multi-agent systems for container terminal management

multi-agent systems for container terminal management multi-agent systems for container terminal management


List of PapersThe presented thesis is based upon the following papers andpublications that are referenced by an assigned roman number.[I] Henesey, L."A Review of Decision Support Systems in Container TerminalOperations"Submitted for journal publication.[II] Davidsson, P., Henesey, L., Ramstedt, L., Törnquist, J., and Wernstedt, F.,"An Analysis of Agent-Based Approaches to Transport Logistics"Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 13(4),pp. 255-271, Elsevier, 2005.[III] Henesey, L., Notteboom, T., and Davidsson, P.,"Agent-based simulation of stakeholders relations: An approach tosustainable port and terminal management"Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime EconomistsAnnual Conference, Busan, Korea, 2003.[IV] Henesey, L., Wernstedt, F., and Davidsson, P.,"Market Driven Control in Container Terminal Management"Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on ComputerApplications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries(COMPIT '03), Hamburg, Germany, pp. 377-386, 2003.[V] Henesey, L., Davidsson, P., and Persson, J.A.,"Agent Based Simulation Architecture for Evaluating OperationalPolicies in Transshipping Containers"Fourth German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies (MATES2006). LNAI Vol. 4196, pp. 73-85, K. Fischer and I. Timm (Eds), Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany, 2006.Extended version accepted for publication in the Journal of AutonomousAgents and Multi-Agent Systems.[VI] Henesey, L., Davidsson, P., and Persson, J.A.,"Evaluating Container Terminal Transhipment Operational Policies:An Agent-Based Simulation Approach"Journal WSEAS Transactions on Computers Vol. 5(9), pp. 2090-2098, Sept,2006.v

List of PapersThe presented thesis is based upon the following papers andpublications that are referenced by an assigned roman number.[I] Henesey, L."A Review of Decision Support Systems in Container TerminalOperations"Submitted <strong>for</strong> journal publication.[II] Davidsson, P., Henesey, L., Ramstedt, L., Törnquist, J., and Wernstedt, F.,"An Analysis of Agent-Based Approaches to Transport Logistics"Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 13(4),pp. 255-271, Elsevier, 2005.[III] Henesey, L., Notteboom, T., and Davidsson, P.,"Agent-based simulation of stakeholders relations: An approach tosustainable port and <strong>terminal</strong> <strong>management</strong>"Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime EconomistsAnnual Conference, Busan, Korea, 2003.[IV] Henesey, L., Wernstedt, F., and Davidsson, P.,"Market Driven Control in Container Terminal Management"Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on ComputerApplications and In<strong>for</strong>mation Technology in the Maritime Industries(COMPIT '03), Hamburg, Germany, pp. 377-386, 2003.[V] Henesey, L., Davidsson, P., and Persson, J.A.,"Agent Based Simulation Architecture <strong>for</strong> Evaluating OperationalPolicies in Transshipping Containers"Fourth German Conference on Multi<strong>agent</strong> System Technologies (MATES2006). LNAI Vol. 4196, pp. 73-85, K. Fischer and I. Timm (Eds), Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany, 2006.Extended version accepted <strong>for</strong> publication in the Journal of AutonomousAgents and Multi-Agent Systems.[VI] Henesey, L., Davidsson, P., and Persson, J.A.,"Evaluating Container Terminal Transhipment Operational Policies:An Agent-Based Simulation Approach"Journal WSEAS Transactions on Computers Vol. 5(9), pp. 2090-2098, Sept,2006.v

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