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HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURwill appear as one of theoptions in the contextsensitivelist of possible navalmissions. A second method ofrebasing involves clicking on afleet’s mission box in anyinterface that displays amission. Select rebase fromthe list of available missionsand select the base you wishto assign from a new listdisplays all possible bases. Becareful when rebasing viaeither method because themaximum range is ignored forthis order. Fleets will proceedto their new base, but if thisexceeds double their rangevalue, they may suffer a verylarge temporary organisationloss, depending on the totaldistance travelled. While it ismoving to this new distantbase, your fleet could beattacked by enemy vesselsor aircraft, which couldeasily have disastrousresults.Basic NavalCombatOverviewWhen two or more enemyfleets are located in thesame sea zone, there is apossibility that a naval battlewill ensue. Whether or not abattle occurs depends onwhether one of the fleetssuccessfully spots the otherand is currently underorders to engage. Like landcombats, naval combatsrepresent prolonged engagementsthat can take some timeto resolve. However, themethod of resolving a battle isa bit different due to navalcombat’spositioningand rangeconcepts.As I mentionedabove, bothsides aretreated as“attackers”when determiningthe maximum fleet sizebefore there are overstackingeffects (see the naval leadershipsection above). Theunderlying concepts of attackvalues, defence values, andcombat efficiencies are thesame, but the targeting is alsohandled somewhat differentlyand more selectively.When the fleets first spot oneanother, there will be somedistance of ocean lyingbetween them and each fleetwill have a starting positioningvalue. Think of this as anindication of how well a ship ispositioned, relative to anenemy, in order to bring itsmain weapons to bear on atarget. As the battle progresses,the fleets will begin toclose the distance betweeneach other and try to manoeuvrefor better positioning,something that will beseriously hampered for a sidethat lacks sufficient screeningvessels. Each ship will beginto fire at the enemy’s vesselsonce the distance thatseparates it from them iswithin the range of the ship’sweapons. Carriers will usuallybegin their attacks first, sincetheir weapons (airplanes)have the greatest range; thebattleships will then open fire,and then cruisers, and so on.At some point, one side willeither sink or will wish todisengage, though it will takesome time to disengage,during which further damageis likely to be inflicted on theretreating fleet. Let’s look atthe details.VisibilityBefore combat can begin, afleet needs to first detect theenemy fleet. The likelihoodand timing of this is determinedby the visibility and134

HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURdetection abilities of eachflotilla, and is further modifiedby their officers’ abilities andby weather conditions. A “spotcheck” is made periodicallyuntil one fleetdetects the other, or oneof them leaves the seazone. If a spot checksucceeds and the fleethas orders to engage,an enemy combat willbegin.Initiation of NavalCombatWhen combat is firstinitiated, the positioningof each fleet and thedistance between themwill be. This dependslargely on the officer’sskills and on the navaldoctrines that havebeen researched,though weather will alsohave an impact. You willbe notified that combathas begun and the fleetinformation panel willdisplay a combat quickviewthat is similar tothe one used for landcombats. The samequick view will also beadded to the ActiveCombats Hot Buttonlisting. Clicking on thequick view will displaythe detailed battle view.Naval Combat ResolutionAt first glance, the navaldetails will look very similar tothe land combat version,which it is, in some respects.You will see the flags of thenations involved, the leaderportraits (with detailed tooltip),the battle status bar andconditions icons, and acomplete list of units involvedon both sides (also withdetailed tooltip). What won’tlook familiar is the range andpositioning informationdisplayed between the twoflags, and the very smalltargeting icons that appearsjust below the strength andorganisation bars of each unit,each of which is an essentialcomponent of naval combat.There are additional vitaldetails in each one of theseitems’ tooltips. Naval battlesprogress on an hourly basis.Every hour, both commanderswill try to manoeuvre theirfleets into a more favourableposition and will try to attainwhat each feels is theoptimum range to achievemaximum effect. Their skilllevel and rank will have agreat impact on their ability toachieve this, as will having asufficient number of screeningvessels to protect the capitalships.The starting distance betweenthe two fleets will usually(though not always) be greaterthan the maximum range ofany of their vessels’ attackscapabilities, so the first hoursof “combat” are likely to be asuccession of manoeuvreswhich slowly close the gapbetween the fleets. You cantell at a glance whether aflotilla is in range by looking atthe small targeting icon. If ithas a red bar through it, therange is still too great for it tobegin attacking any vesselsthat the fleet has spotted. Youcan find out the unit’smaximum targeting range bylooking at the tooltip that isdisplayed when you hoveryour mouse over the icon. Thesame tooltip will also indicatethe flotilla’s current attack anddefence effectiveness.The commanding officer willdecide upon an overall fleetrange that he feels is theoptimum separation based onhis fleet composition and whathe knows of the enemy’s fleetcomposition. He will try toclose to this distance and thenmaintain it throughout thecourse of the battle. This willbe nearly impossible if he hasinsufficient screening vesselsto work with. At the same time,he will attempt to manoeuvrehis ships into an optimumattack and defence position.The current distance betweenthe two fleets is displayed inthe center of the small blackbox between the nationalflags. If you hover your mouseover this value, a tooltip willreport the separation that eachcommander considers to behis fleet’s optimum.Each fleet’s current positioningis displayed on either side ofthe distance value. Positioningwill become very critical oncethe fleets have come withinrange of one another, so youmay want to get a sense of thetwo commanders’ relative skilllevels by watching both valuesas the fleets begin to close toas they vie for an advantage.The positioning values willchange by small amountseach hour and if you find thatyours remains much lowerthan your enemy’s, you maywant to break off the combatto avoid sustaining heavylosses.Once a ship is in range of anenemy fleet, it will attempt tofire upon the enemy vessels.Its ability to successfully135

HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURdetection abilities of eachflotilla, and is further modifiedby their officers’ abilities andby weather conditions. A “spotcheck” is made periodicallyuntil one fleetdetects the other, or oneof them leaves the seazone. If a spot checksucceeds and the fleethas orders to engage,an enemy combat willbegin.Initiation of NavalCombatWhen combat is firstinitiated, the positioningof each fleet and thedistance between themwill be. This dependslargely on the officer’sskills and on the navaldoctrines that havebeen researched,though weather will alsohave an impact. You willbe notified that combathas begun and the fleetinformation panel willdisplay a combat quickviewthat is similar tothe one used for landcombats. The samequick view will also beadded to the ActiveCombats Hot Buttonlisting. Clicking on thequick view will displaythe detailed battle view.Naval Combat ResolutionAt first glance, the navaldetails will look very similar tothe land combat version,which it is, in some respects.You will see the flags of thenations involved, the leaderportraits (with detailed tooltip),the battle status bar andconditions icons, and acomplete list of units involvedon both sides (also withdetailed tooltip). What won’tlook familiar is the range andpositioning informationdisplayed between the twoflags, and the very smalltargeting icons that appearsjust below the strength andorganisation bars of each unit,each of which is an essentialcomponent of naval combat.There are additional vitaldetails in each one of theseitems’ tooltips. Naval battlesprogress on an hourly basis.Every hour, both commanderswill try to manoeuvre theirfleets into a more favourableposition and will try to attainwhat each feels is theoptimum range to achievemaximum effect. Their skilllevel and rank will have agreat impact on their ability toachieve this, as will having asufficient number of screeningvessels to protect the capitalships.The starting distance betweenthe two fleets will usually(though not always) be greaterthan the maximum range ofany of their vessels’ attackscapabilities, so the first hoursof “combat” are likely to be asuccession of manoeuvreswhich slowly close the gapbetween the fleets. You cantell at a glance whether aflotilla is in range by looking atthe small targeting icon. If ithas a red bar through it, therange is still too great for it tobegin attacking any vesselsthat the fleet has spotted. Youcan find out the unit’smaximum targeting range bylooking at the tooltip that isdisplayed when you hoveryour mouse over the icon. Thesame tooltip will also indicatethe flotilla’s current attack anddefence effectiveness.The commanding officer willdecide upon an overall fleetrange that he feels is theoptimum separation based onhis fleet composition and whathe knows of the enemy’s fleetcomposition. He will try toclose to this distance and thenmaintain it throughout thecourse of the battle. This willbe nearly impossible if he hasinsufficient screening vesselsto work with. At the same time,he will attempt to manoeuvrehis ships into an optimumattack and defence position.The current distance betweenthe two fleets is displayed inthe center of the small blackbox between the nationalflags. If you hover your mouseover this value, a tooltip willreport the separation that eachcommander considers to behis fleet’s optimum.Each fleet’s current positioningis displayed on either side ofthe distance value. Positioningwill become very critical oncethe fleets have come withinrange of one another, so youmay want to get a sense of thetwo commanders’ relative skilllevels by watching both valuesas the fleets begin to close toas they vie for an advantage.The positioning values willchange by small amountseach hour and if you find thatyours remains much lowerthan your enemy’s, you maywant to break off the combatto avoid sustaining heavylosses.Once a ship is in range of anenemy fleet, it will attempt tofire upon the enemy vessels.Its ability to successfully135

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