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Division MainStatistics:1617Division Main16Stats: Below thedivision name, you willsee a summary of the7 main divisionstatistics that you willrefer to most often. Inorder, from left to right,these are Hard Attack,Soft Attack, Air Attack,Defensiveness, Toughness,Air Defence &Speed values.Hard Attack: Thenumber of attacks thisunit has against hard,armoured targets.Soft Attack: Thenumber of attacks thisunit has against soft,unarmoured targets,like infantry.Air Attack: Thenumber of attacks thisunit has against unitsin the air.Defence: The numberof attacks against otherland units. A techdevelopment allowsstationary units, whoHEARTS OF IRON DARKEST HOURare also not at war, to be duginwhen enabled. Max dug-inlevel is 20 and it is gained in arate of 1 point per day. Movingthe unit resets the bonus to 0.Dug-in units receive a combatbonus when defending againstair and land attacks. Thebonus is proportional on thecurrent dug-in level multipliedby a modifier in misc.txt.Toughness: The ability tosustain enemy fire duringattack.Air Defence: The defenceagainst attacks from air units.Each point gives a 10%chance of successfullydefending against attack.Speed: The maximum speedthis unit can move at.17Brigade Icon:If there is a brigadeattached to the division, therewill be an icon at the rightedge of the division listing toindicate that this is the caseand what type of brigade it is.Prioritized Button: It is18possible to assign apriority to a field command toensure that divisions in thiscommand are the first toreceive any available reinforcementsand upgrades.Click this button to togglebetween giving this fieldcommand that special priorityor not.19Reinforcement Button:You can elect whetherto allow reinforcements to besent to replace any casualtiessuffered by this field commandby clicking this toggle button.20Upgrade Button: Youmay prevent a fieldcommand from being outfittedwith any new technologicalupgrades.21Offensive Button: Thisallows you to allocateadditional fuel and supplies tothis command for a majoroffensive. This boosts thesupply efficiency by 25% forthe next 30 days, but willconsume a large amount ofsupplies and fuel.Load Button: This is a22 quick way to issue anorder for the entire commandto be loaded onto transportvessels if they are present andsufficient space is available.The load button will not bedisplayed unless you are in aprovince that contains a portor naval base. For loadingparas onto transport planes,the paras must be in the sameprovince as the transportplane.23Reorganise: Clickingthis button opens aninterface that allows you toeasily remove divisions fromthis field command and assignthem to a separate commandthat will be created.Merge: Use this button24 to merge units intodifferent or larger commands.Load22Prioritise Reinforce Upgrade Offensive Reorganise Merge18 19 20 2123 24102

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