multi-agent systems for container terminal management

multi-agent systems for container terminal management multi-agent systems for container terminal management


Multi Agent Systems for Container Terminal ManagementCTs for the continuation of the research presented in this thesis suchas; testing AGV systems in CTs, berth auction schemes between thequay cranes and the container yard stacks, developing an intelligentdecision support system that would network with several containerterminal systems. The incorporation of many of the research ideas andresults presented in this thesis is envisioned to eventually lead to a fullfunctioning simulator for testing operational policies with strategicobjectives. The proposals are motivated from the current situation intoday’s CTs which shows a dire need for increasing capacity. Thequestion hanging over the heads of many ports, communities andgovernments is: are their ports and CTs adequately prepared for thecontinuing growth in trade?The development of a computer based simulator, representing intermodaltransportation of containers is planned. Further developmentof the logic is planned as well as investigating the integration of traditionaloptimization techniques for berth allocation.Ultimately, we intend to extend SimPort to model also the containerlogistics connections, such as road, rail and perhaps connecting otherports. We suggest that extending the MABS simulator may assist forexample; in analysing various scenarios, representing different ways ofoperating the container transportation systems, and various handlingsystems. In addition, different polices and strategies for integratingterminal, shipping and logistics operations such as in short sea shippingwill be analysed and compared using the simulator. Scenariosrepresenting different levels of capacities and events, such as the economy,cost of petrol, government influence, could also be generated andanalyzed. The goal is to provide a methodology and tool for decisionmakers so that they can understand and evaluate container terminalsystems in the context of intermodal systems.References1. Davidson, N. A global capacity assessment and needs analysis. in39th Terminal Operating Conference. Antwerp, Belgium: InformaPlc. 2005.2. Anonymous, MAERSK lanserar containerfartyg för 15,000 TEU!in Sjöfarts Tidning. Göteborg, Sweden, p. 11, 2006 (in Swedish).20

Introduction3. Kia, M., Shayan, E. and Ghotb, F., The importance of informationtechnology in port terminal operations. International Journal ofPhysical Distribution and Logistics, 30(3/4): pp. 331-344. 2000.4. Winklemans, W. and E. Van de Voorde, Port Competitiveness,ed. W. Winklemans, and E. Van de Voorde,Antwerp, Belgium:De Boeck Ltd, 2002.5. Rebollo, M., et al. A MAS Approach for Port Container TerminalManagement. Proceedings of the 3rd Iberoamerican workshop onDAI-MAS, Atiaia, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 2001.6. Gambardella, L.M., Mastrolilli, M., Rizzoli, A. E., Zaffalon, M.,An optimization methodology for intermodal terminal management.Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 12(5-6): pp. 521-534, 2001.7. Frankel, E.G., Port Planning and Development. New York, US:John Wiley & Sons, 1987.8. Cullinane, K., Song, D.K., and Gray, R., A stochastic frontiermodel of the efficiency of major container terminals in Asia: assessingthe influence of administrative and ownership structures. TransportationResearch Part A: Policy and Practice, 36(8): pp. 743-762,20029. Valentin, V.F. and R. Gray. An organisational approach to port IAME (International Association of Maritime Economists)Panama 2002. Panama, 2002.10. Persyn, F., Exploring Port Productivity Measurement, in Instituteof Transportation and Maritime Management, University of Antwerp:Antwerp, Belgium, 1998.11. Penfold, A., European and Mediterranean Containerport Markets to2015, Ocean Shipping Consultants, Ltd.: Surrey, UK, 2006.12. De Monie, G., Environmental Scanning in Ports, in ITMMA PrivatePublic Partnerships in Ports Seminar, Antwerp, Belgium,Nov. 14-19th, 2005.13. Hultén, L.A.R., Container Logistics and Its Management, PhD.Thesis, in CTH, Department of Transport and Logistics, Report 32,Chalmers University of Technology: Göteborg, Sweden, 1997.21

Introduction3. Kia, M., Shayan, E. and Ghotb, F., The importance of in<strong>for</strong>mationtechnology in port <strong>terminal</strong> operations. International Journal ofPhysical Distribution and Logistics, 30(3/4): pp. 331-344. 2000.4. Winklemans, W. and E. Van de Voorde, Port Competitiveness,ed. W. Winklemans, and E. Van de Voorde,Antwerp, Belgium:De Boeck Ltd, 2002.5. Rebollo, M., et al. A MAS Approach <strong>for</strong> Port Container TerminalManagement. Proceedings of the 3rd Iberoamerican workshop onDAI-MAS, Atiaia, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 2001.6. Gambardella, L.M., Mastrolilli, M., Rizzoli, A. E., Zaffalon, M.,An optimization methodology <strong>for</strong> intermodal <strong>terminal</strong> <strong>management</strong>.Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 12(5-6): pp. 521-534, 2001.7. Frankel, E.G., Port Planning and Development. New York, US:John Wiley & Sons, 1987.8. Cullinane, K., Song, D.K., and Gray, R., A stochastic frontiermodel of the efficiency of major <strong>container</strong> <strong>terminal</strong>s in Asia: assessingthe influence of administrative and ownership structures. TransportationResearch Part A: Policy and Practice, 36(8): pp. 743-762,20029. Valentin, V.F. and R. Gray. An organisational approach to port IAME (International Association of Maritime Economists)Panama 2002. Panama, 2002.10. Persyn, F., Exploring Port Productivity Measurement, in Instituteof Transportation and Maritime Management, University of Antwerp:Antwerp, Belgium, 1998.11. Penfold, A., European and Mediterranean Containerport Markets to2015, Ocean Shipping Consultants, Ltd.: Surrey, UK, 2006.12. De Monie, G., Environmental Scanning in Ports, in ITMMA PrivatePublic Partnerships in Ports Seminar, Antwerp, Belgium,Nov. 14-19th, 2005.13. Hultén, L.A.R., Container Logistics and Its Management, PhD.Thesis, in CTH, Department of Transport and Logistics, Report 32,Chalmers University of Technology: Göteborg, Sweden, 1997.21

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