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HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURContentsby ChapterCHAPTER 1Introduction ........................... 6Installation ............................... 6Getting Started ........................ 6The Launcher .......................... 7Keeping Up To Date ................ 8--DHCore, DHLight,DHFull ................................... 8Key Concepts .......................... 8Victory ...................................... 8--For HoI2 players,What's New?.......................... 9The Engine of War .................. 9Natural Resources .................. 9Industrial Capacity .................. 9IC Allocation, Production,And Gearing Bonuses ........... 11Infrastructure ........................... 11Domestic Policiesand Government .................. 11Dissent and Partisans ............. 12Diplomacy and Trade .............. 12Intelligence .............................. 13Technology .............................. 13CHAPTER 2Preparation andSupport of the Military ...... 14Supply, Outfitting andTransport Capacity ............... 14Organisation andEnrichment ........................... 15Command, LeadershipAnd Experience .................... 15Manpower, ConscriptionAnd Mobilization ................... 16Level of Militarisation .............. 17Defences andFortifications ......................... 17Naval and Air Basing .............. 18Weather, Terrain andTime of Day .......................... 19Combat ................................... 19-- Movement is Attack ............. 19-- Orders .................................. 19-- Air and Naval Combat ........ 20-- The Fog of War .................... 20-- Strategic Redeployment ...... 20Game Options ......................... 21-- Difficulty ................................ 21-- AI Aggressiveness ............... 21-- Game Speed ....................... 21-- Share Countries .................. 21-- Autosave .............................. 21-- Use Counters ...................... 21-- Democracies can start war . 21-- End Date .............................. 21-- Full IC take over .................. 21-- Tech Teams takeover .......... 21Connection Types ................... 21-- LAN ...................................... 21-- Internet ................................. 21-- Firewalls ............................... 22-- Routers ................................ 22Events and Decisions ............. 22CHAPTER 3The Main Menu ...................... 24-- Single Player Games .......... 24-- Selecting a ScenarioOr Save Game .................... 24-- Selecting a Nation .............. 25-- Changing the GameOptions ................................. 25Multiplayer Games .................. 25-- Tutorials ............................... 25-- Credits / Exit ........................ 25Message Settings ................... 25The General Interface ............ 22-- The Top Bar ......................... 27-- Status Overview .................. 27The Folder Tabs ...................... 22-- View Map ............................. 27-- Intelligence ........................... 27-- Technology ........................... 27-- Production ............................ 27-- Diplomacy ............................ 27-- Statistics ............................... 27-- The Date Pause Button ....... 28-- Game ManagementMenu Button ......................... 28Message Boxes....................... 23Tool Tips .................................. 24Right-Click Menus ................... 24CHAPTER 4The Main Map Folder ............ 30-- The Main Map ...................... 30-- The Hot Buttons ................... 30-- The Information Panel ......... 30-- The Mini Map ....................... 30-- The Mapmode Buttons ........ 30-- The History Log ................... 30Navigating the Main Map ........ 31Provinces ................................ 32-- Province Name .................... 32-- Province OwnershipAnd Control .......................... 33-- Victory Point Value .............. 33Terrain...................................... 33-- Plains ................................... 33-- Forest ................................... 33-- Hills ...................................... 33-- Mountain .............................. 34-- Desert .................................. 34-- Marsh ................................... 34--Jungle ................................... 34-- Urban ................................... 34-- Water .................................... 34-- Rivers ................................... 34-- Beaches ............................... 34Weather .................................. 34-- Rain ...................................... 34-- Storm ................................... 34-- Muddy .................................. 35-- Snow .................................... 35-- Blizzard ................................ 35-- Frozen .................................. 35-- Provincial Borders andCrossing Points .................... 35Provincial Assets .................... 35-- Manpower ............................ 36-- Industrial Capacity (IC) ........ 36-- Anti-Aircraft Batteries ........... 36-- Land Fortifications ............... 36-- Coastal Fortifications .......... 36-- Metal ................................... 36-- Energy ................................ 36-- Oil ....................................... 36-- Rare Materials ..................... 36-- Infrastructure ....................... 36-- Partizan Activity .................. 37-- Air Base ............................... 37-- Ports and Naval Bases ....... 37-- Radar Station ....................... 37-- Nuclear Reactor .................. 37-- Rocket Test Facility ............. 37-- Context Sensitive Info ......... 37-- Quick Build Buttons ............. 38-- Right-Click Province Menu... 38Hot Buttons ............................ 38-- The Province Hot Button .... 38-- The Decision Hot Button ..... 38-- The Land Forces HB .......... 38-- The Air Forces HB ............... 39-- The Naval Forces HB .......... 39-- The Active Combats HB ...... 39-- The Force Pool HB .............. 40Multiple Deployment ............... 40The Mini-Map andMapmode Buttons ................ 41-- Terrain Mapmode ................ 41-- Political Mapmode .............. 41-- Weather Mapmode .............. 41-- Economic Mapmode ........... 41-- Supply Mapmode ................ 42-- Partizan Mapmode .............. 42-- Region and Area Mapmode 42-- Diplomatic Mapmode .......... 42-- Victory Points Mapmode ..... 42The History Log ....................... 42CHAPTER 5The Technology Folder ........ 43-- Selecting Research Teams . 43Research Projects .................. 45-- Cancelling andReassigning a Project .......... 47-- Implementing New Tech ...... 47-- Technology Summary .......... 47CHAPTER 6The Production Folder ........ 48Production Orders andThe Producton Queue ......... 48-- Placing a ProductionOrder ................................... 50-- Production Runs ................ 50153

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