release Puppet ............... 84-- Demand Territory ............. 84-- Declare War ..................... 84-- Sue for Peace .................. 84-- Annex Nation ................... 86CHAPTER 8The Intelligence Folder ..... 87-- Your Nation andGovernment ...................... 88-- World Nations ................... 88Selected Nation's-- Diplomatic Details ............. 88-- Industrial and MilitaryIntel. Summary .................. 88-- Technology Intel.Summary .......................... 88-- Intelligence Missions ........ 88Mission Success andDetection .......................... 88Gathering Intelligence ......... 88Intelligence Missions ........... 89-- Industrial Espionage ........ 89-- Assassinate Minister ........ 89-- Smear Campaign ............ 89-- Coup ............................... 89-- Sabotage Industry .......... 90-- Nuclear Sabotage ........... 90-- Fund Partizans ............... 90-- Global Manipulation ........ 90-- Sabotage TechTeam ........ 90Automatic EspionageSystem .............................. 90-- Add Country ..................... 90-- Remove Country .............. 90-- Edit Default Settings ........ 90-- Edit Settings .................... 91-- Apply Defaults to All ........ 91-- Remove All Countries ...... 91-- Show Info ........................ 91CHAPTER 9The Statistics Folder ........ 93-- Selecting and UsingA Statistics Sub-Folder .... 93COMBAT SECTION ............ 95Combat – The Art of War .. 96The Land Forces ................ 96Field Command ................. 96Division Types .................... 97Brigade Types .................... 97Division Details .................. 98-- Division Name ................ 98-- Division Type ................... 98-- Brigade Attachment ......... 98-- Commander ..................... 98-- Command StrengthAnd Organisation .............. 98-- Command Name and Size 98-- Command Orders Box ..... 98-- Location Details ............... 98Division Parameters-- Strength ........................... 98-- Organisation .................... 99-- Morale ............................. 99-- Softness .......................... 99154

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