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HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURDisbandTo disband any division, go tothe division details informationpanel and click the disbandbutton. This will return somemanpower to your nationalmanpower pool if there’sroom, but their experience islost, as is the originalinvestment in IC that youmade to produce the division.Remember that divisions thatconsume oil do not do sounless they are moving or incombat, so oil stockpiles maybe maintained by simplykeeping those forcesstationary.Basic ArmyMovementClick on a unit to select it, andright-click on another provinceto move it there. A bluemovement arrow will appear ifyou’re moving to a friendlyprovince, or red if you’readvancing into enemy territory.You may only move into one ofyour provinces, your allies’provinces, a provincebelonging to a neutral countrywith which you have a treatyof military access, or intoenemy territory.The length of time it will taketo move depends on theterrain and weather conditionsof the province to which it ismoving (not the province thatit currently occupies), themovement rate of the slowestdivision in that command, andthe ESE of that province. TheETA will be displayed in theField Command Detailsdisplay, just below the missionbox and the mission will beupdated to indicate that theforce is moving. If any ofthese movement conditionschange, the ETA will berevised to reflect this. As themovement occurs, the bluemovement arrow will darkenin order to give a graphicindication of its progress. Ifyou want to stop the unit frommoving while canceling theorder, select it and right-clickin whatever province it iscurrently located.If you hold down the Ctrl keywhen you right-click on the“target” province, the OrdersInterface will appear. This giveyou extra options and theability to synchronise thearrival of multiple units.The path to a location ischosen automatically by thegame. If you wish to manuallycontrol the path, you mayeasily select the path byholding down the Shift key andthen right-clicking on eachprovince you wish it to use.You may combine the use ofthe Shift and Ctrl keys tofurther refine the orders.TransportingTroops onShipsTo move land forces acrosswater, you must transportthem using your navaltransport vessels. Onedivision with a brigade, ifattached, needs one transportship. Multiple divisions willrequire multiple transports.There are 2 ways to load aunit on a transport:If the force is in a port thatalso contains the transports,simply select the force andclick the Load on transportsbutton. The force will beimmediately loaded and youcan then issue orders to yourtransport as to where to takethem. ● If the transports are inan adjacent sea area, andyour troops are not in a port,select your force and thenright-click on your transportsto issue an order for them tobegin loading.This process will take sometime and both your force andtransports will be open toenemy attack. If attacked, theprocess will be halted and notresume until the enemy hasbeen repelled. If you lose thebattle, the entire process iscancelled, but fortunately, noportion of your force will bedamaged. Once loading hasbeen completed, you canselect the transports and issuethem their orders.When the destination is a port,unloading occurs automatically.When the destinationis a friendly province,you may unload from atransport when it is in the seazone adjacent to that province.Simply select the transportsand then click the Unloadbutton. This will automaticallyselect the force that you aretransporting, and then rightclickon the destinationprovince to start unloading. Ifyour force is attacked during110

HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURthis process, the failure inbattle can be catastrophic, asif the transport is sunk, yourtroops will go down with theship. Unloading troops into anadjacent province that is inenemy hands can be done byusing the adjacent sea zoneunloading method or by usingthe naval “amphibious assault”mission. To launch such anattack, the province must havea beach.StrategicRedeploymentFor basic redeployment ofland forces to more distantlocations, you may give thema strategic redeploymentorder. There are severaladvantages to this technique.The first is convenience sincethe order is very simple toissue. During the course oftheir redeployment, they arenot subject to attrition lossesor enemy attack, both of whichcan take their toll. Strategicredeployment will use 2 TC ofyour national transportcapacity for each divisionbeing redeployed this way.To issue a strategicredeployment order: Simplyselect the force, hold down theCtrl key and right-click on thedestination province. Thenecessary parameters formovement also apply hereand the unit must also be insupply. The order interface isdisplayed, select the strategicredeployment option. Youcannot adjust the arrival time.The unit will be immediatelyremoved from the map andplaced in the force pool with anotation as to where it is beingredeployed and the date that itwill arrive. During this time,you cannot change or abortthese orders. If theirdestination province falls intoenemy hands before theyarrive, they will be placed inthe first available friendlyterritory that is along the routethat they were taking to theoriginally intended province.TransportingParatroopersUnlike naval transports,which can carry any type ofland division, air transportsare only able to carryairborne infantry. Each airtransport can carry onedivision of paratroopers andthe method for loading andunloading is more or less thesame as it is for navalvessels. The only difference isthat you must select the targetprovince for the paratroopersto jump into, or select anairbase for the transports toland at to deliver their troops.Remember that paratroopsdropped behind enemy linesare likely to be quickly out ofsupply and must be resuppliedby air or land assoon as possible.The same transport planethat dropped them, may beused to re-supply them.111

HEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURDisbandTo disband any division, go tothe division details informationpanel and click the disbandbutton. This will return somemanpower to your nationalmanpower pool if there’sroom, but their experience islost, as is the originalinvestment in IC that youmade to produce the division.Remember that divisions thatconsume oil do not do sounless they are moving or incombat, so oil stockpiles maybe maintained by simplykeeping those forcesstationary.Basic ArmyMovementClick on a unit to select it, andright-click on another provinceto move it there. A bluemovement arrow will appear ifyou’re moving to a friendlyprovince, or red if you’readvancing into enemy territory.You may only move into one ofyour provinces, your allies’provinces, a provincebelonging to a neutral countrywith which you have a treatyof military access, or intoenemy territory.The length of time it will taketo move depends on theterrain and weather conditionsof the province to which it ismoving (not the province thatit currently occupies), themovement rate of the slowestdivision in that command, andthe ESE of that province. TheETA will be displayed in theField Command Detailsdisplay, just below the missionbox and the mission will beupdated to indicate that theforce is moving. If any ofthese movement conditionschange, the ETA will berevised to reflect this. As themovement occurs, the bluemovement arrow will darkenin order to give a graphicindication of its progress. Ifyou want to stop the unit frommoving while canceling theorder, select it and right-clickin whatever province it iscurrently located.If you hold down the Ctrl keywhen you right-click on the“target” province, the OrdersInterface will appear. This giveyou extra options and theability to synchronise thearrival of multiple units.The path to a location ischosen automatically by thegame. If you wish to manuallycontrol the path, you mayeasily select the path byholding down the Shift key andthen right-clicking on eachprovince you wish it to use.You may combine the use ofthe Shift and Ctrl keys tofurther refine the orders.TransportingTroops onShipsTo move land forces acrosswater, you must transportthem using your navaltransport vessels. Onedivision with a brigade, ifattached, needs one transportship. Multiple divisions willrequire multiple transports.There are 2 ways to load aunit on a transport:If the force is in a port thatalso contains the transports,simply select the force andclick the Load on transportsbutton. The force will beimmediately loaded and youcan then issue orders to yourtransport as to where to takethem. ● If the transports are inan adjacent sea area, andyour troops are not in a port,select your force and thenright-click on your transportsto issue an order for them tobegin loading.This process will take sometime and both your force andtransports will be open toenemy attack. If attacked, theprocess will be halted and notresume until the enemy hasbeen repelled. If you lose thebattle, the entire process iscancelled, but fortunately, noportion of your force will bedamaged. Once loading hasbeen completed, you canselect the transports and issuethem their orders.When the destination is a port,unloading occurs automatically.When the destinationis a friendly province,you may unload from atransport when it is in the seazone adjacent to that province.Simply select the transportsand then click the Unloadbutton. This will automaticallyselect the force that you aretransporting, and then rightclickon the destinationprovince to start unloading. Ifyour force is attacked during110

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